
The Crimson Light Serenade

Elias perched proudly atop his prized Griffin, a magnificent creature he'd personally tamed.  Behind him, hundreds of loyal knights mounted on mighty Griffins soared through the sky, their unwavering loyalty a testament to their devotion to king and country. Below, stretching out like a sea of steel, the Faelorian Royal Army stood in perfect formation.  Their thunderous roars echoed across the plains, a sound that sent shivers down any spine. Elias guided his loyal Griffin to the forefront, then gracefully dismounted and landed amidst the bustling soldiers. A tense silence descended. Elias and his troops fixed their gazes on the distant horizon, towards the sloping expanse of hills beyond. Dust clouds swirled in the valley and grasslands below, accompanied by a low, ominous rumble and the chilling echo of monstrous roars. Emerging from behind the hills, the enemy revealed itself in stages. Led by a contingent of Death Knights, clad in heavy armor and wielding wicked swords and shields. The enemy force seemed endless. From the distant mountains beyond, new waves of ghastly creatures poured forth, their numbers seemingly limitless. Undeterred, Elias raised his mighty axe and let out a thunderous war cry.  Mounted on his Griffin, he charged towards the enemy lines.  The Faelorian army erupted in a deafening roar, echoing across the battlefield. With their king leading the charge, they surged forward, a wave of steel and determination against the encroaching tide of darkness.

484H · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Prometheus (2)

"Alright, alright," Elias chuckled, patting Argus on the shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"Let's hear about this main function connected to the elevator. No need to get so flustered."

"My apologies, my lord," Argus stammered, regaining his composure.

"Unlike elevators in your world that simply go up and down, this one offers a unique feature. By selecting a specific location on the map, we can teleport directly there!"

"But there's a catch, of course," Argus continued.

"The chosen location must have a designated teleportation platform waiting to receive us."

Elias's eyes widened. "Wow, that's amazing! No more walking or relying on mounts to get around!"

"Precisely, my lord," Argus confirmed.

"As long as a teleportation platform exists at your chosen destination, you can travel there instantly."

"So, we won't be using the teleportation function to meet Prometheus?" Elias inquired.

"Actually, no," Argus replied.

"When the elevator doors close, we'll automatically ascend. We should arrive at our destination shortly."

A few moments later, a soft chime TING signaled the elevator's arrival.

"Time to go, my lord," Argus announced, rising from the plush sofa as the doors slid open.

Elias rose from the sofa and followed Argus, whose hurried steps echoed in the luxurious elevator. The doors slid open, revealing a scene that stole Elias's breath away.

Vibrant greenery enveloped him. Lush trees stretched their branches towards the sky, their leaves shimmering like emeralds in the sunlight.

A crystal-clear lake sparkled at the center, its surface teeming with an array of fish – some boasting vibrant colors, others sleek and silver.

Ornamental plants, both beautiful and medicinal, thrived around the lake's edge, adding a touch of fragrant diversity.

A path, meticulously crafted from flat stones, crossed the water, leading to a charming little wooden house on the opposite shore.

The house seemed to be nestled amidst meticulously tended gardens bursting with an explosion of colorful flora.

The air itself hummed with a sense of tranquility and pristine beauty.

A cool, refreshing breeze greeted Elias as he stepped out of the elevator. But what truly surprised him was the sight that met him when he glanced back. The elevator and pillar that led them up were gone, vanished without a trace. In their place stood a circular platform, roughly the size of the elevator's original diameter.

"No need to be alarmed, my lord," Argus assured him. "The elevator transforms into a teleportation platform upon your exit."

"But why?" Elias frowned. "And how do we get back to that room then?"

"Don't worry," Argus soothed. "Once you step onto the platform, it reverts to its original state."

He elaborated, "This is actually the elevator's true form. It only takes the luxurious elevator shape when someone specifically chosen by our father enters."

Elias muttered, "Prometheus... you really go all out, don't you?"

Argus simply smiled in response.

"Welcome home, my lord," he declared.

Together, Elias and Argus started their walk across the stone path towards the charming wooden house across the lake.

Before they reached the house's courtyard, the door creaked open. An old man emerged, his steps hurried.

In a deep voice, he simply uttered, "Master..." before kneeling before Elias. Argus, with a swift movement, knelt beside him.

Elias, taken aback, stammered, "Uh..."

"Master," the old man continued, his voice trembling, "Welcome to my humble abode. I've awaited your arrival with great anticipation." Tears welled up in his eyes.

"Prometheus? Is that truly you?" Elias asked, disbelief coloring his voice.

"Indeed, Master," the old man confirmed. "I am Prometheus, your faithful servant."

"Rise, Prometheus," Elias instructed, placing a hand on the old man's shoulder. "And you too, Argus. There's no need for kneeling."

With Elias's help, Prometheus stood up.

"I apologize for my absence, Master," he said, his head bowed. "For all this time, I have failed to be by your side, to care for you and your family. I haven't lived up to my loyalty."

Elias patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Think nothing of it. Truth be told, it was I who neglected to inquire about my loyal servant. Waking up after such a long freeze, I never thought to search for you."

Argus, scratching his head, interjected, "My lord, Father, perhaps we should continue this conversation inside? It wouldn't be ideal to keep everyone standing here."

"Oh, you're absolutely right," Prometheus apologized with a slight blush. "Excitement got the better of me, and I forgot my manners." 

He then gestured for Elias to enter the house.

The interior was a study in understated elegance. Though the furnishings were simple, the room was meticulously organized and clean. Despite its seemingly small size, a sense of harmony pervaded the space.

The main area featured a raised platform with a large sitting cushion, facing a low wooden table. Opposite the platform, several sitting pillows were arranged in a neat row, each with a small table positioned in front.

"Please, Master," Prometheus invited, gesturing towards the largest cushion on the raised platform.

"This seat is rightfully yours."

"There's no need for that, Prometheus," Elias demurred.

"I'm your guest, and I'd be comfortable over here." He pointed to a sitting pillow in the row to the right.

"No, Master," Prometheus insisted gently.

"You are my lord, and it would be disrespectful to sit at your level, let alone above you." 

With a firm but kind hand, he guided Elias towards the designated seat.

"Alright, alright," Elias chuckled, conceding with a smile. "If that's how you feel about it."

Turning to Argus, Prometheus instructed, "Please prepare some refreshments, Argus. Bring them here for our master."

He then turned to Elias, adding, "What would you like to drink, Master?"

"Anything is fine," Elias replied easily.

"But if possible, a hot black coffee and some warm water would be perfect."

"Then prepare the most delicious coffee you can manage, Argus," Prometheus instructed, his gaze flickering to Argus for a moment.

"Make one for me as well."

"Yes, Father," Argus acknowledged, heading towards a doorway located on the right side of the room.

"Forgive me, Master," Prometheus apologized, bowing slightly as he settled onto a cushion near Elias. "I cannot offer you a grand and lavish welcome."

Elias smiled warmly. "Don't be ridiculous, Prometheus. This is more than enough. Just seeing you again, after all the surprises you've provided – the murals, the elevator's interior, and this beautiful natural setting – fills my heart with joy. It's more than entertaining, it's truly heartwarming."

"Just the two of us here, then?" Elias inquired.

"Actually," Prometheus explained, "I'm the sole resident. This place is merely a hidden retreat, a place for me to rest." He paused for a moment.

"As of now, Argus is the only other person aware of this location."

Elias nodded thoughtfully. "I understand."

Curiosity piqued, Elias asked, "Tell me, what happened after I fell asleep and froze for so long? What transpired in that time?"

Prometheus fell silent for a moment, gathering his thoughts. He then launched into a detailed explanation.

He spoke of his initial solitude, of diligently maintaining Elias's body through various environmental changes, and finally, the forced separation when a group of strangers took him away.


A clatter of plates and cups announced Argus's return.

He entered the room carrying a large tray laden with the requested drinks and snacks.

He served Elias and Prometheus, then settled on a cushion beside the latter.

"Following the Great Cataclysm," Prometheus continued, "I never imagined Earth could transform so drastically."

Elias took a sip of his coffee, the satisfying slurp echoing in the room. "Ah... mmmm... This coffee is fantastic, Argus. Thank you," he said with a smile.

"I'm glad you like it, my lord," Argus replied, bowing his head respectfully.

"Where were we?" Elias prompted, directing his attention back to Prometheus.

Prometheus, a smile playing on his lips as he took a sip of his own coffee, replied, "After the great disaster, Earth underwent a complete transformation."

He placed the cup on the table before him.

"What kind of changes?" Elias pressed.

"The most significant shift," Prometheus explained, his gaze drifting out the window, "was the polar displacement. This, in turn, triggered a dramatic shift in global climate."

"The shelter we lived in, originally located on the south coast of Rutland Island, became part of the Earth's poles as everything froze over," Prometheus explained.

"The surrounding seas and oceans turned into solid ice."

Elias listened intently, occasionally taking bites of the food laid out before him.

"Over time, even the shelters froze solid," Prometheus continued, a somber tone creeping into his voice.

"They were buried by ever-thickening snow that compacted into massive icebergs."

"To keep myself occupied while guarding your body," he said, "I started accessing archives from various databases around the world. Luckily, some satellites and data storage facilities were still operational."

"Through this access, I gained a vast amount of knowledge. It began with simple things like cooking, farming, and caring for the sick. But it progressed to complex topics like advanced technology and its mechanisms. All this information filled the memory core within my brain."

"This newfound knowledge allowed me to modify myself and develop new abilities," Prometheus said, his voice gaining a hint of wonder.