
The Crimson Dragon Emperor: Abundant offspring, boundless dominion.

The soul from Earth reincarnated into a different world, becoming the leader of the Five-Color Dragons, the supreme Evil Dragon, and establishing the Dragon Kingdom that shook the diverse and endless realms of the multiverse. From the Seven Heavenly Realms to the Abyssal Hells, the Elven Forest to the Elemental Domains, and the Magic Empire... No force could impede Caesar's conquest. The bloodline power of Caesar flowed through the multiverse, granting him constant growth and strength.

lisnlxy · Fantasy
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44 Chs

The Amstel Blazebull

In an uninterrupted chain of mountains untouched by humans, nature was resplendent with verdant hills and azure waters. The Karl Mountains were not only abundant in magical creatures but also offered stunning vistas which could easily become favored havens for elves who worship nature, if one could ignore the ferocious behemoths roaming the lands. Caesar rarely ventured from his domain. A king had little need to hunt for his own sustenance; every fortnight, his subjects would offer him a creature of colossal size and succulent flesh. Sated by a single feast, a dragon could abstain from eating for months; however, Caesar, an ambitious Red Dragon, deemed it prudent to balance his diet. Occasionally, he would select magical beasts within his territory to enrich his fare, accelerating his growth.

High above in the sky, Caesar's formidable eyesight pierced the scenery below, periodically shaking his massive head. Waking from his slumber, he resolved to indulge in a grand feast. As such, lower beings and even mid-tier creatures of the western hierarchy found themselves stricken from his menu. Blessed with extraordinary vision and a potent sense of life, dragons were apex predators. Most creatures, upon locking gazes with one, were already within the dragon's sights. But Caesar was a dragon of caution, often bestowing upon himself a spell of invisibility before the hunt began. His pride as a Red Dragon was not matched by foolishness.

Most magical creatures could naturally camouflage themselves. When hunting, they masked their elemental energy, usually glowing conspicuously, to prevent detection and maximize efficiency. The dragons were the masters of this craft. Their scales provided not only formidable physical defense and magic immunity but also an exceptional barrier against magical probing, concealing the elemental glow within.

Faced with this challenge, dragons had their own strategies. Caesar first cast a spell to detect luminance, revealing any hidden magical creatures, but deferred the hunt, his large wings carrying him further south within the Karl Mountains. The southern territories, abundant in water resources, promised a greater quantity and quality of prey and worth the departure from his arid, comfortable dominion.

Rising just from his slumber, Caesar saw no reason for fear, even in the presence of high-tier magical beings. If necessary, he was prepared to clash. It was confluence or combat, and he dreaded not the outcome. As he journeyed southward, the sightings of large beasts and magical creatures increased, with the far more frequent presence of ferocious species in comparison to the vicinity of his own territories. Nonetheless, none aroused his interest.

During a previous hunt, Caesar had taken on a Furious Wolf. These creatures, mutated under elemental forces, possessed vast frames and sturdy flesh, devoid of elemental energy, making them simply larger beasts, less satisfying than the lower-tier magical creatures.

Before long, Caesar's draconic eyes gleamed with fervor, as an enormous elemental aura was detected amid the unobservable spectrum of light shaping a massive form beneath the languid sun. Laying on a vast rock, a Blazebull bathed in the sunlight, its fiery tail grazing back and forth in content. This was not just any bull but an Amstel Blazebull, stretching over sixteen meters long, appearing as a small hillock, emitting an imposing aura that kept other creatures at a respectful distance. Its fiery-red fur, resembling a cloak of flames, suggested formidable defense.

Its horned head was particularly impressive; the set of horns mirrored half its body length, and they glinted dangerously. Despite its proximity to peak high-tier strength, the Amstel Blazebull was beyond doubt the creature Caesar had decided to hunt.

Through the extensive knowledge passed down from ancient draconic heritage, Caesar knew that the meat of this particular creature was delectably suited to Red Dragons – a rare and delightful ingredient. Some ancient dragons even dedicated significant efforts to cultivating these beasts to satisfy their voracious appetites.

This Amstel Blazebull, although just slightly smaller than Caesar, seemed like an ideal contender to test his might. As apex predators, Blazebulls were feared in the Karl Mountains; their robust bodies, coupled with their formidable fire elemental magic, left them with few natural enemies. But, the dragon was among them.

When Caesar descended upon the unsuspecting beast, the Amstel Blazebull rose abruptly, its body tensing at the formidable shadow cast from above. Caesar smirked, amusement gleaming in his draconic visage as his wings unfurled, cloaking the bull in darkness while releasing the pressure of his overwhelming aura.

The effect was instantaneous, although brief, as the Blazebull's primal instincts took hold, its body both defiant and ready for battle. Caesar's dragon blood thrummed with excitement and anticipation. Red Dragons, while relishing dominance over the weak, possessed a profound lust for battle. Flaunting a dazzling display of fire-laden scales, Caesar prepared to engage.

The grandeur of nature's theater was poised for an extraordinary showdown as dragon and bull acknowledged the inevitability of their clash beneath the vast blue sky of the Karl Mountains.