
The Crimson Dragon Emperor: Abundant offspring, boundless dominion.

The soul from Earth reincarnated into a different world, becoming the leader of the Five-Color Dragons, the supreme Evil Dragon, and establishing the Dragon Kingdom that shook the diverse and endless realms of the multiverse. From the Seven Heavenly Realms to the Abyssal Hells, the Elven Forest to the Elemental Domains, and the Magic Empire... No force could impede Caesar's conquest. The bloodline power of Caesar flowed through the multiverse, granting him constant growth and strength.

lisnlxy · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Sylvana's Treasure? No, It Belongs to Caesar!

Why did the sixth-circle spell dissipate so quickly? Sylvana couldn't understand.

Reality is not a game. An intermediate spellcaster, caught unaware by a third-circle spell—Mind Blast—would find themselves dazed and unable to concentrate, let alone a powerful sixth-circle spell—Serpent King's Edict. Such an enchantment school spell, especially after being refined by the legendary Serpent King, had its power enormously amplified, rivaling even that of seventh-circle psychic spells.

Thus, it should affect even the higher echelons of life forms.

Prior to her arrival at the Karl Mountains, Sylvana had battled a near-mature green dragon, contending for control over a small magical ore vein. The green dragon was roughly her size, and their strengths were closely matched. However, Sylvana emerged victoriously, thanks to her instant casting of the sixth-circle spell which momentarily wrested control of the dragon's body. If not for the dragon's formidable mental resistance which broke free from her control in a critical moment, it would have perished in disgrace at the hands of a member of its tier.

But now, what was happening?

The form of the Red Dragon before her seemed to break free from her spell with horrifying speed!


It seemed it might not have been controlled at all!

As Sylvana stood aghast, Caesar's dragon claw firmly pressed upon the Amethyst Serpent's body, while the other was raised high, then brutally slammed down with accumulated force—Deliberate Strike!


The point-blank impact packed an immense force, shattering some of the serpent's sturdy scales. Sylvana couldn't help but let out a pained hiss as she subconsciously coiled tighter, her strangulating power rapidly waning.

Witnessing this, Caesar quipped, "Sylvana, you make a fine punching bag."

His dragon fist, powerful enough to incapacitate even the strongest intermediate life form with a single blow, left Sylvana enduring the hits, tough but still filled with the will to fight.

A staunch and defiant beauty of a serpent.

Continuing to resist fiercely.

Albeit with diminishing strength, the Amethyst Serpent's grip tightened, the cacophony of clanging scales filling the air. Caesar showed no mercy.

His enormous dragon fist rose again, unleashing a barrage of blows that ripped through the air and struck the serpent's more vulnerable spots with a dull thud.

He had no intention of killing Sylvana.

So he refrained from employing the destructive elemental power of the Eternal Blazesun, his spectacular gift. Instead, he chose to subdue her with the sheer brutality of close-quarters combat.

In the world of magical creatures, strength was often the best way to conquer a female being.

If you truly admired a female being, subjugation through might was the path to take; otherwise, she might scorn you for your weakness, finding you utterly unworthy.

As Caesar continued his relentless assault, Sylvana found herself increasingly helpless, focused solely on protecting her head from his devastating blows. Repeatedly, she attempted to shift to her serpent-human form to escape her dire situation, but each transformation was interrupted by Caesar's unyielding attacks.

To change form required concentration.

Caught in a ceaseless pummeling, her consciousness scattered, making transformation impossible.

Caesar admitted a grudging respect for her school of enchantment magic. The impact of the sixth-circle spell did indeed briefly wrest control of his Red Dragon form. It was as if he faced the might of the legendary Serpent King himself, with curses resonating in his mind and his draconic form unresponsive for a fleeting moment.

But the effect was momentary.

A six-circle spell, enhanced by the Serpent King, was indeed mighty, but it only held sway over him for seconds. The already formidable mental resistance of a dragon, now coupled with the mysterious elemental from the Eternal Blazesun coursing through his veins, allowed him to regain control with breathtaking speed.

Thus, to Sylvana, it appeared as if he was utterly unaffected by her magic.

Before long, one-sidedness prevailed.

Reminiscent of Caesar's first encounter here, he had once been thrashed by Sylvana, his scales torn and dropped. But after a year, the tide turned, and it was Sylvana who was on the receiving end of the thrashing.

After several minutes, Sylvana could no longer sustain the brutal physical blows. Overwhelmed by weariness, she fell unconscious.

"Quite the fighter," Caesar noted with a grin, baring his draconic teeth. The tenacity of magical beings was legendary, so these injuries were trivial. Nothing that couldn't be recovered from with rest—a luxury akin to Aurelian's the previous year.

Fatigue had bested her, unable to breach Caesar's defenses, leading to despair.

Even though Caesar didn't actively use the power of the Eternal Blazesun, the mysterious element continuously circulated within him, effectively adding another layer of robust protection to his scales.

After a moment's consideration, Caesar hoisted Sylvana's colossal serpent body over his own and, with great flaps of his massive wings, headed to her nest.

Her lair, large enough for her massive form, could easily accommodate Caesar too.

Upon arriving, he was astonished by the sight. Red crystals, green emeralds, gleaming gold coins, and dazzling gemstones decorated the space, along with various magical artifacts glowing with elemental light displayed against the wall.

In an instant, Caesar's eyes, as bright as molten gold, shone with greed. Looking upon the treasures of the wealthy Serpent, he thought, "Sylvana truly is a prosperous Serpent. Yet these treasures are too abundant for her alone; I must ensure they are well-guarded."

He scooped up a hefty amount of treasure, the clink of precious stones like a symphony to his ears, filling his avaricious soul with immense joy.

Even after plundering a human Griffin Knights caravan, Caesar's hoard was not grand—mere trifles next to Sylvana's trove.

As he surveyed his newfound wealth—a myriad of magic gemstones radiating with vibrant colors and elemental auras, totaling one hundred seventy-three—he felt the surge of magic within him quicken.

Aside from these gems, there was a modest pile of gold coins and numerous magical items marked with complex runes and imbued with various gems as power sources.

These treasures were once carried by human adventurers who sought to challenge Sylvana, known as the Duke Cassius and Serpent Queen. Following their repeated defeats, their leftovers became Sylvana's spoils of war.