
The Crimson Dragon Emperor: Abundant offspring, boundless dominion.

The soul from Earth reincarnated into a different world, becoming the leader of the Five-Color Dragons, the supreme Evil Dragon, and establishing the Dragon Kingdom that shook the diverse and endless realms of the multiverse. From the Seven Heavenly Realms to the Abyssal Hells, the Elven Forest to the Elemental Domains, and the Magic Empire... No force could impede Caesar's conquest. The bloodline power of Caesar flowed through the multiverse, granting him constant growth and strength.

lisnlxy · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Morningstar-Tier Reward (Minor)

Caesar spread his majestic dragon wings and swiftly made his way to Aurelian's aerie. A vast nest, suspended from the jagged cliffs, constructed from robust ebony hardwood, spanned over thirty meters in length and clutched the other side of the mountain's pinnacle.

Inside, the nest was lined with a blanket of soft, fragrant Yulan grass. Three eggs, each one meter high and glowing like jade, rested gently on the grassy bed. Etched on their shells were complex magical patterns that sparkled with intermittent sparks of fire.

The Aurelion Hawks, rare magical creatures known for their high intellect and innate ability to harness the power of the wind element, deemed the sovereigns of the skies by mankind for their sheer size that could reach over twenty meters.

Typically, their gestation lasts for six months, with a hatching period of half a month. However, bred with the mighty dragon, the gestation period had more than doubled, consequently, the hatching period for these dragon offspring eggs would likely extend.

Upon Caesar's arrival, an emerald-eyed brunette, towering over one-eighty and blessed with fiery curves, greeted him immediately. Aurelian, content and resting atop the Red Dragon's armored scales, had dearly missed her master after a prolonged slumber and the tedious span of nurturing her offspring.

Her hands caressed the deep crimson scales as misty eyes conveyed unspoken words. Caesar graciously indulged in the invitation.

In the spacious aerie, dragon and hawk commenced their intimate dance—a playful bout between partners, adopting various forms from human to dragon, to an array of other creatures...

The art of shapeshifting, a mid-tier Transmutation spell from the Western Arcanum, was a profound achievement in the history of magic—accessible to beings of powerful mana and fulfilling the fanciful desires beyond common kin's wildest dreams.

Perhaps constrained by her large hawk form, Aurelian, accustomed to shapeshifting, preferred her human guise—or other dexterous creatures—for attending to Caesar, descending both into the zenith of pleasure.

As time serenely passed, the aerie finally reclaimed its calm.

One month later, as the three giant eggs trembled, the progeny of Caesar and Aurelian emerged simultaneously. The three fledgling Aurelion Hawks, blearily recognizing their imposing parents through the bond of blood, understood that the tremendous beasts before them were indeed their progenitors.

Unlike their mother, the hatchlings bore heads closer to dragons. One wing flamed red, the other shimmered sky blue—an extraordinary sight.

Simultaneously, a delightful chime resonated in Caesar's ear.

"Ding! Offspring successfully born!"

"Your partner has successfully nurtured three offspring; a union of Magical Creatures and Red Dragon bloodline. After comprehensive evaluation, all three possess exceptional Gold Rank growth talents. Commencing reward calculation..."

Unlike human aptitude assessments, the evaluation for Magical Creatures encompassed multifaceted attributes, such as magical affinity, physique, magical resistance, and physical endurance, all contributing to the talent's comprehensive rating.

After a brief wait, the system disclosed the final rewards.

"Three Gold Rank offspring birthed simultaneously. Following thorough evaluation, you shall receive a Morningstar-Tier (Minor) reward. Please select three from the following five rewards."

"1. Growth: Your Red Dragon form will undergo fifteen years of growth, becoming more substantial in stature. You shall outpace your kin of the same age."

"2. Mutation: A fifteen percent boost in positive mutation effects for your Red Dragon bloodline, empowering your innate abilities further."

"3. Equipment: Draconic King's Crown, a legendary piece infused with mysterious forces, rumored to be commissioned by an ancient azure dragon seeking to elevate his clan's might."

"4. Treasure Map: A chart marking a legendary spellcaster's tomb, laden with the wizard's life treasures—potentially endless riches or boundless danger..."

"5. Scroll: A Ninth Circle spell—Greater Planar Binding parchment, bestowing a legion of extraplanar beings to serve you, from lesser beings to high-ranking entities, with even a slim chance of summoning legendary creatures for a period."

Morningstar-Tier rewards surpass that of Gold Rank, conferring almost destined hero status on smaller realms and a substantial chance to achieve legendary status—a caliber of power that stands as a sovereign in all worlds, including the pinnacle of the Aerlan World.

Caesar's decision was clear.

"If growth and mutation are offered, they are essential. Personal might equates to true power."

The fifteen years of growth was a milestone, advancing his Red Dragon form precociously to a young dragon's status. Mutation, potentially vital for challenging higher beings, was undeniable.

Of the remaining options—whether the Draconic King's Crown, a treasure map of a legendary spellcaster, or a powerful Ninth Circle summoning spell, all rewards held allure.

After contemplation, he set aside the treasure map. A legendary spellcaster's tomb could spur human kingdoms to arms, but as a dragon not prone to rash adventures, treasures were but possibilities—often outshadowed by perils.

Between legendary gear and the Ninth Circle spell scroll, the latter paralleled a trump card, promising potency surpassing the Seventh Circle spell Infernal Thunderstorm that had assured victory against human forces.

Choosing meticulously, Caesar opted for...