
The Crimson Dragon Emperor: Abundant offspring, boundless dominion.

The soul from Earth reincarnated into a different world, becoming the leader of the Five-Color Dragons, the supreme Evil Dragon, and establishing the Dragon Kingdom that shook the diverse and endless realms of the multiverse. From the Seven Heavenly Realms to the Abyssal Hells, the Elven Forest to the Elemental Domains, and the Magic Empire... No force could impede Caesar's conquest. The bloodline power of Caesar flowed through the multiverse, granting him constant growth and strength.

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44 Chs

A New Follower

Caesar nodded in approval, his dragon's gaze surveying the landscape with a measure of satisfaction. He understood well the adage, 'To make the horses run faster, one must feed them generously.' Intent on inspiring his growing legion of followers, Caesar prepared to set a powerful example for motivation.

Before the eyes of all, Caesar transformed Cyrion into a draconic Jackalman as a reward for his service in tracking human activity—bestowing upon him the coveted power of dragon's blood. Cyrion's form burgeoned in size from two meters to well over three, his Jackalman physique bursting through racial limits. Inside, the glow of elemental magic circled with his blood, marking him as more than a beast, but a creature versed in the arcane arts.

Yet his magic was nascent; Cyrion's mighty form still relied on the raw physicality of combat. Still, the changes were profound: his brow now adorned with two formidable horn-like protrusions and his back with wings, while his tail glowed with embers of fire, signaling his newfound strength.

With the dragon's blood coursing through him, Cyrion rose as a mid-tier magical being of the west, his mind alight with triumphant fury. The Jackalmans were ever the most loyal lackeys to dragons, willing to fulfill every draconic whim with no regard for their safety. The prospect of a dragon's blood transformation was the pinnacle of honor and ambition for every member of his race.

"Oh great Caesar, you are the apocalypse made flesh, the harbinger of cataclysms to come. Your glory shall echo across the continents, and I, Cyrion, shall prove to be your fiercest instrument," he declared, prostrating himself, his fierce mien now marked by fervent zeal.

The Jackalmans were a common species in the wilds, yet reaching the second tier of power was a feat for them, let alone the third, which only a genius among their kind could aspire to. Thus, seeing their leader metamorphosed sparked fear, envy, and admiration among them, solidifying their devout service to their mighty overlord.

The equally numerous—but not as potent—Gnolls stirred restlessly, yearning for the Red Dragon's blessing themselves.

Content with the growing enthusiasm, Caesar, although weary, still smiled. Granting draconic power to his followers was not light work for a young Red Dragon but was a privilege reserved for those with exceptional talent, ultimately bolstering the might of his monstrous host.

"My bloodline shall be sown across the land," he decreed. "Find worthy mates, and I shall bestow upon you gifts of utmost grandeur."

The lust of a Red Dragon was notorious among all creatures, and while his followers puzzled over Caesar's prideful dalliances with lesser beings, they executed his command without question.

Over the ensuing month, Caesar's domain swelled from thirty to fifty kilometers, and his following grew. Cyrion's Jackalman tribe now boasted over a hundred members, and they had assimilated an equally populous tribe of Gnolls. Though not a force to be overlooked, these Gnolls and Jackalmans were not a match for the might of a growing draconic army.

The Gnolls, although named such, bore no canine resemblance, instead sharing some traits with the Jackalmans. Initially poised for a battle to the death against Cyrion's tribe, they quickly surrendered upon learning their foe now served a mighty Red Dragon—an honor beyond reckoning.

The Trolls, however, a robust but not overly cerebral race, were convinced not by arms but by the awe-inspiring presence of Caesar. Their Troll Shaman leader brought forth treasures and gifts, including an attempt to present a female of their kind for Caesar's consideration. Alas, she was graciously—and swiftly—rejected.

Despite the misstep, the Troll Shaman was wise enough to know when to honor a superior force and thus aligned with Caesar. These new Troll allies, particularly their magical adept, were a formidable addition to Caesar's legion.

Then, amid this expanding reign, the Troll Shaman brought news of an Amethyst Serpent—a possible consort worthy of the great Red Dragon. Caesar listened anticipate what this serpentine entity could portend for his burgeoning empire.