
The Crimson Dragon Emperor: Abundant offspring, boundless dominion.

The soul from Earth reincarnated into a different world, becoming the leader of the Five-Color Dragons, the supreme Evil Dragon, and establishing the Dragon Kingdom that shook the diverse and endless realms of the multiverse. From the Seven Heavenly Realms to the Abyssal Hells, the Elven Forest to the Elemental Domains, and the Magic Empire... No force could impede Caesar's conquest. The bloodline power of Caesar flowed through the multiverse, granting him constant growth and strength.

lisnlxy · Fantasy
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44 Chs

A Bountiful Harvest!

Caesar swallowed heartily, savoring the Blazebull that had been roasted to perfection over an open fire. The meat of this particular breed was tender and bursting with flavor—better than any beef he had tasted in his previous life. It was so satisfying that even the golden-crimson scales on his draconic snout seemed to beam with pleasure as he crunched through the bones and consumed everything without waste, embodying the relish of a meal thoroughly enjoyed.

Blood enriched with a robust fire element was a Red Dragon's delicacy. This marked the most lavish meal Caesar had ever feasted upon. Being aware that Blazebulls were a rare breed, fierce, and mighty creatures in their full-grown form, they were typically fare reserved for legendary dragons — not even mature dragons could easily claim such a privilege.

The intense hunger arose from tapping into the power of the Eternal Blazesun, but as he devoured most of the meal, that sensation eventually subsided, leaving him content. Reserving a leg of the feast, Caesar planned to share this precious delicacy with Aurelian, Diana, and his newborn offspring. The meat of the Blazebull was a true nourishment of life.

The concept of familial bonds was notably weak among the chromatic dragons. Yet, Caesar was different. His memories from a past life as a human allowed him to retain a semblance of human familial affection. The majority of chromatic dragons were inherently malicious, wicked, selfish, arrogantly proud — these traits meant they scarcely cared for their progeny. Providing only sustenance until their offspring could fend for themselves, they would then expel them from the nest post-hatchling phase. This was an aspect of the draconic legacy mandated by the Dragon Mother Tiamat herself, yet even as a deity of her dragons, Tiamat struggled to command absolute loyalty due to the dragons' inherent power and pride. Therefore, her worship among dragons was often limited to begrudging respect, leaving her with a modest level of divine influence.

Unlike the norm, Caesar was cast into the wilderness as an egg by an indifferent dragon mother who likely faced the consequences for her disregard of Tiamat's decree — or perhaps perished, given the imposing influence of the draconic deity. Without adherence to the duties of species continuity, the dragons would eventually face potential extinction.

Shaking his tail free of such thoughts, Caesar sensed movement nearby. A vibrant floral sea a kilometer away held little Flower Sprites, who camouflaged within the expanse. The recent battle had struck fear into the hearts of these diminutive fae creatures, who now shrank within blossoms, whispering "You can't see me" in hopes of evading the gargantuan predator's gaze.

Their terror peaked as the immense golden-crimson dragon hovered towards them, and soon, their hearts felt as though they would leap from their chests, some even fainting from shock. "Ah! We're going to be eaten by a dragon!" one cried. "This is the end! Sister, save me!" "Philia, your sister has fainted too," exclaimed another.

For these pint-sized beings, the attention of a powerful dragon epitomized their nightmares. But just when they had lost all hope, the formidable dragon glided past without sparing them a glance. In Caesar's eyes, these creatures were far too insignificant, hardly a snack to fit between his teeth. It was only due to a dragon's extraordinary vision that he could spot these ant-like beings of nature.

Instead, Caesar's interest lay in three small calves hiding within the flowers. Upon his arrival, sheer terror petrified the calves before him; the overwhelming presence of a dragon left them prostrate, unable to even think of escape.

"What a pleasant surprise," murmured Caesar. It had not crossed his mind that he would find a 'buy one, get three free' bargain. These calves were the offspring of the fallen Blazebull.

Though minuscule and uncomparable to their mother, these omnivorous Blazebull calves displayed nothing but wild instincts in the presence of a fearsome predator. Caesar confidently seized the trio. Blazebulls, unruly and fierce by nature, were no match for his growing might.

On the journey back, Caesar also collected some Flower Sprites. It was an opportunity not to be ignored. Intelligent creatures, the fae complied without protest, understanding the value of survival over defiance. Now obediently perched upon his claw, they appeared remarkably endearing.

The main reason behind this unusual assemblage focused on efficient breeding of Blazebulls. Despite their meager strength, Flower Sprites wielded a remarkable natural magic that promoted rapid botanical growth and bloom, attributing to the splendor of the floral seas they inhabited.

The very same reason the Blazebull mother had left her calves under the care of these sprites. Capable of nurturing plants imbued with magic, the Flower Sprites ensured a suitable environment for the Blazebull calves to thrive.

One claw carefully cradling the calves, and the other adorned with Flower Sprites, Caesar returned to his domain, both collections in tow. His heart swelled with the satisfaction of anticipated future feasts; after all, the taste of the Blazebull was divine. Such was a feast fit for a legendary Red Dragon.

Today, he reveled in a harvest that promised abundance and prosperity within the fiery embrace of his dominion.