
The Crimson Dragon Comics

This is a story of a kid who started as the son of drug dealers. That didn't last to long with his parents deaths happening early in his life. Kai goes through life dealing with death, and learning from those deaths. Life is a cold place, and Kai is trying to survive through it. Even if it means becoming a superhero. (Story gets a new chapter every Friday) P.s I don't use only original characters. I use characters from marvel (Daredevil/stick) and dc(Oliver, Laurel, Slade). I also use some anime characters. All these character may be different from their original versions because we are in this new universe (my universe aka the new 62), and not the regular continuity. - The art for the cover belongs to JJMK-JJMK. -This story was made by Jonathan carpenter

The_Crimson_Comics · Action
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120 Chs


Caleb is inside of a hospital. Will is sitting down in one of the chairs. Rachel is standing beside the bed. Caleb has cuts and bruises all over him. There is an iv in his arm. His eyes start to slowly open. Caleb starts to sit up in his bed to no avail. He winces in pain and lays back down.

Rachel: Caleb?

There's a moment of silence.

Caleb: I thought a hangover was bad. Jesus, my head is killing me.

Rachel hugs him.

Will: They said that your brakes were cut. We came over here as soon as we heard what had happened.

Caleb thinks back to the accident. He remembers stopping at the light right before the accident.

Caleb: I don't know who would have cut my breaks.

Rachel: We'll figure it out. Don't worry about it. You need to get some rest and get better.

Caleb: Will, can you ask the doctors when will I be let out?

Will: Sure, I can ask them. I'll be right back.

Will leaves the room.

Caleb: Rachel, did you see my car?

Rachel: Your car is totaled. The whole right side is destroyed.

Caleb: My car swung at the last second. I saw our father in that stupid old costume of his.

Rachel: You were probably dreaming.

Caleb: No, I saw him. The car would have never turned.

Rachel: You wouldn't have turned the car? If the tree was going to hit the right side of your car, why wouldn't you turn?

Caleb: Because my brakes weren't cut.

Rachel: How? They said there were perfect slashes in the breaks!

Caleb: Keep your voice down. I stopped at a red light before I turned onto the highway. The breaks weren't cut until either the crash or after the crash. We need to find our father.

Rachel: No, the only time you need to be thinking about our father is when you're in therapy.

Will walks in.

Will: Caleb, they said you can leave at the end of the day. You seem fine, they just want to monitor you for a little longer.

Caleb: Then I'll rest up today, but no therapy!

Caleb holds his head.

Caleb: God, that hurts.


The next day Caleb is laying in Rachel's guest room. Caleb stands up in some pain. He walks around to get his bearings. Caleb leaves the room and walks to the kitchen. He grabs some bread and makes toast for breakfast. He quickly eats and tries to get out of the door as soon as possible. As he puts his hand on the door knob Rachel is standing behind him.

Rachel: You better not be going out to find our father.

Caleb: Why, you want to come?

Rachel: No, you know that wasn't him! It was a dream!

Caleb: We never heard anything about his death.

Rachel: Just because he is alive doesn't mean he saved you!

Caleb: Then I'll find him and ask.

Rachel: You're so hopelessly hardheaded and stupid!

Caleb: So you're coming?

Rachel: If I didn't then who would look after you?

Caleb: No one, I guess.


Caleb and Rachel walk down the street passing many buildings. Rachel gets tired of walking without knowing where they are going.

Rachel: Where do you want to even start looking?

Caleb: We'll start at this bar I know.

Rachel: Which one?

Caleb: Heh, good one. I know all the bars in Manhattan. That's how I know where to get the best information, and where the real criminals hang out.

Rachel: Should we really be looking, "where the real criminals," are? You can't even fight.

Caleb: Then we won't start a fight.

Caleb and Rachel walk behind a clothing store. They see a staircase down with a little hut over the staircase. They walk down the stairs and open the door. They see a bunch of drunk people laughing. A man sees Caleb. A man yells at Caleb.

Man: Caleb's here! Now the real party starts!

Caleb: Eh, not today.

Man: You're always ready!

Caleb: Soon, man. Soon.

Caleb and Rachel sit down at the bar.

Caleb: These people really are evil. They're at a bar before breakfast.

Rachel: They're you.

The bartender walks up to them.

Bartender: Ah, what drink you want today.

Caleb: No drink, information.

Bartender: On?

Caleb: The Crimson Dragon. If anyone knows where he is.

Bartender: That's going to cost you.

Caleb: How much.

Bartender: A g.

Rachel: Can't we get it for less than that? Maybe if we cut a deal?

Bartender: You ain't pretty enough for that.

Rachel: That's not what I meant.

Bartender: Then what did you mean?

Rachel: A trade.

Bartender: And what exactly of yours would I want?

Rachel: We know what's going on down here-

Bartender: You're a cop?

Caleb: She's not a cop. You really think I would hang out with a cop. She's not a snitch either. I hate both. I'll give you the g.

Bartender: That's more like it.

Caleb hands over money.

Bartender: There's this person that goes around wearing a cloak.

Caleb: Man or woman?

Bartender: I'd tell you if I knew. The person has been going around talking about taking down the Crimson Dragon. Came into this bar once or twice. Seemed like the Crimson dragon may be a personal vendetta. The person wanted some artifact. Guess it was important. If you really need a gender. My guess, it was a man. Walked with power.

Caleb: Do you know where we can find this guy?

Bartender: You know how to find people, Caleb. I have no idea where the guy could be.

Caleb: Alright then. Thanks for the info.

Bartender: Come back any time.

Caleb and Rachel start walking down the street.

Rachel: How do we find this girl?

Caleb: How am I supposed to know? She could be anywhere!

Rachel: The bartender just said you knew how to find people. Wait, Caleb… What is your job?

Caleb: What do you mean?

Rachel: You dropped out of college after our mother died. What do you do?

Caleb sighs.

Caleb: I track people down. It's the only thing I'm good at, okay! I can't build shit, I'm not smart, I'm a college dropout! What the hell else am I supposed to do?!

Rachel: Do you at least find criminals?

Caleb: I do whatever pays the bills. I don't care whether it's a criminal or a man who donates to homeless puppies. Why do you think I get respect in a bar like that even though I'm not a good fighter? I do what it takes to get the job done. Now I'm going back to the house and think about a plan for when it turns to night.


That night, Rachel and Caleb dress in darker clothes. They go out on the street almost covered in the darkness.

Rachel: You said you were coming up with a plan.

Caleb: The bartender tried to trick us, but he ended up giving us the exact place the guy will be. The bartender said that the man was looking for information and had came inside the bar before. Then he said that the guy was around. The man comes to the bar at night for information. It's obvious.

Rachel: I think you were lying when you said you weren't smart. You never did good in school, but you can solve mysteries like Uncle Owen.

Caleb: I have to deal with that bartender all the time. I'm just used to his shit.

Caleb and Rachel walk back down the stairs. People are dancing all over. The place looks more like a club than a regular bar. The twins split up and search the floor. They have to squeeze by several people. Caleb sees out of the corner of his eye a cloak. Caleb starts running around the bar trying to keep up with the man in the cloak. Caleb finds the man in the cloak again. The man in the cloak is walking up the stairs, walking out of the bar. Caleb runs through the crowd catching up with the man. Rachel sees him and starts following. When Caleb sees the man in the cloak outside the bar, the man turns around. He looks at Caleb. All Caleb can see is the man's eyes. Cold and dead. Rachel walks up the stairs and sees them.

???: You're not supposed to track someone down who's inside the bar. I can kill you for that.

Caleb: We don't want to fight you. That's why it's allowed. We want to know something from you. Where's the Crimson Dragon?

???: He's my kill.

Caleb: We aren't trying to kill him. We need to talk with him.

???: I can't help you. No one knows where he is.

Rachel: You must know something! You are trying to kill him and you have no idea?

???: I've been trying to kill him for years. One day, he disappeared. No one knows where he is. I don't need to know where he is now to kill him.

The man tries to walk away. Caleb grabs the man's arm. The man punches Caleb in the jaw. Rachel runs over. The man grabs Caleb and throws him into Rachel. When they both look up, the man is gone. Caleb slams his hand on the ground.

Caleb: Shit!