
the crimson curse

in a world full of dreams and imaging. the battles and death could be seen anywhere, war was easy to happen like drinking water. a place where bloodlines matter more than the person himself, a place where dignity and honor nothing compared to wealth and benefits. a person wants to be the strongest among the strongest, would he success or be destroyed like many others, or he would change his goals

Bonecat · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 6: a strange dream

The expression of the two men did not change, as if they had not heard him at all

"Are you going to hand it over or not?"

One of them asked, staring at him. The citizens walked by him as if they were invisible. No one gave them even the slightest glance.

"What, do you have a hearing problem? I said I wouldn't hand it over."

The two men did not show any expression as if they expected this response. They approached Finn as if they were preparing to do something.


I threw a rock at the head of one of the two men. The two men turned to see who had thrown the rock. There were many people at the train station who could not see who really did it. They looked back at Finn after losing hope of finding the perpetrator, but they did not find Finn anywhere in front of them.

Finn had already run away. He took this opportunity to escape from them. He did not look back as he ran out of the train station towards the lower street in the slums. He stopped in front of a wall in one of the alleys, thinking that no one saw him.

He took the red stone out of his pocket and looked at it carefully.

"Damn it, this is the last mission I'll ever take. To think that a petty stone like that would have gotten me killed."

Finn cursed to himself. He was determined that this would be the last robbery he would do.

Finn stayed like that, looking at the red stone for a few more minutes. He had thought about returning home, but he remembered that it was possible that these men already knew where his house was and were now waiting for him.The expression of the two men did not change, as if they had not heard him at all

"Are you going to hand it over or not?"

One of them asked, staring at him. The citizens walked by him as if they were invisible. No one gave them even the slightest glance.

"What, do you have a hearing problem? I said I wouldn't hand it over."

The two men did not show any expression as if they expected this response. They approached Finn as if they were preparing to do something.


I threw a rock at the head of one of the two men. The two men turned to see who had thrown the rock. There were many people at the train station who could not see who really did it. They looked back at Finn after losing hope of finding the perpetrator, but they did not find Finn anywhere in front of them.

Finn had already run away. He took this opportunity to escape from them. He did not look back as he ran out of the train station towards the lower street in the slums. He stopped in front of a wall in one of the alleys, thinking that no one saw him.

He took the red stone out of his pocket and looked at it carefully.

"Damn it, this is the last mission I'll ever take. To think that a petty stone like that would have gotten me killed."

Finn cursed to himself. He was determined that this would be the last robbery he would do.

Finn stayed like that, looking at the red stone for a few more minutes. He had thought about returning home, but he remembered that it was possible that these men already knew where his house was and were now waiting for him.

Finn noticed something strange about the stone in his hand. At first, when he first saw it, it was crimson red in color like fresh blood, but now its color is darker, as if it is turning black. A small eye appeared in the middle of the stone and was looking directly into his eyes.

Finn was surprised and almost fell to the ground in fear. The eye began to shine with a bright white light. Finn covered his eyes from the intensity of the light. The light became brighter and brighter to the point that the entire alley was illuminated with white. Finn could see nothing but white light.

suddenly. The light went out. The dark black alley was back as before. There was no presence of Levin. As if he had disappeared from this world.


Finn opened his eyes and saw nothing. He only saw complete darkness from which nothing could be seen. He also did not feel his body. He felt like he was floating on the sea. Finn didn't hear anything, even his heartbeat couldn't be heard. He tried to move his body and turn around to see his surroundings, but he failed. He felt like a baby learning to walk.

"Where am I? Wasn't I in that dark alley?"

"Did you die? But how?"

"Hey, now I remember. When that damned stone started emitting white light, I saw a white tunnel. But where am I now?"

"To think that the Deception Stone would fall into the hands of a small human like you. But it doesn't matter now. Make sure you do your part to the fullest."

A cheerful, sharp voice sounded from behind Finn. Finally he was able to turn around as if there was ground to put his foot on. He was hoping to see something, but he saw the same complete darkness, but in the middle of this darkness he saw giant green eyes like jade looking at him as if they were looking into his soul. He felt as if he should bow his head in such a presence.

Finn tried to speak, but to no avail. He felt like a child trying to speak. Finn felt as if his consciousness was being sucked out. He felt dizzy, as if he were in a spiral tunnel. Some scenes started flowing through his head like a train.

"What is this? Who is this man? Who are these people? Is this a village? Damn it, what are these little creatures? Damn it I think I'm going to take out what I ate for lunch."

Finn felt like his head was about to explode. He saw things he never imagined seeing in his life. More wondrous things than seeing a giant bomb a thousand kilometers away.

Finn opened his eyes and felt a terrible pain in his head. As if someone was hitting him with a hammer. The first thing that caught his attention was his clothes, he was wearing cut off furs and was full of sweat as if he had been running for miles. He also saw that his hand was much smaller than usual

" am I dreaming?."

He looked around and saw that he was in what looked like a cave. He saw some tree roots on the ground and when he followed them he saw an opening above. He tried to climb up, but to no avail. He looked around again and saw a small ray of light coming from a cracked wall. Finn tried to break it, and after a long effort, Finn grabbed a rock and threw it at the wall. The wall was destroyed and a ray of sunlight came in and blinded Finn's vision. Finn covered his eyes as he got used to the light after being in total darkness for who knows how long.

Finn emerged from the small cave and was greeted by a sight that his mind had not expected. He saw a giant forest. Its giant green trees stretch as far as the eye can see. He saw more green here than he had ever seen in his entire life. He saw strange and wondrous plants and flowers as if they came out of a comic book. There were giant plants that could have been as tall as a grown man. He also saw an animal that looked like a deer, but was several times larger in size. It had three horns, was white as snow, and had limbs as blue as the sky.

"Am I really in a dream?"

Finn's legs were nailed to the ground at the sight before him. He felt as if he were inside a mythical land that had not yet been discovered.

"Am I in the same earth I know?"

In front of Finn was a small slope. He tried to walk, but fell to the ground due to terrible pain in his right foot. He looked at her and saw blood everywhere with a sticky green substance coming out of it

" what the hell is this!."

from now on, many things will be a bit confusing or not it depends on how much you read this type of novels before

Bonecatcreators' thoughts