
The Crimson Champion

Brutus Crescent was a normal young man in his village, where he eagerly awaited his coming of age ceremony, a special ceremony that would tell him what he was meant to do in life. He believed it would be the most eventful day of his life. And it was. Just not in the way he'd hoped... Follow Brutus on his journey to destroy the mentor that betrayed him and took away everything he ever loved.

Lavak · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Grelnar's Bio

Name: Grelnar

Title: The Beast Rider

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Height: 6"10

Appearance: Grelnar is a tall and muscular dark-skinned man with short black hair. His eyes are blue with a strange purple tint.

Outfits: Grelnar wears a set of brown cloth armor with a sleeveless brown leather vest.

Weapon: Goliath is Grelnar's trusty battleaxe that he's used almost his whole life.

Pets: Skullcrusher, a large gray behemoth that he tamed when he was a teenager.

Abilities: Grelnar uses his strength to win any fight he enters. He can throw his axe and it'll fly right back to him. He can also tame beasts, which is how he gained Skullcrusher's loyalty. One ability that he can potentially use is a self-destruct spell, but he swore to never use it.

Backstory: Grelnar was born with the unique ability to speak with beasts and win them over. After taming Skullcrusher and receiving his battleaxe Goliath for his birthday ceremony, Grelnar left his home and traveled the world as a wandering warrior, offering his strength to those who needed it. When he was 19, he was asked to capture the famous Sonia Shaddori, a thief who stole from the nobles in her hometown of Kantiron. When he found her, he fell in love with her so instead of turning her in, they traveled the world together. A couple of years later, they had a daughter and for a while, they were a happy family. But a while later, when Shana was only eight years old, they were attacked by a strange elven assassin one night. He killed Sonia and he was about to attack Grelnar and Shana, but Grelnar blacked out. When he came to, Yuri Solaris himself was fighting off the assassin. Once the assassin was dealt with, Grelnar joined Yuri and became one of his generals. Ever since that night, Grelnar was never quite the same. He acted more cruelly to his opponents and Shana distanced herself from him, realizing that he wasn't the father she knew. Ever since that night, Grelnar's eyes have had a strange purple tint to them. Perhaps that may have to do with why he is no longer the good man he once was.