
Chapter 60: Fred and Ellie quarrel again

'Turn thou away thy false dark eyes, Nor gaze upon my face; Great love I bore thee; now great hate Sits grimly in its place.' Elizabeth Siddal: Love and Hate

Ellie had just begun to climb the stairs to see how the children were behaving in the schoolroom when Fred came bursting into the house, flung his hat and cane upon the floor, and came after her. She paused on the landing and looked at him in astonishment.

'Heavens, Fred, you act as if the Devil was after you!'

'The Devil is more likely to have just left this house!' shouted Fred, enraged beyond any sense. Coming up to her, he seized her arm and said, 'What was that man doing here again? What is going on behind my back? I suspected that the minute I was away and my back turned you would be trotting off to see him somewhere. But his audacity ...calling at my own house in the daytime. The audacity!'