
You dropped your soap

Five days have passed, which made Lenard to think that Mr. Boss decided to stop on only three people, but, as soon he was about to leave the Cafeteria, a guard took him and ordered him to head to the Office Room of Mr. Boss. As soon as he was about to leave, Rodriguez was trying to stop him, but there was no chance because the guard stopped him and told him Mr. Boss called only Lenard. He let them leave.

While Lenard was escorted to the office of Mr. Boss, the guard told him.

"You did some good job at killing for a man who says he is innocent for robbing a bank."

"What do you want?" asks Lenard.

"To congratulate you, of course." says Mr. Boss, clapping three times for Lenard. "You haven't been found out by your colleagues that you killed a man in a coward way known to people."

"...you made me do this."

"Yes, but I did not make you put poison in the food. I offered you a suggestion." says Mr. Boss, trying to redeem himself in front of Lenard. "You could've killed in him in one thousand ways. And you choose my way. But eh, a kill is a kill, alright?"

Lenard did not even respond, he just looked at Mr. Boss, done with everything he has done so far, and killed three people who had no connection between them, nor he has ever heard of them in these following days he is captive here.

"What you need?"

"I called you today to do me a favor. There is an inmate who tried to shit on my front door of the office. And you know how expensive are these doors?!"

"I don't know."

"They are made from maple wood, from Canada. You know how expensive is the life there?! Much more expensive than eighty-nine sluts from the Czech Republic! But anyway, here is the picture." he hands him a picture of a bald man with a tattoo on his head. "The man is called Toby, and he is a rapper. Not a singer, a man who takes you somewhere and gives you nightmares on life, then you question your sexuality when you get a boner."

"So I have to wack him?" asks Lenard to Mr. Boss.

"Did I stutter? Wack him or beat him, it is up to you. I do not want to see him alive again! Now go." says Mr. Boss to Lenard who is leaving the room and heads outside on the hallway.

As soon as Lenard got there, he has a hunch to go directly to the shower room and search for that inmate he has to put him down. While he is heading to that room, an inmate was trying to run at Lenard. He stopped, and he looked at that inmate who is asking Lenard to make a trade.

"Would you give me something useful to this knife?"

He shows Lenard to a knife. And doing a trade for a knife it is something unusual there. Lenard looked much more careful at that blade, and he realized the blade it is a switchblade, and it belongs to Mac, the inmate who was killed a while ago. He declined the trade and head to the shower room. The fact that this inmate got the hands of the switchblade of Mac, will make that inmate the one who poisoned Mac, but not many inmates know that Mac has a switchblade, only Lenard knows that. But he doesn't have time for that at this moment.

A few minutes later, of walking on a hallway, Lenard arrived at the shower room, as soon as he got there, he goes to the changing room, he takes a "clean" towel with him and goes there to infiltrate on the other inmates who are cleaning themselves and watched by only one guard who is having a pistol on his belt. Lenard goes to an empty shower, and there he clean himself up. while he was cleaning with the soap, he sees a few inmates turning around at him, looking and watch every movement of that man, hoping he will drop the soap on the floor. But Lenard is careful, and he is also looking around, for the man he has to hunt. Thanks to his photographic memory, he sees the inmate at a three showers distance from him.

The guard remains there, looking at the inmates who are cleaning up, not feeling a bit of shame for doing that. But then, he leaves and closes the doors on purpose, because that is the thing these guards are doing. And when they did that, Lenard leaves the shower, complete cleaned and walks slowly to the other changing room, to the direction of that inmate, as soon as he got at the back of that inmate he uses that bar of soap, who has the blade of a butter knife.

Lenard proceed to put his plan on the movement, and he stabbed the ass of that man with the blade of that butter knife, and this made the bald man fall on the floor, where the creepy inmates are looking at him, with a sadistic smile. And Lenard proceeds to walk to the changing room while he was doing that, like he wasn't the one who did it initially. The small soap with the butter knife has successfully remained on the butt of that inmate. Now, if an imbecile inmate is going for it, the bald inmate will die via penetration.

When Lenard got to the changing room, he stays there, and look at the people who are raping that inmate. Ignoring the crying and mercy pleading, Lenard was looking at the man being raped by two muscular and fat people. As soon as one inmate was close to free into him, the bald man inmate fall on the floor, unconscious and blood dripping out from his mouth and ass. But that inmate continued to rape him, even though he is on his dying breath.

Lenard goes to the correct changing room, he takes his clothes from there, put them on, and leaves this room like nothing has happened there. Lenard is heading to his cell, where he will be trying to rest. While he was walking there, three guards are running to the showering room, equipped with fire weapons and with their bastoon prepared.