

When I first met Zariah was when we were kids I was around 7 years old (I think) At that time I wasn't so cold-hearted like I am now.

Let me tell you what really happened that day 13 years ago It had been a normal day as usual Jeff, Toby, Ben, and I was helping Slendy work on keeping an eye for any strangers.

At that time I didn't wear my mask all the time but when Zariah was taken away I changed a lot.

"Slendy Why do we need to do this?" asked Jeff bored.

"Jeffery where are your manners you know why we are doing this Also, stop acting like a little kid since you keep saying that your not a kid anymore stop acting like one!" scolded Slenderman.

"Oh Jeff got exposed!" said Toby (5 years old at that time) snickering.

"Shut up Toby..." said Jeff growling.

"It is true though your technically 11-years-old Jeff you do act like a slag off sometimes," said Ben playing with his tablet.

"What did you just say?!" snarled Jeff.

Ben ( 9 years old ) rolling his eyes answered, "you heard me"

Jeff took his knife out and pointed it at Ben "Don't provoke me unless you want to go to sleep" threatened Jeff.

"G-Guys don't fight," said Toby twitching.

"Boys enough don't make me repeat myself.," said Slenderman.

"Yes sir," said Jeff, and Ben still throwing death glares at each other.

At that time it wasn't the whole creepypasta family It was only me, Toby, Jeff, Ben, Laughing Jack ( 13 years- old) (aka LJ), and Smile Dog (6 years-old). The others weren't part of us yet.

"S-Slendy?" asked Toby.

"Yes?" answered Slenderman.

"Do you think she will come?" asked Toby twitching a bit.

"Who the heck are you talking about?" asked Jeff confused.

"She's talking about Zariah you dummy" scolded Ben.

"Oh, that little girl? and don't ever call me that again Ben.," said Jeff.

"It's most likely since we are her friends" answered Slenderman.

"I still don't understand how can a little girl not tell the difference between good people and bad people," I said.

"Well with human kids it's very different," said Slenderman.

We all stood quiet for a few seconds until we heard voices approaching coming directly from the woods.

"Guys get prepared we don't know who it is," said Slenderman.

We were in our attack position until we heard LJ's laughter getting louder as they got closer to us.

"Never mind then its just LJ and Smile Dog," said Slenderman.

"Hey, guys! Woah there it's just us!" said Laughing Jack laughing.

"Come on now," said Slenderman.

"We have a surprise for yall!" said LJ chuckling.

"Oh boy what is it?" I asked.

"Hold on come here it's okay," said LJ behind him.

The rest of us were confused until we saw a girl walk over to us happy. She said "Masky! Ben! Jeffy! Slendy! Toby!"

We all smiled and said " Zariah!"

Toby grabbed her and hugged her and asked "What are you doing here? I thought you said you were not going to be able to visit us?" asked Toby twitching with excitement.

Zariah just shrugged and said, "I just came here to be with my friends " with a smile on her face.

We were happy to see her and we brought her inside since it started raining we talked to her and played for about 2 hours everything was going okay until out of nowhere.

Smile Dog came running he had gone to have a walk for a while but now he looked very alarmed.

"Smile Dog?" asked Jeff.

Smile Dog was panting when he got to us "I.." gasps for air "They... " I-I.."

"Woah there! calm down smile dog and tells us why where you running?" Slenderman asked.

"The Village," he said.

"What about that darn village?" asked Jeff.

"They are coming over here," said Smile Dog panting.

"What??!!" we all said.

"Yes!! This will be a good opportunity to get to kill more people!" said Jeff excited.

"Jeff are you dumb?!" said Toby facepalming.

"No but why is this a problem?" asked Jeff confused.

"We can't kill all of them, Jeffery we only kill the hunters and scientists who want to take us what I don't understand is why are they coming over here unless," said Slenderman.

"Unless what?" asked LJ.

I froze knowing the answer and ran to Zariah, picked her up, and asked "Zariah... Did you go to your house first before bumping into Laughing Jack and Smile dog?".

She looked at me and said, "No I just came here directly with them"

"Oh great! The little kid got distracted Shoot!" said Jeff.

"It's not her whole fault!" said Toby twitching.

"We need to give her back to her parents," said Slenderman.

"No!" I said.

They all looked at me surprised at my answer, I was surprised too but decided to explain why I said no.

"Why not?" asked Smile Dog curiously.

"W-what I meant was we have to umm attack the hunters and find a way to get to her parents with no commotion," I said.

They all nodded in agreement and decided that it would be worth a try.

Still, Smile Dog kept looking at me and I could see that he had a curiosity about my relation with Zariah. We all went outside and hid behind the trees.

We already knew the humans where there due to all of them having torches in the dark night, I grabbed Zariah and hugged her tightly.

She looked at me with a soft smile on her face, for some reason I was struck at how pretty she was for being a little girl, what caught my attention was her green eyes they looked like emeralds to me.

I knew that she was going to grow up to be a beautiful woman someday.

Our plan had been to leave unnoticed but things didn't go as planned.

One of the people from the village saw, smile dog's tail and yelled over his shoulder "They are escaping!! Follow me! This way!"

"Shoot!" yelled Ben.

We were running but they were starting to catch up to us.

"Guys we need to fight back! there's not that many! " I yelled while running with Zariah in my arms.

"Okay! But who will hold Zariah?!" yelled Toby running.

"I'll hold her don't worry my proxies she will be safe with me," said Slendy.

"Okay! Here Slendy" I gave Zariah to Slendy and ran off with my gun in hand to kill off some of these hunters.

At some point, we had killed all of them off but they had backup which we didn't notice I took Zariah from Slendy and we were on our way until we froze at hearing a woman's voice

"My daughter!! They have my daughter!!" the woman cried and yelled.

"Mom? Mom!" said Zariah excited to see her mother.

"Masky give Zariah to her mother before things get worse Jeff can't control himself for long.," whispered Ben in my ear.

I nodded and started walking to Zariah's Mom when at that moment I felt something odd as if this was some kind of trick. I didn't notice the hunter's getting behind me until Toby yelled "Masky! Its a Trap!! "

I turned around and saw that Slenderman and the other's where killing new hunters that had been called to try and defeat us. I cradled Zariah and refused to let her go.

"That is my daughter! You kidnapped my daughter...You're wrong if you think ill let you live!" yelled one of the hunters which I guessed was Zariah's dad.

"Get him!" was the order that Zariah's Father gave to his friends.

We don't feel mercy for what we do but for some reason, I shot Zariah's Father in the arm and shoved him, He fell on the grass and was struggling to get back up.

I was about to kill Zariah's dad until I heard soft crying that made me stop and turn around.

I saw Zariah (sitting on the grass) with tears in her eyes looking at me. At that moment something snapped inside me and I couldn't stop looking at her feeling for the first time guilty.

Since I was lost looking at her teary eyes I had not noticed that Zariah's father had gotten up and gotten a knife from one of the dead hunters.

I turned around just then and Zariah's father drew a line on my eye I had a scar on my left eye the pain was too much I only saw blood in my left eye.

I staggered but didn't fall I felt the need to take Zariah with me to the others. I grabbed her and started running to Slendy not caring about my eye.

I was about to reach Slendy until I felt an arm grab me and yank me back.

"You will not take her!" yelled Zariah's Father.

"Let go of me!" I yelled struggling.

Zariah was crying holding on to me while I struggle against her father I finally got free but I got punched in the face and saw that Zariah had been taken away from me.

My vision was getting blurry and the pain in my eye was getting worse bit by bit all I remembered was feeling hands grabbing me and pulling me away.

The last thing I heard and saw was Zariah being taken away by her father and mother, she was looking at me crying and saying "Masky? Masky?!" I decided to struggle for the last Time but getting nowhere I mumbled "Zariah No"

That was all I heard and then nothing I woke up to see that we were in Italy and that Zariah was with her family.

I also woke up to the amazing discovery that I had a permanent scar on my left eye for the rest of my life!

I was in pain when I was 7-years old but now that it's been 13 years I've gotten over it. I'm 20 years old now we have more creepypasta friends and I'm Slenderman's best proxy, I also got reunited with my younger brother hoodie. I should be happy but every day I wondered if Zariah would ever come back to Simiane La Rotonde.

We barely came back a few weeks ago I never thought I would ever see her again until.

Two days ago I had gone hunting with Sonic.Exe and EJ (Eyeless Jack) and we always like to see if there's anybody new in the village no we aren't being stalkers if that's what you might think we just want to know what's going on in the village.

"Do you think there might be a new family moving in?" asked Sonic.Exe

"I doubt that a lot since nobody has moved here in the past few weeks" I commented.

"Well if someone does move in I call on eating their kidneys!" said EJ.

"Eww Your disgusting EJ" groaned Sonic.Exe

EJ shot him a dirty look "Says the all-mighty sonic.exe who claims to be God! "

I laughed and said, "That is kind of true"

"Sure make fun of me you kidney eater" frowned Sonic.Exe

"Uhuh anyway hey! look over there!" said EJ pointing.

Sonic.Exe and I looked at where EJ was pointing and saw a moving truck positioning itself in front of a house that had been sold two weeks ago.

"Well look at that somebody is moving here," said Sonic.Exe putting his hands behind his head.

"Nice let see who they are!" said EJ.

"I don't know you guys We almost have to head back," I said.

"Relax Masky your Slendermans best proxy I don't think you should worry a lot," said Sonic.Exe closing his eyes.

"True but what about y'all?" I asked.

"Eh.. we will just find an excuse like always" answered EJ.

"Let's Just go!" said Sonic.Exe shoving both me and EJ.

The tree of us ran and hid in the backyard of the house it was around dawn so the new people probably wouldn't see us.

"Do you guys see anybody?" I asked.

"Nope," said Sonic.Exe

"N- Wait! someone's coming!" said EJ

We found hiding spots and were waiting for the person to come. I was hiding behind a tree I heard someone go outside where we where I saw and was stunned to see a beautiful young woman with black-brown short straight hair and a beautiful face.

The woman turned around I couldn't see her eyes because she was wearing sunglasses but she must've seen my mask because She started walking over to where I was hiding until she stopped because someone called her.

"Zara? Where are you?" said a voice.

"I'm outside do you need me?" replied the woman.

"Yeah come help me bring some boxes in!" replied the voice.

The beautiful woman turned around and walked back inside but not until I saw her take her sunglasses off and I froze.

She had the prettiest green eyes that I had ever seen and then she was gone.

"Woah that's a really pretty human girl," said EJ.

"I guess I can agree," said Sonic.Exe

I didn't answer but I felt my heart pounding for some reason and then I realized who she was.

"Zariah?..." was all I said.