
The creepy twins of darkness

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Chapter 1 The creepy twins are born, Minato's hatred alongside them.

In the world of the chinobies there are many villages many ninjas and many rogue ninja's and also samurais but out of all of them fwe stood out and


A red headed woman was giving birth. She gave birth to 3 childrens, 2 boys and one girl.

She named the oldest of the 2 boys Naruto and named the girl Mito after her ancestor.

The last boy was named by his father Minato, he named him Menma namikaze.

Time skip

kushina had gotten the 9 tails ripped out of her forcefully by a masked man and she was left on the ground completely drained and kinda out of it.

While minato was about to use the seals for the reaper death seal but instead Hiruzen stepped in and did the seal he sealed away half of the kyuubi demon inside of manma.

Naruto and mito were different from manma. It sounds impossible but it happened when the 2 childs were born they were holding hands and when they were forcefully separated they cried, it was like they were one and did not want to be separated it made people around him think it was cute the first few weeks but soon after people started to hate them and called them creepy as the 2 childrens always held hands were next to each other and they moved the in perfect synchronization just naturally.

Time skip, 8 years later.

A boy with very dirty blond spiky golden blonde hair with small fangs going down there were chains and shackles holding on to his arms, legs and his neck. The boy was in pain, so much pain, too much pain.

The boy was in physical pain from prevoice experiments that had been done to him by the crazy snake sannin but the boy did not pay any attention to that as he was used to it as he had been in more physical pain for the past 8 years but he was suffering mentaly.

Had he been in mental pain before? Yes he had been mentaly toreture many many time before but this time the boy had finally broken but not in the way that the sanin had wanted him to but instead they boy way in rage so much rage, more rage than anyone else had ever been in existence.

The boy got up with his body revealed to be very unhealthy and skinny and his legs shook as he had not stood up since yesterday as he had been crying all day.

The boy's eyes were red from crying. You could see all of the veins going through them but then all of the white in the eyes was absorbed by the blood red color and there were many black rings that areaped and 9 black tomoes in them not counting the black pupil in the middle of the eyes.

The boy's eyes started to pulce violently and you could see a rage, a rage strong enough to destroy the whole world.

I'll kill you... ILL KILL YOU... ILL KILL YOU!!! As these words were spoken a strong invisible force shot out of the boy's body and it started to push everything away and squashing most of the stuff that were hollow or not strong enough to sustain the pressure including all of the weird looking weapons all around him .

Meanwhile, rice country hidden sound headquarters.

Orochima was smiling to himself as he was looking at the now dead body of mito as he remembered how he had killed her a day ago.

He turned away and started to watch a clip of the last few days which showed his 2 favorite test subjects.


Mito was using her body as a blanket to warm up the shaking naruto.

The room was freezing but she knew naruto was in a worst situation as orochimaru had given naruto a serum and not long after naruto became very sick and looked like his life was leaving him so she had to do something to help him and keeping him warm was the only thing that she could do so that is what she did.

The doors of the room opened and orochimaru walked in with kabuto to see the 2 siblings suffering trying their best to survive.

Orochimaru walked up to mito and he sighed.

"You were a very interesting test subject and were very compatible with that weird metal from the lands of demons but I have learned everything that I need to learn from you so now I shall do what anyone else would do in my situation and throw away the useless toy and keep the knowledge for myself."

Orochimaru sent a snake and it bit mito in the neck sending a great amount of poison in her body but she did not die like he had hopped but she started to waver as that snake had enough poison to kill 5 elephants but her alongside her brother were used to poisons but she was still affected by this one as it was specifically made for her.

Kabuto took out a sword and tried to stab mito but naruto somehow got up and pushed him away from mito who was on her knees.

Seeing this orochimaru's summoned snake big enough to wrap around Naruto's whole body and it held him down.

Kabuto tried to but off mito's head but when the sword was out to hit her neck a vibranium bone came from it and hit the sword breaking it and stabbed kabuto in the hand but she was so out of it that she did not see the flying orochimaru coming at her with the kusanagi and he launched it forward it pierced Mito's eyes and it came out the back of her head she screamed for a second but then stopped as she wanted to not make her brother worry she knew she was going to die but at least she could try to protect her brother.

She slowly raised her weakened hand and did a slash at orochimaru's chest as she had made her hand into a vibranium spike but the sanin easily dodged and kneed her in the throat sending her tumbling away and skeeted on the ground.

She coughed and started to speak.

N-Naru-Naruto don't be sad. I will make sure you survive this. It will be fine. I know it might hurt at first but it will be ok, now I will alway love you even in death. Mito said vibranium bones came out of her and then they changed into many blades they started to destroy everything and attacked everyone naruto.

After 2 minutes of an endless barrage orochimaru had to shed his skin as he had taken a lot of damage he looked back to see a dead kabuto.

Stupid girl! He said he did some hand signs and many snakes came out of his shirt all of them had kusunagies where their tongues should have been and they started to cut the girl to ribbons but instead of screaming all she saw was.

Everything will be fine, I love you bro. And with that he body slowly collapsed with blood leaking everywhere.

The snake that was holding Naruto left as orochimaru disappeared and the door was once again closed. Naruto crawled to her dying sister's body. She was barely alive but she was dying fast.

Mito smiled at him and wiped away the tears coming from her brother's eyes.

Mito pulled Naruto down to her level and gave him one last loving kiss and she died with a smile on her face. Naruto just stayed unresponding, with a river flowing down his eyes.

End of flashback, Back to the present.


Naruto was currently floating in the air in the middle of a giant creator and the debrays of the giant house that was around him.

Naruto's red and black eyes pulsed with power and everything around him started to levitate, explode, bend and crash into each other with every step he took.

Naruto looked like he was a demon crawling out of the deepest pits of hell.

Naruto suddenly started to levitate as he made it out of the giant crater that he made.

Naruto used his new powerful eyes and found what he was looking for.

A black portal suddenly appeared in front of him and he floated in.

Sound village headquarters.

Orochimaru had just finished doing the finale tests that he needed to do on mito's dead body where he had put some lightning chakra to see if the vibranium in her body would react with it didn't really do much it just absorbed the lightning signifying that the strange metal was still there and was functioning like normal.

Orochimaru sighed and closed the tube full of liquide where the naked dead body of mito floated in the green water like substance.

Orochima chuckled to himself and went to another room.

Orochimaru sat down and started to write down what he had learned from mito into a folder which had her whole life story and he also wrote how naruto reacted after seeing the dead body of his sister.

Orochimaru finished writing what he was writing. He closed the folders and left them on the metallic table he was about to leave when he felt a student earthquake.

Orochimaru sighed thinking that it was just his bodyguards the sound 4 who were training again.

Orochimaru started to remember something.

He remembered about the time where his favorite test subjects where 5 years old he had brought in the 4 newcomers who would soon become his bodyguards however counterie to what many bellied orochimaru never had the members true loyalty he had just tortured them to break them into being loyal to him which worked for the 3 boy but tayuya always just laughed like a insane psychopath witch was not wrong as she was very much insane but she just had a strong enough will to stop not work for orochimaru and she could still think but she was extremely bloodthirsty, very violent, and she was quite a sex adict and bi sexual though no one knew where that was from no one but one girl.

Kin she had been a very kind girl and unsecure but she had ended up becoming friends with tayuya after she saved her but not long after they started to have wiled lesbein sex but they were both bi sexual and agreed to one day find a men to add into the mix but until then they ate each other out furiously.

Orochimaru made his way to the training grounds to find the sound four were not training at all instead Jirobo, Kidomaru, Sakon and Ukon, and Tayuya were all just sitting down or in ukon's case sleeping while still in sakon's body.

Orochomaru started to feeling like something was wrong but before he could do anything a black portal appeared in front of him shoking him when a hand held onto his head oromaru's legs started to feel numb along with his arms but he did a hand sign before his arms became useless and send a bolt of lightning into the portal but much to his surprise the hand or portal did not move and he saw his soul strayed to get pulled out of him but he opened his mouth and puked himself sending his skin and barely getting away but he still lost a lot of his soul.

A figure stepped out of the portal and the portal soon closed behind him to reveal it to be naruto uzumaki.

Orochimaru was about to speak but he was stopped as naruto raised his hand and a black rod came from his palm.

Chibaku tensei! Naruto said in an emotionless cold voice.

As those words were heard by orochimaru he was pulled towards naruto with a great force which even though orochimaru had tried to stop himself by using snakes to hold on to stuff it was in veins as orochimaru screamed in horror.

Naruto took this as his opportunity and he plunged his chakra rod in his mouth and it came from the back of his head and Naruto stabbed it in the ground.

However being the freak that he was orochimaru survived he tried to get away but he couldn't as his chakra was a mess from the chakra rod messing with it.

Naruto made 2 other rods and stabbed orochimaru's kneecaps then his elbow joints and finally one in his chest.

Ningendō anime path naruto put his hand over the dying man who was suffering as he slowly pulled out orochimaru's soul gaining all of the memories of the man and naruto smirked.

Minato you bastard, I'll make you regret all of the things you have ever done in your miserable life!

Naruto looked at the 4 who had gotten into a fighting style. He glanced at all of them but stopped at tayuya and smirked and he fanished.

Naruto appeared right in front of tayuya making her try to jump back but she fell on the ground as he had tripped.

You come with me. Naruto said as he started to walk away not long after he left with her the other 3's heads were twisted backwards with a chakra rod in each one.

Naruto ordered tayuya to go free the people who would be willing to follow him which she did, she was getting wet as she had seen how strong he had been and she liked it a lot and was turned on by it greatly.

Time skip 5 hours later.

Naruto was floating over rice country

Naruto looked to the side of the border right outside of the country to see a very large amount of people who had been orochimaru's experiments for a while.

They still had their sanity to a degree those who were to far gone were left alone but out of the group some stood out greatly naruto looked sad as she saw her dead sisters body he had taken her body out of the tank and wrapped her in a wood cocoon inside the cocoon was a still naked mito and 3 files 2 of witch explaining the twins life and the data that orochimaru had gatterd on them and last one had the names of all of the people that orochimaru had been experimenting on including the dead onse, broken .or the ones who are following naruto.

My people from today on we will no longer be test subjects for that snake but instead I will make sure you live a better life, a life in a high place a better life in a better place and we start this life right here right now.

Tendõ path, shinra tensei naruto said as he had both his arms opened force hit the land and it destroyed the whole rice country killing everyone that lived there.

Unknown realm.

2 hate filled red eyes opened to see she was in an unknown place the ground was filled with water, she looked around and focused and her arm changed into a vibranume blade.

I must be still alive somehow.

You are not, you have been dead for a long time now but i have called you here as you have too much hate for me to let you go to heaven. Said an unknown voice it sounded like a wise yet foolish old man.

How dare you, do you intend to separate me from my onii-chan?

I will erase the both of you from existence if it's the last thing i do i will make sure that the humans survive.

No, I will see my onii-chan. I will make sure of it.

And how will you do that?

I will start by killing you whoever you are.

You don't know me?


Well I go by many names, some call me the saviour, some call me the wise one, some call me the kami, most call me the sage of six paths but my real name is hagoromo otsutsuki.

It doesn't matter even if you are Kami himself. I will not let you stop me from seeing my onii-chan. Even if I have to fight you, I will make it back to him!

End of chapter 1.

So I never tried this before but leave a review of what you think of the story so far please… I really wanna read and respond to you guy's comments and stuff… so review or… I'll cry…