
The creature within the darkness

A dark place can hide many things, and some of them, shall not be found, but what happens when those things in the dark come out for the ones outside it, death, destruction, and devastation, that's what it brings to the surface A/N Notes: Best cover of all times Also available on Wattpad

Lazy_Author_san · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Of destruction...

(A/N notes: I just want chaos and death in this story! So I don't have to worry about names)

"Haa... Haa... Haa..."

The man who had left the chamber continued to run forward, even as he felt tired, he continued going forward without stopping. Then after what appeared to be an eternity, he saw light at the end of the long corridor

"Haa... Haa... Haa..." *Hurriedly removes the mask*

"Oh! You're back... Where are the other two?"

"We don't have time for that! *Coughs* Ack... Haa... Haa... There was something down there that killed leader, and that dumb joker!..."

The man fell to his knees as he began to cry due to his powerlessness, that made him abandon his two friends, the chief of the mine and the civil official looked at each other, and nodded as they already knew what to do

"Get up, man. We will need your testament of what you saw down there, so that we can convince the lord to send some of the garrison troops to deal with the thing"

"Y, yes..."

The three left the mine, only leaving the minimal amount of security personnel to prevent robbers from entering the mine

Late into the night

*Splat... Splat... Splat...*

The sounds of wet footstpes could be heard echoing from the corridor, they were slow but constant, then illuminated by the light that the magic crystals emanated, a black figure came out of the dark corridor, that black thing had an appearance, or at least a form that loosely looked like an amphibian

Then the black thing moved what appeared to be a head covered with purple dots, as if it was inspecting the place it just arrived. Then a tentacle came out from its body, and went towards a magic crystal, the tentacles twisted around the crystal and then the crystal began to lose its color and light as it began to turn into an opaque black

The black thing then retracted its tentacle, and as if losing all sustention, the black thing fell to the ground as it went back to looking like a puddle of crude oil with veins quickly growing out of it, and towards the various magic crystals inside the mine, turning the crystals to black one by one at a quick pace as the night slowly passed


"Are we really going to do this?"

"Shhh! Keep quiet, it'll be really bad if the commander hear you say that"

"But it's true, why do we need to go kill some weird shit inside that mine"

"Because that mine is very important for the war against the demons, you dumshit!"

"What did you just call me, you bastard!"

"You two! Stop right now!"

" "Y, YES!!!" "

"We weill be going now, mylord"

"Yes, good luck"

"Thank you"

Then the commander went inside the mine with 50 soldiers, the lord only send that number because of the size of the mine and to not cripple the garrisons too much. The mine was long, but many of the magic crystal veins and chambers were already depleted, as they went deeper into the mine, they started to have a bad feeling

"Commander, I think there's something wrong with the mine"

"So you also noticed, huh? All of you, keep on high alert for anything!"


The soldiers shouted in unison, and they all continued to go deeper, until they reached almost reached the end of the mine...

"What the..."

They began to notice small black veins running along the walls, ceiling and floor of the mine

"The hell is this?"

"How am I supposed to know"

"Hey, hey, hey... Look at that magic crystal"

"What about it?... Huh? It's... Black?"

"Men, it looks like we may have a bigger problem in our hands than what we thought, prepare for battle, I can feel something sinister at the end of our path"

"Yes, sir!"

And they went forward and entered the last chamber of the mine, in there they saw a pulsating black mass of some living being, or so they thought

"What the fuck is that!?"

Everyone was quiet at that disgusting sight. But then, a purple dot appeared in the black mass, as it began to multiply rapidly, as the black mass began tremble in an ominous way


"Yes, sir!"

"Go call for reinforcements, this is not something only 50 men can fight against"

"A, as you command!"

The man who received those orders made a run back to the surface

"Men! Prepare for battle!"

Then tentacles came out of the black mass and to trash around in an erratic way, each of them had enough force to easily destroy the hard walls and ceilings. And one by one the soldiers were killed, either by turning into minced meat by the direct heavy strikes of the tentacles, or getting their organs going out of them after getting impaled on magic crystal after getting hit, or having most of their bones broken after hitting the wall with tremendous force


The commander and some soliders who managed to survive the onslaught, by redirecting the attacks or dodging them completely. Then the smell of burned flesh could the sensed, the black mass dragged the bodies of the dead soldiers towards it and consumed them


The black mass suddenly stopped attacking the survivors, but in its place something came out of the black mass in a disgusting manner, and fell on the ground without moving. Suddenly that thing began to lift, and take a shape with arms, legs, torso, head and tail

*Loud incomprehensible shout*

That loud shout of the black that came out of the mass, stunned the men as they turned deaf for a brief moment


Then the black thing attacked one of the men, ripping that man's arm splattering blood around, then it separated the man in two as if ripped apart his stomach, then it finally killed the man by crushing his head with its jaw


Then another man was attacked and mutiled by another black thing, and they saw more of those things coming out the mass

"R, retreat! Retreat!"

The men began fleeing in desperation when the commander said that, as he and four soldiers tried to buy any more time in vain

The soldiers were being easily outpowered by the black things, the commander managed to cut one in half at the cost of his sword turning useless, but even after being cut in half the black thing didn't die, and instead two smaller one began to regenerate from the cut parts


The commander then felt a cold feeling in his stomach... Or whatever that had remained, as a tentacle coming out from the black mass had easily pierced thorugh his chestplace and stomach, he looked backwards and saw his organs laying on the ground together with a pool of blood


He was pulled back by the tentacle as the mass rapidly acquired a shape smilar to the other things, but larger, the commander was then crushed by the jaws of the alpha of the black things, and eaten by it

*Loud incomprehensible shout*

With that shout all those things started running through the path that those soldiers had come from, as they all followed the scent of those weak creatures, that only grew stronger the closer to the surface

(A/N notes: What's this? Tentacles that actually kill people, and that aren't for a fan-service scene or ****, how's that possible!?

That's all for today everyone!)

Tentacles that aren't for ****? That's new

Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts