
The creator of Magic is Back as the Dual Magician

Professor Milles, a certified genius and creator of the current magic system. Misha Raycraft, the 11 years old adopted magic-less son of the president. What do they both have in common? They are the same person. As a genius, professor Milles created the neural system, the origin of all magic which made the world reliant on it. It came as a blessing but professor Milles knew the truth - it was a curse that would doom everyone. To prevent this, he decided to travel in the future and look for a way to destroy the Neural system once the world was stable enough. Now, as Misha Raycraft, the 11 years old adopted magic-less Type Null adopted son of the president, he had a duty to carry out his mission. But before he could, he is stopped by a vision of world destruction and a legacy to prevent it. Now embedded with unimaginable magic powers, it is in the hand of Misha Raycraft to save the world from that destruction while hiding away his magic all the while. However, the task would become even more difficult as time passes on and more and more people begin getting involved in the salvation of the world. He would do it all, even if he had to become a Villian in the process. However, to do this he would need allies in this new period. Especially those who could help him out. But personal relationships of other people, namely - Xion and her harem of power female magicians hailed to have the best potential might hinder Milles and his journey. (Both the harem and Yuri are in the background for now and not with the MC but they will become very important elements in the future.)

Design_backup · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Magic stimulation - 1

Another day, another struggle.

Milles had woken up in the morning with a headache. Being in an environment filled with magic was proving to be a bad decision on Milles's end. Especially since his body was not used to the pressure of magic yet.

But there was class to attend and Milles could not afford to miss them on the second day of school without any valid reason.

So he dragged himself up and prepared himself for another harsh day filled with magic.

There were eyes on him as he moved from the breakfast hall to his class hall. They had never really left him and they made Milles nervous.

He looked in the direction he could feel the glare from and his eyes met the senior from before. It was the same senior that had offered him guidance the day before but Milles only felt nervous from the attention being given to him.

So Milles broke the eyes contact and pretended as if he had never seen the senior stare at him.

His first-class was in a different hall from yesterday, likely headed by a different teacher as well.

'Magic stimulation - 1'

This was one of the elective classes Milles had opted out of. As such, it had not been necessary for him to report to this class but the principal and Yusui thought differently.

They wanted him to try the first week's introductory course to all the classes before deciding which one he was capable of handling.

So Milles walked to his class.

The classroom was in a similar situation as yesterday but the number of people taking this course was more than 30.

Milles looked over the student body in the room and his eyes met a familiar pair.

Kathy Rowdwerg, the third student was in the hall as well. Perhaps this class was far more than the first year or maybe she failed this class and had to take the remedial classes.

"You should sit down now and move out of the way. Mrs. Emma will chew you alive if she feels that you will misbehave in her class. Believe me, I should know since I have to repeat this class for a third year now" Milles had not realized that he had been blocking someone's way.

The tap on his arm and the advice being provided to him had been unexpected but Milles was thankful for the information.

Especially after the headache which had left him incapable of researching about his classes beforehand.

"So, how does it work with all the years here? This is the introductory course for the subject, right? Shouldn't the upper years know all this already?" Mills was taking a gamble being this informal to a senior.

But since the other had decided to make the first move, it did not feel dangerous.

"It's an open course which anyone can take no matter what the year. Everyone had to take the introductory course and then they separate you into your respective years based on a test" the senior explained.

Milles felt himself sweat at the prospect of another test. He could not tell what to expect from this course.

Milles decided to take his seat beside the friendly senior before it was gone. It was a safe spot right in the middle of the classroom. The senior had two bags with him which smirked Milles as odd but he decided not to pay attention to it.

More and more people were starting to fill the class hall, some running to barely make the class line before the clock struck 09:00 AM sharp. Many of them carried an extra bag with them. So maybe it was a common occurrence?

Suddenly, there was a rush and the door opened with a bang.

"There she is - the person who will give you nightmares for the rest of your days. Brace yourself" the senior adjacent to Milles spoke. But instead of being scared, he sounded scared, he sounded excited.

Milles also dared to look at the teacher out of curiosity and was faced with the most intimidating woman he had ever seen in his life.

The first thing he noticed about her was that she was tall. The woman was over 6 feet tall and was built like a wall. Muscles stretched across her body and her military-style suit only served to emphasize it.

Her brown hairs were pulled back into a tight bun that made her sharp features look even sharper. And then there were those green cat-like eyes looking over the group with a frown.

"Look look, what do we have here? A bunch of new hopefuls and a plethora of returning students who think they have what it takes" even the voice was cold and mocking.

The female was not a nurturing type. She seemed opposite Mrs. Irene in every way.

Milles saw many students shift nervously in their seats. The woman made Milles nervous as well but in an almost familiar way.

She held herself like his sister had used to in her older days. She had a confidence about her that was attractive but could also turn deadly.

She was not a woman to be messed around with.

"I hope you all are ready because I am not going to hold your hand in this course. Not that most of you would be here once after a week" Milles tried not to read too much into Mrs. Emma's tone.

She sounded almost bitter in her last words but Milles might have mistaken it as well. The lack of depth in the voice did not help her case out.

"Now, any questions?" Milles had a lot of questions but he could not make himself ask them. Mrs. Emma's tone had been the one people used when they did not want to be questioned debut had to ask for the sake of being polite.

Milles decided not to ask any question since he had recognized that tone but not everyone got the memo. Most of the students in the class were younger than 13 years old after all and you could not expect them to differentiate between the voice tones.

"Miss Emma, I've heard that this is a difficult class but no one can tell me what this is actually about. I was hoping that you could brief us about it?" Milles felt surprised at the choice of words the kid had used and his courage as well.

Miss Emma had been glaring at the kid as soon as he opened his mouth but the kid had not stuttered at all. Now that was some courage.

Or perhaps, it was obliviousness on the kid's part. He was hardly 12 after all.

"The course is titled Magic stimulation but it could not be further from what you all will learn here. Unlike the rest of the courses that tell you how to use your magic, this one will teach you where to apply your magic and how to deal with situations. Doesn't sound half-bad right?" it didn't.

In fact, this sounded like the most popular course that one could get into when using magic.

But as Milles looked at the faces of the students around him, he could see a wide range of emotions.

"She makes it sound so easy. If only it was this easy then there would not be such a huge drop rate for this course" the senior at Milles's side muttered and Milles stored that information away for later.

This was something he would look more into later.

The first years looked excited to try out the course but there was an air of melancholy from the senior years. Some of them had a tight expression on their face as well.

Kathy in particular, looked as if she had swollen a lemon.

"Alright class, time for chit-chat is over. It's time for your test so brace yourself" Milles felt the magic bubble around him and he saw the other first years look around in confusion as well.

However, the senior years looked as if they had expected this to happen and quickly stood up. There was a flash of light all around the room before Milles felt magic swirl around him.

The headache from before was back with a vengeance now and Milles felt as if he was about to vomit.

When the light faded, Milles was all alone in the forest. He only had his bag and his phone with him.

"System, what just happened?" Milles asked as he rubbed his head. The magic had been brutal and Milles felt his head split because of the pain it had put him in.

[Emergency teleportation magic was activated on large scale. Professor Milles had been transported to location X-56*N, Y-168*E.

Warning: Restricted area entered]

Great. Not only had Milles been thrown out into the wild while being in class, but he had also been thrown in a restricted area of some kind. He just could not believe his luck at all.

"Can I get a map at least? I just want to know where the hell I am?"