
The Creator above the Heavens and Beyond

Little did I know that the game I played in my youth would ultimately lead me to an extraordinary reality - one where I would be handpicked by the gods themselves, in a manner beyond my wildest imagination. After eons spent as the ruler of my own planet, I found myself growing increasingly restless and yearning for a more meaningful existence. So I took the bold decision to leave my cosmic throne and embark on a new journey of self-discovery on a planet I had created. Yet, little did I anticipate the challenges that lay ahead in navigating the complexities of leading an ordinary life as an extraordinary deity. In association with sageash

Auzyko · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The kidnapping

We walked back to the village, but…

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Rue asked as I stared at her.

"Why did you gather all those wolf furs?"

"We can use them to rebuild the buildings that were destroyed." She answered her face was almost hidden due to furs.

"You use fur to build houses? Dwarfs are surely strange." I asked confused,

"Are you an idiot or something? We can sell the furs to raise money and use it to buy the materials to rebuild the village."

"I see."

Hmm, should I just spawn the materials or will it be strange? Actually, I got an idea.

Right before we arrived at the village, I gave myself a storage ring to initiate my plan.

When we arrived at the village, Rue dropped the furs next to her house.

I took a look around and saw that half of the houses had been damaged due to the wolves, some had minor damage and some others were ready to collapse.

Hopefully, we arrived just in time and no one died.

While Rue had gone inside her house and was talking with her father, I quickly asked Pod to analyze the extent of the damages and I accordingly spawned the appropriate materials for the repairs inside the ring.

When Rue came out with her father, she started staring intensely at the pile of materials I had put on the ground from the ring.

"Where did you find all that?" she asked with a skeptic look,

"I had them stored inside my storage ring."

"Why did you store these materials inside your ring?"

"I have to be ready for every occasion." I shrugged,

"Just who the fuck are you?"

"I'm just an ordinary adventurer."

"Rue, don't be disrespectful to him. He not only saved us, but he also gave us those materials for free." Her father reprimand but I wonder when I said free this old man got a silver tongue. Either way, I was going those to them,

"But father…"

"No buts, you will do whatever I say."

"Humph, fine."

"I really can't thank you enough for everything you have done for us." He said, turning towards me.

"You don't need to. I'm just glad that I was of any help."

Suddenly I saw that the sun had started to set.

"Oh shit, I forgot my mission. I have to go now."

"Wait, will I see you again?" Rue asked her face red due to the sun.

Pod said [It isn't due to the sun] in my mind but I didn't get it,

I summoned a small red ruby-like rock and threw it at her.

"If you ever come across something dangerous, smash that rock and I'll come to your aid," I said and walked outside the village.

As soon as I was outside the village, I teleported back to the city's gates.

I showed my ID to the guards and they let me get inside.

I went straight to the guild to finish my quest.

I got closer to the receptionist to hand over the herbs.

"Oh, you're back. Why did it take you so long?" she rolled her fingers in her hair,

"Ah, things happened, and I had to take care of something else along my mission."

"I hope everything went fine. So did you complete the herb collection?" she asked and I nodded,

"Yes, I did."

In reality, I didn't because I had forgotten to get the herbs back from the village so I just spawned them.

"Wow, so much, you really worked hard for this mission. Also, keep care of that ring it is a high-quality treasure it seems" she said as I put out a pile of herbs from my ring,

"Yeah, ehehe, I will take care," I said, scratching the back of my head. I thought someone was looking at me, so I looked around,

"Oh, young boy, you're also here?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned and saw the dwarf I had saved from those people before. standing in front of me, smiling.

"Oh, old man, what are you doing here?" I asked,

"I came to remove the mission I had set for the guild."

"What mission was it?"

"The one you completed. I wanted someone to rescue my people. But as I couldn't wait, I decided to try it myself, but as you saw, it didn't go quite as I had planned it."

"Yea, I'm happy to have helped." I smiled,

"Miss, please give the reward to the young boy here." The dwarf turned to the receptionist.

"Ah, you don't need to. I just helped you without having taken the mission." I turned to the receptionist, whose face was down.

Her eyes weren't visible when she shouted,

"Just who are you!? Having a high mana level is understandable but you can take care of B rank mission at C rank while you claim this is the first time in the guild"

"He used healing magic too," the dwarf said, and I was about to shout,

'There was not a need for that!!'

[Pod gimme a hand]

[Yes, master, just repeat after me] and I did as he said,

"I used to live with an old man in the mountains north to here, he made me do various chores and practice magic and meditation this is why my common sense is low as he kicked me out to find something called my way to above recently"

Hearing this, all the receptionists and dwarf stared at me, and she sighed.

"Ahh, a student of a cultivator…. That clears it, a mana cultivator nonetheless" her eyes seemed a bit ecstatic for a second, and the dwarf also nodded,

"Young man I didn't know you were a Mana lord, but that makes sense" and I remembered in this world I made cultivation levels so a heaven system could form to take care of the lowest level of problems in the world that doesn't require my intervention or hero summoning, but the main reason was that I was lazy,

[Pod which ranking was Mana Lord again] I asked in mind and he replied,

[Master Mana Lord was the rank of Mana cultivator who had just left the disciple status]

[I see]

The receptionist handed me the money for the herbs and the dwarfs' rescue.

"Congratulations mister, by completing a B rank mission now you can take higher level missions too."

"Old man, take the money back. You should help your village with those. I'm fine with just being able to do higher ranking missions." I threw the money bag toward the old man,

"Are you sure about that? The money isn't little." He asked, troubled, and I nodded.

"Yes, I don't need them. Now if you excuse me, I have to rent an inn to sleep," I said and after I waved at the dwarf, I left the guild.

The truth about why I didn't take the money is actually that I can create them with ease. I can be rich with just a snap of my fingers, but I prefer to live a normal life as it is meant to be.

Though if I ever get low on money, I might as well create some, but that will happen only in cases of dire need.

But now should I just build a house or rent an inn? Hmm. I guess if I want to live a normal life, I have to rent a room.

After walking around the city and asking every inn that I could find on my way, I finally found one that had some free rooms.

But I must say that it was strange because all the other inns were full, but this one was completely empty. Was it because the prices were too high or because of something else?

But I don't think this is because of the prices as the inn doesn't look that big or opulent.

When I walked in, a young girl welcomed me in and after I paid for the room, she led the way to it.

The room wasn't big, it had just a table with a chair and a bed behind it.

Now that I think about it, there is a weird smell since I entered the room,

Well, nothing that could harm this me I guess, and laid down comfortably on the bed falling into the deep embrace of sleep, although I couldn't sleep totally as my unseen eyes are always open,

'So what are these mfkers trying to do!!'

"Take him slowly and don't damage him. I heard in guild earlier he is a cultivator of Mana lord rank…. Boss will be happy with this quality of human slave," the little girl from before wasn't looking as little as before and her voice seemed vile,

"This ring seems precious," one of the kidnappers pulling me up from the bed said,

"Yes, even though I only made it for the deception, it is only second to the hero's inventory," I said calmly and felt them stuck on the way with me in their hold, and the girl's face was panicking,

"What happened to kidnap me now?" I asked with a grin. I just released a slight pressure,

"Hahahahaha, come on bastards you were taking me," I asked, and hearing my laugh girl began to cry as if they see a monster. How rude even though I am God,

"you bastard!!" a kidnapper shouted, but I simply replied,

"Too late…. Vile blood boils. The flames of hell don't purify but punish retribution flames" I used a genuine flame spell and burn those two with ashes, and the girl went on her knees when I felt it,

[Master Rue broke the red stone]

"You will wait here for me!!" I shouted at the little girl, who nodded before I used teleportation.