

"Marry me." I was looking at him dumbfoundedly. Those two words that I wasn't expecting come out from my very own enemy's mouth. Behind me was his dying subordinates that I had just beaten yet here he was looking at me without hatred. Rather than avenging them by slashing me with his own notorious swords, he had spoken nonsense!

Rdwyn · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Once he let go of my throat I cough loudly, trying to catch my breath. I glared at him in disgust.

His words hunting me, I suddenly felt fear for the evil man for the first time, it's not what he had done to me, but rather what he was capable of doing to my beloved homeland and the residents.

"You won't dare to..." I said weakly.

His eyes glint with wickedness.

"You know I wasn't lying."

"I won't let you!"

"You are still stubborn as ever." He rolled his eyes. "I will give you two options, stay with me here and I promise you a peace for your homeland. Or..." His eyes turned red once again, the eyes of the devil with its ruthlesness. "Go back to your homeland, and I will destroy everything there into ashes I promise you that."

I shivered.

He walked closer to me while my mind still paralayzing with his sudden threat. "Would you rather sacrifice yourself or sacrifice thousand innocent men for your selfish desire? Their lives now is in your hands, so choose wisely my dear." He spoke in my ear.

I push him away, he looked dumbfounded by my sudden action. "Go the fuck away from me." I looked at him in the eyes. "Your breathe stink!"

He opened his mouth certainly to counter my words, but I didn't let him to. "I'll stay! You crazy bastard, afterall I'm not as selfish as you are! You must keep your promised that you won't harm my homeland in anyway if I stay here."

He chuckled, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "I'll keep my promise."

Well if he wanted me to stay here so badly, then I would do it. But I was not promising him anything especially being a good girl here. Í would make him regret for ever wishing me to stay here, he would wish for me to die rather than having me around him. I, Maria Forras, will certainly bring chaos to this evil man.