
The Crazy Tomboy

♡✿♡✿♡✿♡ Ever been in a worst case scenario, where your once wealthy family becomes poor and began eating from hand to mouth, and how you have to take on soo many part time jobs just to fend for both yourself and your entire family? Well that was the case of LALISA BAL, popularly known and called Lisa. She is a pretty nineteen years old and the only child of her parents. She and her family are from Thailand, but they had to move to Australia, because of her father's job which he later lost. She is tall and slim in figure, and still has the killer shapes to make any guy go crazy. But all this beauty was hidden behind baggy clothes and huge trousers why?? Lisa's father came home one day that he had lost his work in the oil company. He was the general manager of the company, in charge of overseeing the funds and finances of the company, but all of a sudden something went wrong and he was instantly fired. Not too long after, he became in debt and highly burdened by his once light weighted responsibility, and had to borrow money from a loan shark. He used his wife's mini bar which was their family's only source of income, as a collateral for the money he borrowed. Lisa's Dad tried so hard to get another job but all to know available, he began working on a construction site, but quited when he was involved in an accident that claimed one of his legs, since then he became idly useless cause no one wanted to hire a disabled man. When it was time to pay back not to mention the interest added to the money he borrowed he couldn't pay up and his wife's mini bar was taken away from them. Because he couldn't pay up the interest, every night by 8pm the thugs would appear and beat him up for twenty minutes before going back to their base. Things became worse when his now jobless wife became a chronic drunkard and also a gambler. Lisa had to shoulder her dad's responsibility at the age of fifteen, so that she would be able to fund his hospital bills and also send herself back to school. Amidst that crazy personality stood a nineteen years old young girl of wild dreams, and the greatest of all her dreams was that she wanted to become a student in her dream school, a school meant for the rich and not the poor. Finally another scholarship session came and after applying for the second time that year she was accepted, but she still needed to gather more money for her textbooks and writing materials which was surprisingly very expensive, because it was to be purchased in the school and no where else. After striving to get into the school, she finds out that all she dreamt and thought about the school, was not really what she expected, and things even become more worse when she finds herself entangled between the two most popular boys in the school, who are most likely arch enemies!! What do you think will become of Lisa in Geelong high school? What do you think could be the situation that led to her dad's misfortune? Note: Lisa has a high level of fighting spirit, and also a stubborn rigid mind that when she makes it up she never changes it, or will she? For who and whom?

Fave_Gold · Teen
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58 Chs



"Olivia!! Olivia!! Where's my baby!!". Mrs Lorena yelled as she ran towards Olivia's lifeless body that had already been covered with a white cloth from her head to her toe. Her body was completely cold and it was now mutating.

Davis sat on the floor crying madly as his hands ran through his hair. He still couldn't believe that Olivia was dead but she his. She had bleed to death, even before he could rush her to the hospital.

To think he was just starting to like her and Kingston had to make her disappear from the surface of the earth. He wished he had brutally murdered Kingston himself.

Kingston's parents just left a while ago, after trying so hard to push the blame of their son's death to him, he was saved by the inspector in charge of the case who claimed and even got witnesses who saw Kingston murder himself.

Lady Lorena cried loudly and Senator Clearn consoled her, also fighting back his tears as he stared at his daughter's lifeless body.

Suddenly Lady Lorena pulled out of the senator's grip and and immediately charged towards Davis, holding him tight in the collar.

"You murderer! Tell me what my daughter did to you that you had to kill her in cold blood!!". Lady Lorena held him, as more tears poured down her eyes, while broken Davis also cried as she held him.

"Let him be Lorena, it's his cousin who killed our Via, not him". Senator Clearn started pulling his wife from Davis and he signaled to Davis to leave before she came for him again and Davis weakly left.

"My Via is gone! Our little girl is gone!". Lady Lorena cried out while her husband pulled her into a warm hug, as tears also escaped his eyes.

***** *****

Lisa couldn't finish the remaining sentence when a tear trickled down her eyes. Then her eyes widened when she glanced at…


"Dy…lan?'. Lisa called as she and everyone else gasped when the supposed dead Dylan got up from the floor and began dusting his body.

"You're not dead?". Lisa mumbled.

"Dead? Me? Why would I die so quickly? I haven't troubled you enough yet". Dylan replied, smiling widely and Lisa's eyes widened.

Most of the students sighed deeply in relief. And Aiden walked closer to Dylan making him hug he punched Dylan in the tummy and Dylan groaned in pain, Lisa assisted Aiden by smacking Dylan hard on the head.

"What kinda stunt do you think you just pulled now?!". Aiden yelled in rage.

"I was just…

"You think because you own your life you can do anything you want with it?!". Lisa added and Dylan gave her a questionable look.

"It was just a little stunt okay? The dude is my swimming buddy, he has a movie shoot tomorrow where he gets to act as an hired assassin and since he's never done it before he needed my help to make it real and that's what we just did. Plus it's a fake sniper that only spills fake blood but no bullets at all". Dylan explained, smiling charmingly and everyone's eyes widened more.

"You did great Marco, you're set for your shoot tomorrow!!". Dylan yelled widely giving a thumbs up to the guy who still stood at the rooftop with his mask now removed and the guy waved at him before leaving.

"You mean this whole thing was just a little charade?". Lisa scoffed as she rolled up her shirt sleeve and pissed, Aiden handed her a long plastic rod, which she accepted instantly.

"What…do…you think you're about to do?". Dylan stuttered in fear already set to run away.

"Just stay where you f**king are or I'll double your beating from fifteen to twenty!!". Lisa yelled as she charged towards Dylan who immediately took off and they began running round the school while some students chuckled at their sight.

Aiden began searching with his eyes among the crowd for Isla. He knew she had come at the same time as he told the scene.

He searched and when he finally saw Isla he was already walking away towards the library and he immediately went after her.

"Dylan!!! Baby!! Where are they?! Don't tell me you're really dead". Evelyn cried out the moment she got to the scene with Maya only for them to meet just a bloody scene with no dead body.

"Would they have already rushed him to the hospital?". Maya muttered, staring at the messed up floor, with her hands crossed.

"No, no way! Dylan can't just die like that? He can't leave me!!". Evelyn yelled crying deeply as she bent on her knees while Maya consoled her.

"Do we have two Dylan Russell in this school? Cause the one i know is getting the beating of his life from that beautiful crazy senior who once ruined his car". A junior student said and Evelyn raised up her head, with a spiteful look on her face.

"What did you just say?". Evelyn asked.

"What you heard!". The junior student who seemed rude snapped before walking off.

"I should have focused on that crazy b*tch from the on set!". Evelyn muttered deviously.

"Have you heard from Olivia? She's not picking her calls". Maya asked as she ignored Evelyn but worriedly kept on trying Olivia's line.

"Don't f**king tell me anything about that b*tch she has family so let them worry their worn out @sses about her!". Evelyn snapped in rage before walking off and Maya stood glaring at her deeply before making to also walk away but then her phone pinged off a message and she gasped when she saw it was a message from Oliver!

'How did he get my number?'. She thought within her, before opening his text.

*PHYSICS LAB* Oliver texted simply and she furrowed her brows in confusion before heading straight to the location he sent her.

***** *****

"I'm gonna f**king kill you Dylan!!". Lisa yelled as she ran after Dylan who stopped on his track and turned to face her.

"You just called me by my name again? Wow! I should make today my birthday….

Dylan couldn't finish his statement before Lisa pounced on him hitting him hard with the plastic and Dylan instead of groaning began laughing widely.


Isla made to pick a book placed way up in the book rack as she stood on her toes trying to reach it, but Aiden was fast enough to take it from the rack, then he stood opposite her flipping fast through the book pages and Isla stood glaring at him.

"Mechanics? Do you plan on studying mechanical engineering in college?". Aiden scoffed, still flipping ignorantly through the pages and Isla snatched it from him.

"You seem relaxed. I thought you would still be sulking because of your ex". Isla muttered as she began walking away and Aiden followed her.

"I realized she isn't worth my time". Aiden replied and Isla nodded.

"No girl's worth your time". Isla mumbled as she pretended to be reading the book in her hand.

"Really? Then why I'm I here?". Aiden asked, staring calmly at Isla who still pretended to be reading.

"It's a library anyone can come into…

Isla was interrupted by the gasp that escaped her lips when Aiden suddenly pulled her closer to him, then he made sure to lock eyes with her.

"You're not still mad because of what I said the other time right?". Aiden muttered as he held up her chin.

"What…other times?". Isla stuttered.

"You don't remember? Well it's good that way. It means I'll have to show you again". Aiden let out a light chuckle as he stared at Isla's plump pink lips and Isla's eyes widened but before she could do anything Aiden already locked his lips with hers, kissing it more passionately than ever.

He made sure the kiss was so intense that they could hardly feel their breaths. He pulled her closer by the waist and Isla placed her sorts palms on his chest as the kiss grew more possessive and Aiden kept wanting more.

Isla soon began gasping for breath, amidst the kiss and so she broke the kiss. Aiden still held her in his arms and her hands were still on his chest as they stared warmly at each other. Then Aiden finally broke the long silence.

"Do you remember now?". Aiden muttered and that was when Isla grew pissed thinking he kissed her for the same reason he kissed her at first.

"Psycho! Learn to f**king stayed away from me. I'm not one of your b*tches okay?!". Isla snapped in tears thinking she had been fooled again.

She made to storm out of the library but Aiden pulled her back and she pushed him away from her but he pulled her back to himself but this time very firmly that she found it hard for her to struggle in his grip.

"You actually think I see you just the way I see other girls?". Aiden asked as Isla ignored his question and kept on struggling in his grip.

"If that's the case then why haven't I f**ked you yet?". Aiden asked and Isla's eyes widened.

"F**k me? Why? I never presented myself as a whore right in front of you before..

"Oh no you have. You don't remember the first time we were at the restaurant and you had to make your skirt shorter just so I could notice you?". Aiden smirked loving the embarrassing expression Isla made with her face.

"I didn't do that for you okay? It was Dylan's attention I was trying to get!". Isla retorted and Aiden scoffed.

"Who thought you could lie this much? Ohk let's go ask him then he'll give us the perfect answer". Aiden said as he began pulling Isla by the hand arm away, but Isla was quick to stop him.

"Let's…let's not disturb him…it's obvious he's still getting beaten up by Lisa". Isla muttered and Aiden drew her closer.

"Do you agree that you actually got attracted to me first?". Aiden uttered and Isla tried avoiding his piercing gaze.

"That was then okay?!". Isla snapped like a kid and Aiden broke into laughter.

"Okay I understand. I'll stop making you feel embarrassed but if there's one thing I won't agree with, is you mentioning you have no attraction towards me again. I hate it that way". Aiden said seriously.

"Why do you think so highly of yourself? I'm the only one who's supposed to like you? What about you aren't you supposed to like me also?!". Isla yelled out.

"Of course I do. I like you alot!". Aiden let out shocking Isla.

"Huh?". Isla muttered with widened eyes.

"I really do like you alot and being the straight forward guy that I am, I would if a relationship could work between both of us". Aiden dropped the bomb passionately and for some minutes Isla stood completely silent with mouth a gap and when she finally got herself, she took off running out of the library immediately, and Aiden, though feeling a little confused, chuckled out.

"Cutie!". Aiden muttered…

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