

"Should we keep staring at each other like we are lovers or will you let me in?" Austin said as I kept blinking repeatedly to make sure I was not seeing things.

"How...how did you get here so fast?" I stuttered a little when I asked. I was still at the door, blocking his way as I held it open.

"I have a car?" He said that like it was supposed to explain it all. "Can I come in now? Is your boss in there?"

"No, he went for a meeting." I said as I allowed him in. Instead of leading him into Mr Greystone's secret lair, I went to seat on his seat, behind his desk.

"Wow. He's got a fancy office." He said as his gaze swept across the office. "And a wonderful view. He really has a good taste." He turned to look at me.

"Yeah, he is always going for the best." I agreed. " He should anyway. He has the money for it."