

The entire place looked like it was cut out of a fantasy story. There was a little driveway to a garage at the side of the house. The front yard was a garden with a fountain at the centre. How there was a constant water supply in a place so far from civilization, I didn't understand.

Immediately Rowan parked the car, he went straight to help me open my door. Meanwhile, I was still struggling with taking off the seat belt. " Let me help you. " He muttered as he leaned towards me to help me take the seat belt off.

His face was inches away from mine. It was so close that if he had turned abruptly, our lips would have met. I tried to control how fast my heart was beating as he was close enough to hear. Or at least, I thought he was hearing it. I didn't understand how my heart decided to beat so fast just because he was close by.