
The Crazed Player

*Uploads 3 times a week* In a world full of magic Ashton was bullied everyday. Almost everyone in the world was born with some type of ability that could be awakened when they reached the age 16. However, Ashton who was apart of the 0.5% of human kind to not be born with a ability. It was so rare to not have a ability and that caused Ashton to become an outcast and get bullied everyday. It wasn't a far stretch to say that Ashton was one of the most unfortunate people on earth. In the whole Earth's existence there have only been 10 cases of people being born without abilities. While Ashton was cursed his sister Tiana was blessed by the gods and received a high grade ability which caused for them to not be able to interact on public. Warning : If you cannot handle gore like materials or get disgusted easily do not read the novel. Art is not mine! if it is yours and you want me to take it down please ask and I will

Toni_Glennan · Action
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10 Chs

Thirst For Blood (2)

After Ashton got done drinking all the blood from the monsters he felt very refreshed and light. His senses got stronger and his mind was no longer clouded by unnecessary thoughts. The thing that really scared him was that his heart beat slowed down drastically. It was almost like he wasn't even alive. He felt his skin and it was ice cold. 'What the hell is happening? Why am I cold and why is my heart beat so slowed down?' Ashton asked.

[Don't you remember what happened yesterday? The host awakened 1% of his vampire bloodline ]

Now that he thought about it, it made a lot of sense and his worries started disappearing. Ashton had a smile on his face but around him nothing but shriveled up corpses were seen. If one saw his right now they would think that he was crazy. Ashton went ahead and placed the rabbits inside his inventory before walking back to the first cave. There at the cave you could see him flattening a rock in hopes of making it a hot plate to cook his food. The whole time while he was sharpening the rock his stomach was going crazy.

Growllllll. Growlllllll

Ashton held his stomach in pain as he was so hungry. He had fought lots of monsters but haven't eaten for 2 days which made him extremely hungry. If took him almost 30 minutes to just flatten the stone rock as his hunger made him stop every once in a while. When the stone hot plate was done Ashton was happy. 'Finally Its done all I have to do is cook the food' Ashton said while making a small fire and placing the hot plate on the fire. When it turned a bright red color he placed the bite sized monster meat on and the sound of grease popping was all you could hear.

His stomach started to growl even more as the scent of meat surrounded the air. He was so hungry that he didn't care about anything else but cooking the meat. He waited patiently as he didn't want to rush the process and flipped the meat when one side was done.


The meat was finally done and Ashton shoved it into his mouth like he had never eaten before. He didn't even care that the hot meat burnt his mouth and continued shoving more and more into his mouth. The system looked down at Ashton and shook it's head. All it wanted to do now was slap him on the back of the head. Unknowingly to Ashton he had made the system ashamed but he wouldn't care. Ashton ate the rest of the food quickly and finished in about 5 minutes. His stomach was protruding through his shirt and he indeed had a food baby.

He rubbed his belly happily and left the grease on his mouth.

[Host wipe the grease off your mouth and start training. We don't have time to be resting.]

'Fine I'll train.' Ashton said before complaining a little more. He had soon gotten up and wiped the grease off his mouth. He sighed once before he started running at full speed. Although he wasn't that fast he was still faster than the F-rank monsters. Although he complained earlier he was quite happy to train. About 1 hour passed and he was done with his training but he continued doing it as he didn't want to stop. It was almost like he got in a training frenzy.

His eyes were extremely focused and clear of any unnecessary thoughts besides training. He had pulled out his sword and started using his Illusion Sword technique. the more he trained his sword technique the better he got at using it. his sword swung throughout the air creating mini shockwaves. although he wasn't that strong now he still used his all to practice his sword technique. using the sword technique was extremely taxing as his body didn't have a strong foundation. instead of him giving up he continued to use it.

while using it he felt like he had gained an epiphany. it felt like everything around him had slowed down and the only thing that matter was the sword in front of him. he couldn't take his eyes off the sword at all. it felt like a strong being was forcing him to look at his sword and nothing else besides his sword. Ashton happily complied as he wanted to perfect his sword technique. if he perfected his sword technique it will make up for the lack of strength that he had. no matter how weak you are if you had a sword technique that you perfected then you will be good in life.

Unknowingly to Ashton hours have passed since he started his sword training. when he finally snapped out of the daze his body felt sore. He looked up in the sky and saw that he was getting quite dark so he walked back inside of the cave and fell asleep.

(the next morning)

when Ashton woke up he felt quite sore still but it wasn't painful. instead of painful it actually felt quite good which was kind of weird. 'system show me my stats and make all of them equal in level to 40' Ashton thought.


|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 20

EXP: 300/1000 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: E Talent: Medium

HP: 100/100 MP: 100


STR: 40 (+5) AGI: 40 (+5)

SEN: 40 (+5) DEF: 40 (+5)

STA: 40 (+5) VIT: 40 (+5)

INT: 40 (+5) AP: 316



Illusion Sword: Consists of 100 moves that can trick the enemy into thinking that strike is somewhere else than the intended (Upgrade: 4/5)

Requirements: Must have at least 5 strength

Cool down: None

Blood Maniac: When in battle the more blood splattered the more you strive to kill. When in the zone you won't feel pain or anything besides wanting to kill. (Upgrade: 2/5)

Requirements: Have to be in battle

Cool down: Can be used 2 times a day

Moon Lover: Stats will increase by 2 whenever you are in the dark. Your presence will also be less likely to detect. (Upgrade: 0/5)

Cool Down: None Requirements: Have to be on the moon

Devour: In battle, if blood is spilled the host can use the enemy's wounds to suck out all the blood from the enemy and absorb some of their attributes and skills. (Upgrade: 0/5)

Cool down: 5 hrs

Requirement: Must be in the 5-meter range of the target


Imperial Set: Low-grade F-rank armor that protects the host from most attacks from F-rank monsters. 50% that it absorbs damage.


-Drink the blood of all the monsters in your area

Reward: A-rank vampire technique

-Escape the forest

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 30km (Status: 0/40)

-Carry 600 kilograms (Status: 0/700)

-Climb a height of 300 meters (Status: 0/400)

<Rewards for completion are +5 attribute points>

<Punishments of incompletion: Sent to systems punishment zone>


Ashton felt stronger and better than usual. he thought that it might have been because he upgraded all his stats to 40 which made him happy. Ashton ran out of the cave and started looking for some monsters that he had never seen before and started slaughtering them. although he struggled with some of the monsters most of them weren't even up to this level and he killed them easily. after every monster he killed he will put them inside of his inventory so no more blood would be wasted. Ashton didn't want the blood to be wasted because he wanted to drink it for his mission.

while he was fighting he tried to not get blood on him as he didn't want to have to go to the river to wash himself. although he tried to not get blood on himself it was inevitable as his blood Maniac skill activated. when his blood Maniac skill activated it made Ashton want to have blood on himself. occasionally he would lick the blood off his sword and smile sadistically which scared the monsters and make them want to run away. 'what do you think you're going? you can't run from me I will always catch you.' Ashton said what a creepy smile on his face.

he ran towards the fleeing monsters with a smile on his face as he cut their heads off in one swing of his sword. however while killing the monsters he wasn't completely out of it as he managed to do his daily quest while he was killing the monsters. if you looked at Ashton right now you would be extremely scared as he was covered in blood and his eyes were glowing a bright red color. he looks like a predator chasing his prey. the weaker monsters shivered in fear and ran away from him.

Ashton finally got a hold of himself hours later and he looked at his body and saw nothing but blood on it. he sighed and shook his head before walking towards the stream. 'damn it I didn't want blood on me but it seems like it's inevitable as my blood Maniac skill likes blood.' Ashton complained. He sped up his Pace towards the stream and took his clothes off before pouring a bucket of water on him along with some soap and scrubbing his whole body. he washed himself about five times before he finally dried himself off and put on a clean pair of clothes. Ashton ran back towards the cave and cooked himself a nice meal which consisted of a variety of monster meat. unlike last time he didn't eat like a crazy person and he instead took his time while eating and was much cleaner while eating.

when he was done eating he wiped his mouth before laying on the ground and going to sleep. although he was sleeping he didn't let his guard down and had his senses heightened to the max to make sure no one ambushed him.

Should I skip when he gets out of the forest as it is just going to be a repeating cycle of him training killing monsters, and eating.

Toni_Glennancreators' thoughts