
The Crazed Player

*Uploads 3 times a week* In a world full of magic Ashton was bullied everyday. Almost everyone in the world was born with some type of ability that could be awakened when they reached the age 16. However, Ashton who was apart of the 0.5% of human kind to not be born with a ability. It was so rare to not have a ability and that caused Ashton to become an outcast and get bullied everyday. It wasn't a far stretch to say that Ashton was one of the most unfortunate people on earth. In the whole Earth's existence there have only been 10 cases of people being born without abilities. While Ashton was cursed his sister Tiana was blessed by the gods and received a high grade ability which caused for them to not be able to interact on public. Warning : If you cannot handle gore like materials or get disgusted easily do not read the novel. Art is not mine! if it is yours and you want me to take it down please ask and I will

Toni_Glennan · Action
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Monster Subigation (1)

'System can I use my reward?'

[Yes, pulling up random draw board.]

A big casino-like circle appeared in front of me. It had lots of rewards on it ranging from skills to potions. Once I clicked the button the wheel started spinning. 'Please can I get a martial arts technique so it will be easier hunting monsters' I wished repeatedly but the arrow pointed on a weapon. I wasn't too sad about it as I had gotten a better weapon. Although it was a medium-grade weapon it was quite light and well balanced. 'System why does the sword feel like it was made for me?'

[Because the system only makes weapons that suit the host]

'Thats really good' I thought. I looked around and all the spars were over so I left. I quickly walked over to the quest building. When I got there it was quite packed with students of all grades. But there were mostly seniors here as they needed to take missions. I smiled and walked towards the counter. "How may I help you?" the beast women said. "I would like to get my hunting license" I replied.

The woman pulled out a crystal ball and I placed my hand on it. I felt like it was scanning my body. Soon some information shone on a card and the women cut my finger and placed my blood on the card before stamping it. "Okay, your hunters license is here. You can only take F rank missions as of now. When you get to level 20 you can have your card information updated and you'll be able to take E Rank missions" the women said.

I walked away from her and went to the F rank board. I looked around but couldn't find any that I would like to take. 'System which one do you think I should take?' I asked.

[The host should take the monster subgation quest ]

I shook my head and quickly grabbed it before walking up to the counter. The lady stamped my paper and I walked out. I looked at where the mission was and it was in the town Clawren. Clawren wasn't that far from the main city. It was only a days walk but with my skills it could take half a day. But I also had to do my daily quests. 'I might as well do my quests while going there' I thought.

When I got towards the walls of the city there were 2 guards standing next to the exit. I stood in line and when I finally got to the guards they looked at me. "What's your purpose for leaving the city?" asked one of the guards. "I'm taking a quest from the school" I said. "Where's your hunting license?" asked one of the guards. I pulled out my hunting license and showed the guards. When they saw the school emblem they instantly acted respectful and let me pass through.

I laughed a little quietly before I started my journey. I would walk for an hour then do my daily quests. Throughout the way people kept looking at me funnily but I didn't care. I was in my own zone but then I felt something come behind me and it wasn't a human. I pulled out my sword and swung at where it's neck would be. I felt it slash through something and blood splattered. I turned back and saw that it was an F rank dear.

The deer looked shocked that I knew that it was coming behind me and I just smirked. I pulled the sword out of its neck and it fell to the ground.

[The host has achieved <first kill> the rewards are 4 tokens and plus 5 to each stat. Would the host like to open the 4 tokens?]


[Opening Tokens

Received a F-rank sword technique that can be upgraded called Illusion Sword....

Received a F rank set of invisible armor that can be upgraded called the Imperial Set. When wearing all stats are increased by 5

Received Inventory skill of 100 squares

Received a Soul Earring that converts souls into AP ]

' Show me my stats' I thought.


|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 0

EXP: 0/50 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: F Talent: Medium

HP: 50/50 MP: 10


STR: 20 AGI: 20

SEN: 25 DEF: 10

STA: 20 VIT: 7

INT: 25 AP: 5



Illusion Sword: Consists of 100 moves that can trick the enemy into thinking that strike is somewhere else then the intended


Imperial Set: Low grade F-rank armor that protects host from most attacks from a F-rank monsters. 50% that it absorbs damage.


-Complete 10 missions from the school (0/10)

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 10km (Status: 5/10)

-Carry 300 kilograms (Status: 150/300)

-Climb a height of 100 meters (Status: 50/100)

<Rewards for completion are +5 attribute points>

<Punishments of incompletion: Sent to systems punishment zone>


'Ooh my stats have increased. System show me my inventory'


Soul Earring

Invisible Armor>|

"Equip the Soul Earring and Invisible Armor" I said. Soon I felt something on my body and I even felt stronger. 'Show me my stats' I thought.


|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 0

EXP: 0/50 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: F Talent: Medium

HP: 50/50 MP: 10


STR: 20 (+5) AGI: 20 (+5)

SEN: 25 (+5) DEF: 10 (+5)

STA: 20 (+5) VIT: 7 (+5)

INT: 25 (+5) AP: 5



Illusion Sword: Consists of 100 moves that can trick the enemy into thinking that strike is somewhere else then the intended


Imperial Set: Low grade F-rank armor that protects host from most attacks from a F-rank monsters. 50% that it absorbs damage.


-Complete 10 missions from the school (0/10)

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 10km (Status: 5/10)

-Carry 300 kilograms (Status: 150/300)

-Climb a height of 100 meters (Status: 50/100)

<Rewards for completion are +5 attribute points>

<Punishments of incompletion: Sent to systems punishment zone>


'This armor is amazing also how do I store things in my inventory?' I asked the system.

[You simply think of storing said item and it goes in your inventory]

I looked at the deer and it disappeared. I continued walking for the whole day. It was quite dark when I made it to the town so I stayed in a hotel. The hotel only costed 1 yellow gladier crystal. I washed my body and ate some food which was only 5 clear gladier crystals. After I ate I had fallen asleep.

~The next morning~

When I woke up it was bright and early so I decided to do my daily quests. Once I was done I was sweating a little bit I wasn't tired. "Show me my status." I said.


|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 0

EXP: 0/50 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: F Talent: Medium

HP: 50/50 MP: 10


STR: 20 (+5) AGI: 20 (+5)

SEN: 25 (+5) DEF: 10 (+5)

STA: 20 (+5) VIT: 7 (+5)

INT: 25 (+5) AP: 15



Illusion Sword: Consists of 100 moves that can trick the enemy into thinking that strike is somewhere else then the intended


Imperial Set: Low grade F-rank armor that protects host from most attacks from a F-rank monsters. 50% that it absorbs damage.


-Complete 10 missions from the school (0/10)

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 20km (Status: 20/20)

-Carry 450 kilograms (Status: 450/450)

-Climb a height of 200 meters (Status: 200/200)

<Rewards for completion are +5 attribute points>

<Punishments of incompletion: Sent to systems punishment zone>


'System distribute 2 AP to each stat.'



|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 0

EXP: 0/50 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: F Talent: Medium

HP: 50/50 MP: 10


STR: 22 (+5) AGI: 22 (+5)

SEN: 27 (+5) DEF: 12 (+5)

STA: 22 (+5) VIT: 9 (+5)

INT: 27 (+5) AP: 1



Illusion Sword: Consists of 100 moves that can trick the enemy into thinking that strike is somewhere else then the intended


Imperial Set: Low grade F-rank armor that protects host from most attacks from a F-rank monsters. 50% that it absorbs damage.


-Complete 10 missions from the school (0/10)

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 20km (Status: 20/20)

-Carry 450 kilograms (Status: 450/450)

-Climb a height of 200 meters (Status: 200/200)

<Rewards for completion are +5 attribute points>

<Punishments of incompletion: Sent to systems punishment zone>


I smiled at my stats before walking out of my room and going to where the monsters were. It was a desolate area inside an abandoned building. Everything was dark but I could still see. I had my sword out and walked inside the building slowly and silently. I wanted to make the least amount of noise so I wouldn't be caught. Soon I found a monster by itself and I prepared myself for battle.

I had to kill it in one strike so it wouldn't signal the other monsters. I silently ran towards it and stabbed it through the heart. I saw its eyes dim and I placed it in my inventory. I looked around and I saw hundreds of not thousands of red eyes looking at me and I cursed my luck.