
Ch. 76

-- Vulcan POV --

Our first day was interesting, once the train arrived at the station at Hogwarts a really big hairy man called out for first-years to go to the boats. Harry seemed to know him and called him Hagrid, we then followed his directions and made our way to the boats. Deciding to stick with familiarity I hopped in the boat with Hitomi, Harry, and Ron. That boat happened to be the one Hagrid chose to take, and I was concerned for a second that there would be too much weight. My concerns were quickly washed away after he settled in the boat and I could only attribute it to magic, part of me wanted to scour it over to learn how they did it.

When Hogwarts came into view I was in awe, it was a friggin castle. It was awesome and foreign at the same time, coming from a city to this archaic building is a bit of a culture shock. I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful sight until we docked and then I was broken out of what felt like a trance.

As we disembarked we waited for all the other kids to get out of the boats. Then we were directed by Hagrid to go through the only entrance that was in sight. Once we made our way to the top of the stairways we were greeted by Professor McGonagall who had the same authoritative look that my mother had with her apprentices.

McGonagall: "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your house. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house points is awarded the house cup."

Towards the end of her spiel, a croaking sound could be heard by her.

???: "TREVOR!"

The boy rushed up and grabbed the frog. Professor McGonagall looked at him with much disapproval.

???: "Sorry…"

McGonagall: "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily."

With that Professor, McGonagall turned around and walked through the door.

???: "It's true then. What they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

Murmurs broke out amongst the crowd, and I couldn't understand why.

???: "This Crabb and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

Ron snickered at that and the kid with slicked-back blonde hair who looked like he was imitating a used car salesman glared at him.

Draco: "You think my name is funny do you? No need to ask yours, red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find out some wizarding families are better than others Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there."

The used car salesman stuck his hand out for Harry to shake. I could see by the look in Harry's eyes he wasn't falling for it. Before Harry could reply my lovely sister did for him.

Hitomi: "Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy now why does that sound so familiar. Vulcan why does it sound familiar?"

I just sighed at my sister bringing me into this.

Draco: "No one asked you mud blood, let the betters talk."

Well, that solidified in my mind that I'll take this kid down a little. He wants to flaunt, so I'll flaunt a little.

Vulcan: "Tomi, I think when dad was doing business with Ragnok, Professor McGonagall said that he would surpass the Malfoy's in wealth."

Before the red-faced prat could retort McGonagall walked back in and tapped him on the shoulder with a roll of what looked like parchment. He then turned around to face her and went back to his group. The Professor then told us to follow her and she led us into an amazing dining hall. When I looked up to the ceiling It looked like the night sky and Hermione chimed in saying that she read somewhere it was enchanted like that. Even as much as I read and have a thirst for knowledge, the know it all attitude is getting kind of annoying.

When we arrived at the front Professor McGonagall had us spread out around the steps that led up to the teacher's table. Dumbledore stood up and started to talk about a couple of new rules then sat back down. Professor McGonagall then started to call names of students to walk up and sit on a stool where she would put a hat on their head.

First up was Hermione and to my surprise, she got placed in Gryffindor. But there was no surprise when Malfoy was placed in Slytherin without the hat touching his head. Ron was next and then placed into Gryffindor with the rest of his family. Harry Potter on the other hand was interesting, it looked like the hat was wanting him to go to Slytherin, but I could hear Harry muttering "not Slytherin," and the hat finally acquiesced and placed him in Gryffindor.

I was called up next and sat down on the stool. When the hat was placed on my head I felt something trying to probe my mind. But fortunately, the ring that dad had made blocked the attempt. I quickly found out the cause of the probe when the hat started to mumble in frustration.

Sorting Hat: "Kid you're going to have to let me through your occlumency."

Vulcan: "Uhh, I don't know what that is? If it makes it easier on you, I like to read a lot and I get mostly perfect scores on all my classes."

Sorting Hat: "RAVENCLAW!"

Smirking at that I got off the stool after Professor McGonagall took the hat off. On my way to the table, I let Hitomi know what's going to happen and just tell the hat about herself. When she was called up next and I was sitting with my new house I could see the hat getting frustrated again. This time I saw Dumbledore glance at me and felt something brush across the shield in my mind. I just brushed it off as the hat then yelled out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

-It feels good when you know you're down

A super dope homeboy from the Oaktown

And I'm known as such

And this is a beat, uh, you can't touch- (MC Hammer - Can't Touch This)

I quickly reached into the pockets of my robe to hit the silent button. But by then everyone was already staring at me. My face went red a bit at everyone staring, but I just played dumb. Professor McGonagall quickly recovered and called another kid to the stool. Before the hat could continue another song penetrated the silence.

-I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah

You don't wanna fuck with me

Got the police bustin' at me

But they can't do nothin' to a G- (2Pac - Ambitionz Az a Ridah)

This time I quickly pulled the phone out and answered it with a whisper.

Vulcan: "What mom?"

Tsunade: "Zach said someone tried to enter your sister's mind and yours twice."

Vulcan: "We're getting sorted, that might be it."

There was a loud clearing of a throat from the teacher's table. When I looked up I saw everyone staring. Most were confused at what I was doing, and the ones who have regular parents are in awe that I can use a cell phone.

McGonagall: "Mr. Briggs, 10 points from Ravenclaw. Would you please stop the conversation on that device so we can continue the sorting?"

Tsunade: "TELL THAT BITCH THAT I'M TALKING TO MY SON. I DON'T CARE IF THEY'RE SORTING! What? Zach, why are you making me hang up? Why would sorting trigger the block? What about th-"

I hung up the phone before I could get in more trouble. Thank the Gods that no one has excellent hearing. By now my face was cherry red, and my whole table was glaring at me for losing points for us as I just joined. My response was just to put my head down and pretend the outside world didn't exist.

After dinner was finished everyone got up and started to head towards the main door to go to the dormitories. When I reached the door I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see who it was. My now green-haired friend Tonks was there smiling at me with a bit of mirth.

Tonks: "That music that was played, you're gonna have to let me hear the full thing sometime. It was really kick ass."

Vulcan: "Uh… Yeah sure, my mom picked it out for when she calls."

Tonks: "Either way, I'll see you next time!"

With that, we made our way to the dormitories, and on the way, a couple of my fellow housemates started to talk to me. They were mainly the ones who were muggle-born or had at least one parent who was a muggle. It might have been a rocky start, but at least it's ending on a good note.

-- Tsunade POV --

Well, sex on the beach and sex in the ocean sounds better in theory than practicality. The ocean washes all the natural lubricant away, and well sand gets everywhere. That's what we were putting into practice when Zach said that someone tried to breach into the twins' minds, then he said Vulcan's mind was attacked again. We rushed to the house that Zach had bought on my impulse and he got to his phone first. I saw him put it to his head as I grabbed mine, after a minute Zach was about to dial again.

Tsunade: "I got this."

I dialed his number and after a couple of seconds, he answered.

Vulcan: "What mom?"

My voice might have been a little rough from the worry I was feeling.

Tsunade: "Zach said someone tried to enter your sister's mind and yours twice."

Vulcan: "We're getting sorted, that might be it."

I had no clue what sorting was, Zach was adamant for us not to watch or read the books. He said that we didn't need to fill our heads with such filth and it wouldn't matter since the kids being there would surely change way too much.

McGonagall: "Mr. Briggs, 10 points from Ravenclaw. Would you please stop the conversation on that device so we can continue the sorting?"

I heard in the background and I was appalled. Call me a Karen all you want, my kids just faced what would be an attack on the mind. This bitch is going to let me make sure they're ok.


Zach: "Woah they're sorting? That makes sense."

Tsunade: "What?"

Zach: "Honey just hang up the phone."

Tsunade: "Zach why are you making me hang up?"

Zach: "Because the sorting hat is what triggered the mind-reading block."

Tsunade: "Why would sorting trigger the block?"

Zach: "In order to sort them into a house."

Tsunade: "What about the second attack? Can you believe what your son just did?"

Halfway through my last sentence, Vulcan hung up on me. I had half the mind to call him right back, but Zach persuaded me not to. With the flirty and sexy mood we had earlier ruined by the sea, sand, and kids we decided to hop in the shower to clean up.

After the shower, I went and sat down on the couch and turned the news on. Zach was in the kitchen with nothing but his birthday suit on, I swear he's become a nudist since the kids have left. Then again it is fun being lazy and not putting clothes on like now all I'm in is a towel.

Male Anchor: "We have breaking news, the CEO of Stark Industries Tony Stark has been abducted during his tour of the Middle East. He was out there to show more demonstrations of the latest Jericho Missile. The convoy was hit by a heavy resistance and there were only a couple of survivors who are still in critical condition."

Female Anchor: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the Stark family and friends."

I just stared at the T.V. for a couple of minutes and I could hear Zach go quiet too.

Tsunade: "Honey, did we sell the Stark stocks?"

Zach: "Yeah, how do you think I was able to afford this?"

I turned around to look at him in the kitchen and gave him an evil grin.

Tsunade: "You said that he escapes right?"

Zach: "Yup, and when he decides to stop selling weapons I'm debating on buying as much stock as I can. Maybe make things a little harder on him company-wise."

Tsunade: "But why? It's been years, if you buy a huge amount then we'd actually have to deal with him."

Zach: "True… I am petty, but the less contact with him is the better. Plus, he might come crawling to the ever so famous Senju Clinic to try and get the metal out."

Tsunade: "Fuck him, I'm petty too."

We both stared at each other and started to bust out laughing. Our little shenanigans almost ruined breakfast as I could smell the toast starting to burn. With an "oh shit" Zach finished up the simple scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. He plated it up and brought them to the coffee table and we had a quiet breakfast while watching the rest of the news.

(A/N: Workin in the office tomorrow. So probably no chapter for a day or two.

Love you guys. <3
