
The Crafter and The Slug

Zach is a normal human thrown into something completely out of this world. He meets a Legendary Sannin in a bar and gets his ass whopped while his friend stands there and watches. Then gets blessed by a couple gods only to be put into a cheesy rom-com movie situation. Follow the lovey-dovey story of a man who's pull-out game is weak and the princess of Konohagakure. Can he survive on Naruto's world, or will he have to build a Death Star and just say screw it? Heads up, I know the beginning is really rough I'm sorry. I'm not good at starting stories, or even writing them. This is my third attempt at writing and the longest so far. I'm trying to keep to a two-a-day release schedule. From what I've been told the story picks up after Ch. 16, but he doesn't get very bad*ss until around Ch. 19 Discord: https://discord.gg/Eph2esQ

Yay_Pepto · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Ch. 11

--Tsunade POV--

What the heck did I just do?! I can't believe I didn't recognize him. I know we have only been around each other a lot for only a week. But he looks completely different without the beard! He's just so… handsome. I could feel my face still flushed from the embarrassment on top of being flustered by his looks. Slapping both cheeks to snap myself out of the current train of thought. I turned back to the door and went back inside.

Zach: "Welcome back, a kunai to the neck wasn't what I expected for a first date."

I could feel my forehead vein pulsing.

Tsunade: "Yeah and what did you expect me to swoon all over you and fall into your arms?"

I regretted it right after I said it. I could see him frown a little, then a smile appeared on his face.

Zach: "Nope! I expected to clean up, take the most beautiful women I've met out for a night on the town and maybe get a kiss at the end of it.

Tsunade: "Oh so you got all dressed up for Aphrodite and you want her to kiss you goodnight huh?"

He gave a hearty laugh that sounded good to my ears. But I wasn't done with him yet. Wait why is he walking closer to me? I stood there watching to see what he would do. He came up to me and slipped an arm around my waist causing me to flush a little and looked me in the eyes.

Zach: "She might be a Goddess, but she doesn't hold a candle to you."

After he said that my mind froze, and I could have sworn I heard a wolf whistle. I looked around to see where it came from but no one was there. Then a voice popped into my mind.

Aphrodite: "He's a smooth talker. Better watch out or I'll take him."

That bristled my feathers.

Tsunade: "Back off he's my smooth talker!"

Chuckles that sounded like bells tinkling filled the room. Causing Zach to show a confused look, and I too let out an exasperated sigh.

Tsunade: "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. You look so different without your beard, in a good way. I hope you'll keep it shaved, I like the way you are now. Let me get cleaned up and dressed and we can head out. I saw a festival going on in the market that we can go visit."

He gave me a caring smile and nodded his head.

Zach: "Ok while you do that I'll be over here on my laptop completing the designs for our vehicle. Thank you again for setting everything up for me, I'd be lost without you."

Stunned by the last bit he said I watched him walk over to the table where the laptop and a bunch of papers were. He sat down and started working. The dedication he's showing in this project is really admirable, and he looks so handsome when he's concentrating like that.

Snapping out of my thoughts I made my way over to where I kept my clothes and started to dig through figuring out what I'm going to wear tonight. Finding a pink kimono that I couldn't remember the last time I wore, I pulled it out. Then, I sifted through the undergarments where I found the sexiest bra and panties I had and pulled them out placing them under the kimono so he wouldn't see. Even though I don't plan on letting him sample the goods for a bit, doesn't mean I can't make myself feel sexier. Finishing up the outfit I picked out a pair of white stockings and a pair of zori.

Scurrying off into the restroom I could feel his eyes staring at me in curiosity. I put that to the back of my mind because I was going to make him speechless when I come back out! (A/N: BECAUSE THAT'S MY NINJA WAY!) Laying the clothes out on the counter so they don't get wrinkled I get undressed and hopped in the shower.

After hopping out of the quick shower and drying my hair I put on my underwear. Looking at myself in the mirror I can't get over the fact that this is how I really look now. I must say that damn I do look good, the Goddess who shall not be named has nothing on me!

Aphrodite: "Even thinking with intent still triggers an alert for me! But you're I don't have anything on you, but I would love to be all over you."

Getting flustered by the badgering of the Goddess who shall not be named I just waved it off. Nothing can bring me down from this high, except maybe Jiraiya. Please don't let him show up and cock block me.

Enough screwing around Tsunade. Zach's waiting for you! I finish getting dressed and do a once over in the mirror. Seeing that I look damn good I was about to put my hair in a ponytail like I normally do and stopped. You know what, if he went through all the trouble to change his look I can too. I grabbed the brush and brushed my hair out leaving it down. Walking to the bathroom door my heart started beating rapidly. Hopefully, he will like it. I reached for the doorknob and opened it then walked out.

--Zach POV--

After I heard the shower stop I started to pay less attention to the laptop and more on looking at the bathroom door. I was getting butterflies in anticipation of our date. I want to make it the best date I could. Hearing a bunch of commotion in the bathroom I became somewhat concerned but brushed it off as her just getting ready.

As I heard the door open I looked up to the bathroom and saw her walk out.







Initiating reboot.






Trying to recover B drive.





Brain back online.

I honestly don't know how to describe it. I was half buttering her up earlier, but after seeing this. Aphrodite doesn't have anything on her. The way she fills out the pink kimono that showed off every curve of her body was divine. I could even see the baby bump in the front where our child was growing and it just added more to her beauty. All I could do was stare in utter captivation. Seeing her blush at the look I was giving her added another notch to her beauty. (A/N: ANOTHA ONE, ANOTHA ONE)

Tsunade: "Quit looking at me like that you'll make me self conscious."

I got up and walked over to her and put my arms around her waist bringing her in close to me. I was going on auto-pilot right now, brain still shorting out. I could feel her struggle a little but I leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss. She relaxed and started to kiss me back. We were lost in this back and forth for what felt like seconds but was only a couple minutes. She pushed me away when my hands started to roam.

Tsunade: "Well it looks like this outfit gets your seal of approval. Let's go before the stalls sell out of good food! You're paying by the way!"

Nodding in agreement I let go of her and realized, I don't have any money in the Naruto world.

Zach: "How am I going to pay? I'm pretty sure your world doesn't accept my currency."

She smiled and took out a little wallet and dropped it in my hands.

Tsunade: "The man should always pay. You can pay that back to me later. With interest."

Somehow I don't think kisses and backrubs will cover the interest cost. I hooked my arm so that she could put hers through mine and we walked out of the room into her world.

Going through the door portal felt just like walking out of a normal door. No discomfort or anything. We walked down to the reception area and waved at the receptionist then walked out the door. My eyes went wide and my head was on a swivel seeing at the new things just right outside the door. I was in a new world and with great company, tonight was going to be a good night!

We had a great night that night. We went down the lanes and tried all the festival games that I swore were rip-offs. But Tsunade just corrected me and said that I just suck at them. Most of the prizes were won by her. But they had one where you had to get 3 bouncy balls into a basket that I nailed for the grand prize. I gifted her wolf plushie I picked out from it, and she's been hugging it ever since.

Deciding that we've had enough walking around we went to a darker area where not a lot of people are just to look at the stars. Sitting next to her on the bench I slide my hand over to hold hers. Which she accepted, and sat there with me looking at the sky.

Tsunade: "You know so much about me. Who I am, who I've been, and who I will be. But I know hardly anything about you other than you're devilishly handsome."

I laughed and blushed a little at the compliment.

Zach: "I know what I've seen on the shows and read about you. That's not the same as knowing you, Tsunade Senju. I want to know what your favorite color is, what your favorite food is. What I should make you for breakfast, what your dreams are. We'll get there, but here's a little bit about me. I'm 30 years young, I can't really say I'm a master smith or proficient at any other craft because this blessing just makes it all obsolete. I was raised by my grandparents after my father passed away when I was 10. He's the one that got me into crafting in the first place. I used to do that for a living until I went to jail."

Tsunade: "Wait you went to jail? When?"

Zach: "The very next day after I met you. The guy who I tried to give a beating to has a lot of connections in town. So, I got charged with assault and had to sell everything to pay the court fees and reparations to the asshole."

Tsunade: "But you didn't start it! He hit me first and you were only defending me!"

Zach: "Money talks in my world, no one came to my defense as witnesses. So it was my word versus his. But that's in the past now. I'm here, and with you. That's all that matters to me right now. Madara could come now and destroy this place and I'd happily die by your side."

I looked over to see her staring at me with tears starting to form in her eyes. I moved my free hand to her face cupping her cheek and using my thumb to wipe away the tear. Leaning in I gave her a deep kiss, which she responded in turn.

We broke the 15k word count with not fillabusting like I've seen some webnovels do! Woohoo! I want to thank all you for your support and the encouragement ya'll are giving. It really does mean a lot and makes me want to write more.

As always please joing my discord if you want to help out with the stories. I really need sounding boards to bounce ideas off of and to help me with the Naruto-verse. I'm not that knowledgeable with the jutsus and stuff like that!

Until next time!



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