
The Coyote & Him

"M-Mate.." She mumbles the words, mesmerized by the haughty piece of flesh standing before her. Her coyote eyes glaze over as if in a trance that she can't snap out of. The figure cocked its head to the side, engulfing the view of Nadia as if she was a meal. A low snarl rose from within it. Mate.. Her inner canine explodes with relief, howling incessantly. There is no way this is my mate. She shoveled the coyote thoughts aside and stepped back, but the darkened figure only followed her lead and stepped forward simultaneously. The moonlit opening among the trees shed light on the figure to reveal an evermore astounding creature. "No.." She whispers in hopes of mercy. As the lone coyote of the pack, Nadia typically keeps her head low and submits to the alphas orders-her lifelong friend Dakota. Forever grateful for being accepted into the largest pack of the region, she has built strong friendships with everyone there. When she stumbles away from the territory, she realizes she is no longer in wonderland. Outside the wolf regions, lie the unspeakable enemy-vampires. Even with an ancient peace treaty in place, vampires still lurk the night, stalking innocent prey. What will happen when Nadia comes face to face with a blood-sucking leech?

NoelleClarke · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Nadia spun around in hopes to catch another glimpse of the vampire. She then shut her eyes tight as a lump formed in her throat.

This isn't happening, she thought. Impossible..She continued.

It was an irrevocably overwhelming rush of emotions when realizing that the villainous creature was her mate. Coyotes do not mate with such a bond much less to the opposite species.

Vampires were cruel and unworthy. Their sole purpose is to kill and devour-that's it. Whatever heart felt emotions they had were long gone and nonexistent. They weren't capable of such responsibilities other than drinking blood.

The stories Nadia heard were from within the shadow pack. The elders would tell stories of the ancient past times of when Mayan wolves and vampires were sworn enemies. Wars broke out and lives were lost to conquer territories and claim leadership. Thousands of years later, vampires and werewolves came to an agreement. A peace treaty to heed the boundaries and respect for one another. Vampires and werewolves never crossed paths since.

What was one doing near the borders?

Nadia finally moved her weakened legs forward, desperate to find a way out of there. Her heart still yearned for the vampire and it imposed an obvious barrier to her getting home.

No! She internally screamed. She did not want to desire the vampire in that way. She should have killed it before it could have killed her.

"I need to get out of here." she murmured. The breeze was drifting faster now and she could feel her body become cold. Her arms hovered over each other for warmth as she continued to walk, for sure that a path would show sooner or later.

Be careful Nadia..her inner canine cowered deeper, sensing something sinister.

With the scarcity of vampires in the area to tear werewolves a part, there was also a subspecies of wolves called rogues.

Rogues are wolves that voluntarily leave packs. The consequences of going rogue is the delusion, manic episodes, and consistent anger that develops from breaking the link between themselves and the pack. It's an extremely painful process that ends up with them going completely stir crazy. They are rare, but do lurk outside of boundaries waiting to attack members that leave the borders.

Nadias lip quivers as she hears the rustle sound of leaves again.

To her dismay, she feels a sense of relief but quickly recoils when she hears a low growl emerge from the trees. It wasn't a familiar presence that she once sensed when the vampire was near. It was a presence aiming to hurt her.

The smell from this thing was fowl as before, filling her senses with hatred and fear. She'd never been across the border to fight among herself. She only trained with Dakota and the other pack members. She had to train harder than others because of who she was. She needed to be stronger to measure up to them as she wasn't biologically born with the abilities as they were.

The snarl continued and a matted, grey wolf appears from the shadows and licks its lips in desire for hunger. It had a scar etched into its face across it's eyes. Foam and drool dripped from its mouth as if anticipating her taste already.

We need to shift. Her inner coyote pleaded. Even though coyotes don't compare to wolves especially rogues, Nadia could put up a good enough fight to flee.

Without even thinking further, Nadia closed her eyes, shifting into a small, tanned coyote. The bones of her body disassembled then reassembled with ease and her clothes tore away from her body. A low growl rose from her chest to intimidate the rogue.

"A coyote." The rogue spoke in surprise. "Where's your pack?" He spat as he circled around her. His glazed eyes looked her all around, taking in every inch of fur she had.

"None of your business rogue." Nadia spat back. Her eyes glow with an intensity of yellow to symbolize her kind.

The rogue laughed and lunged at Nadia but she dodged it quickly to jump against a tree then disappear into the woods. She pushed her paws as fast as she could but the rogue was hot on her heels. He was much faster than she.

Nadia pushed harder, not looking back. She needed to come up with a tactic to throw him off. Nadia leaped upwards into the trees, stunning the wolf as he could no longer see her but he could definitely smell her.

She then sneakily attacked the rogue from the top and onto his back. Her paws and claws dug into his back, forcing a painful yelp from the rogue.

Got him!

The plans quickly backfired and the rogue yanked her off his back from her hind legs and dragged her across the dirt.

Nadia yipped in pain, clawing at the dirt in an attempt to escape but the rogue chomped down harder, making them shatter and begin to bleed.

The rogue then let go and pushed her with his muzzle against the ground. The forceful blow knocked the wind right out of her and she gasped for air. He towered over her, mouth wide open to rip her neck a part.

Nadia squinted her eyes shut, unable to move. She was sure her legs were broken.

"I'm going to enjoy you.." He growled with a menacing grin. "But first..I've never mated with a coyote before." His tongue slithered out of his mouth and onto her fur. Sopping it with saliva that made her cringe in fear.

For a moment, nothing happened. She awaited her fate but she only caught a familiar scent. Nadia opened her eyes to see the rogue was no longer on top of her. She turned her head to see a tall figure diving it's head into the wolf with an echoing hiss. The wolf didn't even have a chance to cry in pain as the vampire had already beat him to it.

The wolf dropped to the ground as the figure flashed to Nadia's side in an instant.

Nadias coyote form whimpered in pain from the lacerations on her legs, unable to move them. The excruciating pain was forcing her to go in and out of consciousness but the sudden relief surged in.

She then shifted into her human form, leaving a naked Nadia buried into the dirt. Her legs were injured in ways that ripped the skin completely from her body. The agonizing pain left her tear filled and whining.

She felt cold, heavy arms surround her and sway her back and forth as if she was being carried. The familiar scent clouded her mind as she finally drifted into a sleep like state.


"Have you seen Nadia?" Dakota purses his lips together, concerned with where she might have went.

A group of members shrug their shoulders in response then Dakota turned his attention to Aspen.

He spoke with Aspen and enjoyed his time with pack members, but something felt uneasy. Nadia was usually always close by. He never really let her go too far since the day he found her, there was just something about her he needed to protect.

Aspen shrugged his shoulders too. "Try the bunk house. Maybe she was tired? She's been planning the party all day."

Dakota nodded, smiling at the thoughtful gesture she did for him.

Dakota headed for the bunk house but didn't find her there. He began to get worried. Panting, he digs in his pocket to flip out a cell phone. He scrolls to her name and clicks it but it went straight to voicemail.

"Shit.." he mutters under his breath. He then proceeds to send her a text message, hoping she receives it.

Dakota shuts his eyes to link his thoughts with other pack members including his beta.

I need everyone to respond to headquarters immediately. If there is any knowledge on Nadias whereabouts let me know. I'll meet you guys there.

A pack member who had been drinking replies, maybe she went to be with the other coyotes. He laughs.

Dakota growls. As your alpha, shut your fucking mouth.

The linkage goes silent for many moments.

I'm at headquarters. Aspen replies sternly, ready for action.

Dakota stammers up the stone steps and swings the double doors open.

Aspen is leaning against the door frame of the foyer, smoking a cigarette.

"Put that shit out." Dakota ordered.

Aspen quickly does as told and follows him into the parlor.

"What do you think?" He asks. "Are you sure she's not here anywhere? Maybe she's with a mate?"

Dakota shakes his head solemnly. "She's a coyote. She can't mate like we do." The room fell silent as others began to gather in.

They reported to Dakota, informing him that there are no sightings of Nadia.

He became more worried, sweat beading up between his brows. Dakota looks over the map stretched on the table and studies it for a moment before speaking.

"We will have to go outside the borders." He finally says.