
The Coyote & Him

"M-Mate.." She mumbles the words, mesmerized by the haughty piece of flesh standing before her. Her coyote eyes glaze over as if in a trance that she can't snap out of. The figure cocked its head to the side, engulfing the view of Nadia as if she was a meal. A low snarl rose from within it. Mate.. Her inner canine explodes with relief, howling incessantly. There is no way this is my mate. She shoveled the coyote thoughts aside and stepped back, but the darkened figure only followed her lead and stepped forward simultaneously. The moonlit opening among the trees shed light on the figure to reveal an evermore astounding creature. "No.." She whispers in hopes of mercy. As the lone coyote of the pack, Nadia typically keeps her head low and submits to the alphas orders-her lifelong friend Dakota. Forever grateful for being accepted into the largest pack of the region, she has built strong friendships with everyone there. When she stumbles away from the territory, she realizes she is no longer in wonderland. Outside the wolf regions, lie the unspeakable enemy-vampires. Even with an ancient peace treaty in place, vampires still lurk the night, stalking innocent prey. What will happen when Nadia comes face to face with a blood-sucking leech?

NoelleClarke · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


"We've search a hundred miles around the territory, boss. Nothing has turned up." Aspen directed his attention to Dakota who seems like a worrisome alpha.

Scattered search groups went out of the boundaries to find Nadia but there was no trace of her. Dakota was able to pick up her scent into the woods, confirming that she went on the outskirts. He didn't understand why she would do such a dangerous thing. She knew exactly what was out there and with her vulnerable state, she wouldn't stand a chance.

Another scent was picked up but it was so revolting that the members chalked it up to a dead animal carcass nearby.

"Damn it!" Dakota slammed him fist onto the desk. It had been one whole day that she's been missing and he couldn't think of anything more. He needed to find her.

"Why are you so hung up on this? Maybe she's gone rogue." A girl enters the office and slouches into the sofa, propping her combat boots onto the ottoman. Just the mere thought of her going rogue drove Dakota mad. She'd never.

But it might be true. Dakota's inner wolf chimes in his own two cents but Dakota dismissed him.

"Davina. Shut up." He snarled.

Davina raised her hands in surrender. Dakota's younger sister wasn't always the friendliest but she knew when to stop poking the bear.

Aspen sighs, walking over to the map and pointing in an area near the mountains.

"We haven't checked here. Mainly because that's rogue territory. It would be dangerous for us to enter but we will for you Alpha."

A few others perked up with nods and Dakota felt an ease of pleasure. He was definitely grateful for his pack and the loyalty they shared with him. However, rogue territory would be a suicide mission. If Nadia was really there then she might be..

Dead, he thought, clenching his jaw to suppress the hypothetical images.

"No." Dakota breathed out. "It's too risk-" everyone stopped in their tracks.

Silence fell among the room as a scent filtered into the headquarters and into everyone's nostrils.

Aspen snaps his head up, looking at a distraught alpha. He was ready to jump to action and be there for him. Davina stood up so fast that she almost fell over. Everyone stared at Dakota, awaiting the next order.

The smell seeped into Dakota's senses, leaving a trail of disgust and fear. His caramel eyes widen and then his jaw became tight.

The muscles underneath the crew neck shirt he wore tensed. He muffled out a groan in grief.

It was blood they smelled. A lot of it.

"That's.." Davina shakenly stepped back away from the front doors, knowing they were going to barrel out of there to follow the familiar scent.

Dakota closed his eyes slowly then opened them. "Nadia." He breathed.

When the scent became more potent, the group slowed down and unknowingly stumbled upon the bunk house again. Dakota swore he checked every crevice in that place for her. Something was up.

The members circle the house, defending it like a battleship.

Dakota was the only one to make a step forward into the bunk house. He followed the ever growing scent up the stairs and to the bedroom that Nadia stayed in.

When he reached the doorframe, his body instantly flashed to the side of the bed, kneeling down on his knees.

"Get me a healer in here!" He screamed for the others to hear.

There lie in front of him, a cold and lifeless Nadia covered in blood. Her eyes were closed and Dakota could feel a very faint pulse.

He was unaware of what happened and what the cause of the blood could be. He began to check over her body, searching for an answer. As he muffled around her shirt, he trailed his eyes up to a portion of her neck that encompassed more blood than other parts of her body.

Dakota quickly grabbed a cloth to wipe away the wet liquid to see a patch of two punctured wounds, side by side.

Confused, Dakota managed to place his hand over the wound and press down to relieve pressure and stop the bleeding until the healer gets there.

"You're going to be alright Nadia. I'm here." He whispered, grasping her hand with his free one.

"I'm here." He repeated.

The healer finally arrived and shooed Dakota away. Dakota somehow stumbled out of the house, trying to figure out what happened to her. He studied the ground for a bit then a sudden realization settled in.

Aspen walked up to him, "I'm glad she's alive."

Dakota ignored him with a fearful expression. "We need to call a meeting." He huffed.

Damon had trudged through the woods long enough to trail the path back to Nadia's home. He still didn't even know her name, but he took her blood mercilessly.

Such a selfish thing to do, he thought, scolding himself. But the smell of her skin and warmth of her blood was intoxicating-a glorious drug. It fed him happily, filled his strength and relaxed him just so. Something about her made him want to dive in again but he quickly shook the thoughts away. He'd kill her if he did it again.

Since he laid eyes on this wolf, she's been nothing but trouble. Causing him such flustered effects and getting away with it. He had to know what it was about. So he kissed her. At first he thought nothing of it but then the sensuality grew. He knew something drew him to the woods that far. It was like witch craft pulling him like a sirens song. He knew something would happen, just not this.

Vampires don't mate. They don't even know the meaning of love much less create an undeniable bond with someone. Sure they procreate, but it's meaningless.

Wolves were enemies to vampires and it's stayed that way for years. He hated the grip this little wolf had on him but he needed to get her to safety. What he did..is unforgivable.

He drank from her. She was so sweet and supple but almost taking her life crossed the line.

His crimson eyes glanced down at her softened face. He was able to take in her symmetrical features much better than before. Her chest rose and fell slowly with each breath she took but her pulse remained faint. He needed to get her back to her home. They can help her there.

His free hand reached up to brush an Auburn lock away from her closed eyes then he noticed a necklace laced around her neck with the word 'Nadia' engraved on the charm.

So exquisite, he thought, adoring her face.

"Nadia.." He whispers with an accent.

Finally, Damon made it back to the same open space they met. The memorable area made his heart skip a beat which he quickly dismissed in annoyance.

He hoisted himself with inhuman strength up the trenched hill and caught sight of the bunk house. He flashed his way inside to avoid being seen and laid her gently on the bed.

For a moment, he wanted to stay and make sure she would survive. He needed to know more about her and this unescapable hold that was against him. But he would be sniffed out in a heart beat by the fowl wolves.

Damon bent over her body, brushing his fingertips over her dry lips. He desired to have one more feeling of passion.

Giving into his emotions, he leaned down further to press his lips against hers once more, being careful not to hurt her. The jolt of contentment overwhelmed him and her sweet flower fragrance filled his senses. Before he could withdraw, he lingered again, feeling helpless and the sinking feeling of rage yielded as the kiss filled his cold body with warm desire.

Damon broke away unwillingly to the sound of stomping hurdling towards the building. He took one last look at her.

"Til we meet again, little wolf." With those words, he vanished.