
The Covenant of Eternal Evolution

In the enthralling novel "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution," we follow the journey of our protagonist, Zhang Fan, as he delves into a world brimming with fantasy and adventure. Zhang Fan, an ordinary young man, wakes up to find himself unexpectedly a player in the "Ascend to Divinity" game. This game is not just a form of virtual reality entertainment; it is a mysterious universe connecting countless parallel worlds. Here, players are required to complete various tasks issued by the system, undergoing trials of combat and wit to earn precious game points. These game points are extraordinary, allowing players to exchange them for weapons, items, skills, and even mysterious lineages from different games, animations, and novels. Zhang Fan's ultimate goal is to ascend to the revered divine throne, becoming a true deity. Zhang Fan possesses two unique talents: Infinite Upgrading and Infinite Contracts. Infinite Upgrading grants him the ability to evolve continuously through battles and challenges, becoming stronger with each fight. Infinite Contracts allow him to form pacts with various characters in the game world, ranging from majestic queens to innocent girls, and even scheming angels. His team grows increasingly powerful, with each contracted partner boasting unique abilities and personalities. Zhang Fan's adventure in this gaming world is filled with surprises and dangers. He must confront formidable enemies from different worlds, solve complex puzzles, and overcome traps. Each world has its own unique culture and customs, making his journey novel and challenging. As he progresses in the game, he gradually uncovers deeper secrets behind it and its mysterious connection to the real world. "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution" is not just a story about growth and battle. It also explores the relationship between reality and virtuality, fate and choice. As Zhang Fan moves closer to his goal, readers are drawn into a world of imagination and thrilling excitement, witnessing how an ordinary person can become a true god. This tale, filled with magic, combat, and adventure, is sure to captivate all who love fantasy and role-playing games.

Khanjut · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter Five: Sister Lei's Test and Mission

"You and Rui Tears have received a mission? Someone tasked you to join Cat's Eye?" Hearing Zhang Fan's revelation, Lei's delicate brows immediately furrowed in concern. What did this imply? Were certain individuals or organizations targeting her sisters, or was there a deeper intrigue at play? She couldn't discern any malice from Zhang Fan and Rui Tears towards her sisters, leaving her puzzled about their true intentions.

Lei's mind raced, yet she couldn't conjure a reasonable explanation. Eventually, she turned to Zhang Fan, hoping he could provide a satisfactory answer.

"Don't worry, Sister Lei. Your identities haven't been exposed; only Rui Tears and I know who you really are. To explain it properly, I need to start from the beginning," Zhang Fan assured her, then proceeded to succinctly introduce the concept of the Ascend to Godhood game. Revealing this information was not prohibited by the game's system and could potentially benefit both parties.

"I see, I understand now," Lei nodded thoughtfully after listening to Zhang Fan's explanation.

"Just understood? Do you believe me?" Zhang Fan looked incredulously at the mature and charming Sister Lei. An ordinary person's first reaction would surely be disbelief.

"Don't underestimate me. I can easily tell if someone is lying, and you, Zhang Fan, are not adept at deceit," Sister Lei said playfully, winking at him with a touch of mischief.

"So, that's how it is. And here I was, ready to have Rui Tears confirm my story," Zhang Fan sighed, realizing his preparations were unnecessary.

"Rui Tears can confirm what?" Lei's interest was piqued, especially about Rui Tears, whose name resembled hers.

"I haven't been granted any special abilities, but Rui Tears is different. She's a Wind User, capable of controlling wind. Though her current level is low, with experience, she'll grow stronger," Zhang Fan replied, seeing no need to hide this fact. On the contrary, he wanted Lei to acknowledge their potential, thereby justifying their inclusion in Cat's Eye.

"Control wind?" Lei admitted she was intrigued by Zhang Fan's description, almost like a magical ability.

Seeing Lei's interest piqued, Zhang Fan quickly called Rui Tears. Watching the whirlwind in her hands, Lei was momentarily lost in wonder, the ability far exceeding her expectations.

"I think this should dispel any further doubts, Sister Lei," Zhang Fan said, turning to her after Rui Tears' demonstration.

"Although I feel there's more you're not telling me, it's not a problem. As long as I know you mean no harm to us, that's enough," Lei said, her face breaking into an understanding smile.

"That's great. So, we can join Cat's Eye now, right? Wonderful, big brother!" Rui Tears beamed with joy, having initially thought the mission would be challenging, only to find it unexpectedly easy.

"It's not that simple. To join Cat's Eye, you must pass a test," Lei interjected, shaking her head. Rui Tears' excitement waned at this revelation.

A test? Zhang Fan knew it wouldn't be easy. Despite his enhanced physical condition, he sensed he was no match for Lei, Tong, or even Ai.

"We have to be tested?" Rui Tears' face fell.

"Tell us about the test, Sister Lei. Rui Tears and I will do our utmost to pass," Zhang Fan said, resolved to strive for a better life.

"Before long, a collection of artworks will be displayed at the East District's International Trade Tower. I want the painting 'The Reader' from that exhibition. Can you acquire it after we've sent out the notice?" Lei set the task – a heist. A straightforward yet challenging mission.

A side quest appeared: Steal 'The Reader' after sending out an invitation letter. The reward was 1,000 game points and the unlocking of a new shop feature.

A thousand game points were tempting. If they succeeded, Zhang Fan and Rui Tears would have a total of 2,000 game points.

"Alright, I understand. But Rui Tears and I alone can't pull this off. We'll need your support, Sister Lei," Zhang Fan agreed without hesitation, ready to face the challenge and mission.

"Of course, you'll have the necessary support," Lei nodded, impressed by Zhang Fan's determination.

"Sister Lei, we're back!" At that moment, a rustle outside the window announced the return of Tong and Ai, clad in tight-fitting attire, vaulting through the window. Tong's eyes met Zhang Fan's in a direct gaze.

"Ahh!" Tong's scream, perhaps out of shyness, sent her running to her room, where she shut herself in silence.

"What happened, big sister?" Ai, in her orange suit, looked at Lei, confused about the situation.

"I'll tell you later. Go check on your sister for now," Lei said with a light chuckle, relieved that they no longer had to hide. She anticipated a significant development between Tong and Zhang Fan.

Thus, the test was set. Lei explained the situation to Tong and Ai, who were both surprised yet excited about Zhang Fan joining Cat's Eye, although Tong didn't verbally acknowledge it.