
The Covenant of Eternal Evolution

In the enthralling novel "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution," we follow the journey of our protagonist, Zhang Fan, as he delves into a world brimming with fantasy and adventure. Zhang Fan, an ordinary young man, wakes up to find himself unexpectedly a player in the "Ascend to Divinity" game. This game is not just a form of virtual reality entertainment; it is a mysterious universe connecting countless parallel worlds. Here, players are required to complete various tasks issued by the system, undergoing trials of combat and wit to earn precious game points. These game points are extraordinary, allowing players to exchange them for weapons, items, skills, and even mysterious lineages from different games, animations, and novels. Zhang Fan's ultimate goal is to ascend to the revered divine throne, becoming a true deity. Zhang Fan possesses two unique talents: Infinite Upgrading and Infinite Contracts. Infinite Upgrading grants him the ability to evolve continuously through battles and challenges, becoming stronger with each fight. Infinite Contracts allow him to form pacts with various characters in the game world, ranging from majestic queens to innocent girls, and even scheming angels. His team grows increasingly powerful, with each contracted partner boasting unique abilities and personalities. Zhang Fan's adventure in this gaming world is filled with surprises and dangers. He must confront formidable enemies from different worlds, solve complex puzzles, and overcome traps. Each world has its own unique culture and customs, making his journey novel and challenging. As he progresses in the game, he gradually uncovers deeper secrets behind it and its mysterious connection to the real world. "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution" is not just a story about growth and battle. It also explores the relationship between reality and virtuality, fate and choice. As Zhang Fan moves closer to his goal, readers are drawn into a world of imagination and thrilling excitement, witnessing how an ordinary person can become a true god. This tale, filled with magic, combat, and adventure, is sure to captivate all who love fantasy and role-playing games.

Khanjut · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter eight: The New Female Detective (Please Favorite)

"This is our next target," announced Zhang Fan during a small meeting at the Cat's Eye Café after hours, as he, Rui Tears, and the three Lai Sheng sisters discussed their new objective.

The target Rui Tears referred to was a post-modern masterpiece titled "The Rhine" currently on display at the Metropolitan Art Museum. The painting held immense artistic value and was created by the renowned Heinz, a prodigious German artist.

It's worth mentioning the background of the Lai Sheng sisters here. Lei, Tong, and Ai were all of Japanese-German descent, and their father was none other than the talented artist Heinz. Following Heinz's mysterious disappearance, his collections and artworks were scattered worldwide. In response, the three sisters embarked on a mission to recover their father's lost treasures, which led to the inception of Cat's Eye.

"Here is the floor plan of the Metropolitan Art Museum," Zhang Fan explained, unfolding a map. "As you can see, the museum's exits and entrances will be heavily guarded. It seems almost impossible to get in, but there's a potential weak spot here," he pointed out. "To successfully retrieve 'The Rhine,' we must focus on this area."

"You're correct, Zhang Fan. You've made significant progress. The ventilation shaft is indeed a viable option. But don't forget, the main challenge will be the ventilation system itself," Lei noted, first praising Zhang Fan, then highlighting a critical issue.

"I can try to hack into their operating system and temporarily stop the ventilators," Ai volunteered eagerly.

"Then there should be no problem. Once we're inside the museum, securing 'The Rhine' will be feasible," Tong concluded confidently. Despite the tight security at the museum, she knew that with her sisters, it would be a trivial challenge. They just had to apologize to Junfu, who was in charge of the museum's security.

Everything was proceeding smoothly until one day, a new customer visited the Cat's Eye Café - the newly appointed detective Asagai Mitsuko, also Junfu's colleague. She had a stern demeanor and always wore large glasses, giving her an unapproachable and obstinate appearance.

"This woman is extraordinary," Tong remarked heavily after Asagai left. During their brief conversation, Asagai had been subtly probing Tong, clearly suspicious of her. Where had they gone wrong?

Later, Junfu revealed that the perfume scent on the Cat's Eye's notice was the same as Tong's, raising Asagai's suspicion. Although Junfu didn't believe Tong was part of Cat's Eye, Asagai remained stubborn and decided to keep the café under surveillance.

"What should we do? Today's the day we planned to send the notice," lamented Ai. Asagai was still lurking near the café, making their operation seemingly impossible.

"This complicates things. We can't proceed with our plan under these circumstances," Lei said, frowning slightly. Asagai didn't seem the type to give up easily.

"Leave tonight's operation to me and Rui Tears," Zhang Fan suggested, smiling. "Luckily, I've had no direct contact with Asagai. If I steal 'The Rhine' while you three are under her watch, it'll clear your suspicion."

"Are you sure, Zhang Fan? Our plan isn't fully fleshed out yet. You'll have to improvise," Lei voiced her concerns.

"I share the same worry, Zhang Fan. Though your idea is good, the risk is high without us as backup. Can you avoid all those police and guards?" Tong added, anxious about the potential danger.

"Don't worry, trust me. It's time for men to shine. I can't let you girls take all the limelight," Zhang Fan reassured them, flexing his arm confidently.

"Big brother is so cool," Rui Tears applauded, admiring his bravery.

"Right, Zhang Fan is really handsome," Ai agreed with Rui Tears' assessment.

"Alright, Zhang Fan, be careful. Failing the mission is secondary to your safety," Lei finally relented after a moment's thought.

"Big sister?" Tong couldn't believe Lei agreed.

"Let's trust Zhang Fan. He will succeed," Lei patted Tong's shoulder, nodding firmly.

"Indeed, trust me. Everything will be fine," Zhang Fan assured, giving a thumbs up.

"Zhang Fan… please be careful," Tong said, hugging him for the first time, which made Ai exclaim in surprise. Lei looked on approvingly, while Rui Tears curiously observed the couple, unfamiliar with such romantic emotions.

At that moment, Zhang Fan's mission began. The system even released mission details, seemingly eager for him to succeed.

Side Quest 3: Successfully steal "The Rhine" and clear the Lai Sheng sisters of Asagai Mitsuko's suspicion. Reward: 1,000 game points, random skill.

This was promising. Completing the mission would grant him a skill. Excited by the prospect, Zhang Fan noted that it seemed to be a solo mission, as Rui Tears hadn't received any notification. Despite his curiosity, he knew now was not the time for overthinking; the mission was the priority.

At 10 PM, Zhang Fan and Rui Tears discreetly left the café through the back window and rode a motorcycle hidden behind the building to the Metropolitan Art Museum.