
The Covenant of Eternal Evolution

In the enthralling novel "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution," we follow the journey of our protagonist, Zhang Fan, as he delves into a world brimming with fantasy and adventure. Zhang Fan, an ordinary young man, wakes up to find himself unexpectedly a player in the "Ascend to Divinity" game. This game is not just a form of virtual reality entertainment; it is a mysterious universe connecting countless parallel worlds. Here, players are required to complete various tasks issued by the system, undergoing trials of combat and wit to earn precious game points. These game points are extraordinary, allowing players to exchange them for weapons, items, skills, and even mysterious lineages from different games, animations, and novels. Zhang Fan's ultimate goal is to ascend to the revered divine throne, becoming a true deity. Zhang Fan possesses two unique talents: Infinite Upgrading and Infinite Contracts. Infinite Upgrading grants him the ability to evolve continuously through battles and challenges, becoming stronger with each fight. Infinite Contracts allow him to form pacts with various characters in the game world, ranging from majestic queens to innocent girls, and even scheming angels. His team grows increasingly powerful, with each contracted partner boasting unique abilities and personalities. Zhang Fan's adventure in this gaming world is filled with surprises and dangers. He must confront formidable enemies from different worlds, solve complex puzzles, and overcome traps. Each world has its own unique culture and customs, making his journey novel and challenging. As he progresses in the game, he gradually uncovers deeper secrets behind it and its mysterious connection to the real world. "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution" is not just a story about growth and battle. It also explores the relationship between reality and virtuality, fate and choice. As Zhang Fan moves closer to his goal, readers are drawn into a world of imagination and thrilling excitement, witnessing how an ordinary person can become a true god. This tale, filled with magic, combat, and adventure, is sure to captivate all who love fantasy and role-playing games.

Khanjut · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter 158: Holo's Companion?

Early the next day, after bidding farewell to Leong Miuxi, Zhang Fan and his companions left the Galatea Lion Brigade to embark on their return journey to Biscode. The group maintained a brisk pace without conversation, and in less than a day, they were back in the city of Filiano. Princess Mishiore was naturally overjoyed at their return.

"So perilous, Zhang Fan, did you come to any harm?" That evening, Mishiore invited Zhang Fan to her garden to hear about his adventures. The princess gasped in alarm upon learning of their encounter with the colossal rhinoceros, astonished that Zhang Fan had faced such a formidable beast.

"All's well, it was just a rhinoceros," Zhang Fan reassured with a smile, choosing to spare Mierxi the details of the dangers they faced. It was enough for her to continue growing up happy and healthy.

"That's a relief," the princess sighed, relieved Zhang Fan was unharmed. Her thoughts soon turned to Leong Miuxi, missing her despite the brief separation.

"To have defeated that rhinoceros, you are indeed fortunate, Zhang Fan," remarked Darukion the following day. After hearing about the battle and Zhang Fan's use of an unfinished secret technique, Darukion was impressed by his luck in overcoming the adversary with such a risky move.

"Indeed, it still feels unbelievable," Zhang Fan mused, acknowledging the gravity of what could have happened had he failed.

"Now, Zhang Fan, you've truly grown stronger, especially after inheriting the mantle from our lord," chuckled Yucicaze, likening Darukion to a master figure in Zhang Fan's life, with herself as a mischievous younger sister rather than a senior.

Though they resembled a mentorship, Zhang Fan never formally apprenticed, instead affectionately referring to Darukion as 'sister,' fostering a close bond among them that went beyond formal titles.

"Indeed, but wait, Zhang Fan, have you advanced?" It was only then that Darukion noticed Zhang Fan's breakthrough to a new level of strength, a delightful surprise.

"Heh, it happened by chance," said Zhang Fan modestly, deciding not to disclose his ability to level up through combat to avoid startling the two women.

"Chance? I wish I had such accidents," Yucicaze envied, longing for her own breakthrough after being stuck for so long.

"Patience, Yucicaze. Your time will come," Zhang Fan reassured, finding the girls' fondness for head pats amusing, a gesture appreciated perhaps universally across genders.

"Hmph, I'll show you," Yucicaze pouted, determined to catch up to Zhang Fan despite the widening gap in their powers.

"Exactly, Yucicaze. Breakthroughs require the right opportunity, so don't be too hard on yourself," Darukion advised, watching Yucicaze sulk before sitting down with a huff, prompting knowing smiles from Zhang Fan and Darukion.

"Such a harvest! Gaining 2,000 points so easily makes me wonder if I should stick with you for easy points," Holo mused after reuniting with Zhang Fan, her newfound obsession with game points amusing yet unexpected.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Zhang Fan questioned, considering his own ample points and the ease of acquiring them.

"Indeed. My last quest only earned me 500 points, and it was quite a challenge," Holo reflected, revealing the difficulty of her previous world's tasks.

"I'm curious, what world was your last quest in?" Zhang Fan ventured, intrigued by Holo's adventures despite the taboo of inquiring about other players' experiences.

"I'm not sure. It was similar to my original world, filled with uncompleted tasks. If not for stumbling upon a main quest, I might still be there," Holo shared, hinting at a mysterious companion she found in that world.

"A companion?" Zhang Fan was surprised, not having seen anyone else with her.

"Yes, a very loyal companion, sworn to serve me for eternity," Holo said with a smile, sparking Zhang Fan's curiosity about this unexpected ally.

"Unexpected indeed," Zhang Fan laughed, surprised by Holo's quick acquisition of a companion.

"Yes, Elsa swore eternal loyalty to me, fulfilling a main quest. Where did your thoughts wander?" Holo teased, seeing Zhang Fan's realization dawn upon him.

"Elsa?" That sounded like a girl's name, leading Zhang Fan to a moment of enlightenment. Holo was surely playing a joke on him, he was certain.