
Living in a shallow cage world

Iron bars, unreachable walls, big gates, and a thousands of soldiers lurking around the streets. Day and night, every minute, every second their shadows will hunt you to death. Eyes of an eagle, ears of a cat, and a body that is comparable to stone. Being a part of this so called elite troop of soldiers is always a honor and a glory towards the male citizens of this so called "Cage World".

"What does this dickheads being so proud about" I wonder.

"Why are they so happy about that" I whisper as I clenched my small hands a walk towards my parents who is gently patting my older brother's head near the door way.

"Be careful ok? eat your food, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep.... understood?" mom kissed him on his forehead and hugged him.

"Don't worry mom, as soon as I came back I'll gonna help you make some strawberry puddings for Ardent" my brother's teary eyes is totally as red as tomato.

"You know I hate strawberry pudding!" I shouted as I grab my brother's pants. His startled jaws begin to reflex as he cope with the quick reaction.

I heard my brother sighed, then smiled, "but you always eat it when me and mom make one" he curled his knees to match my height while gently patting my small head.

I pout, I throw his hand away from the top of my head.

"I much prefer eating your stupid homemade pudding if you're here." I hissed while crossing arms.

I don't know what to say. I don't want him to leave, I don't want him to risk his life for just a stupid rule we must follow.

"Sweetheart, your brother just need to accomplish his mandatory military training and after that you can play with him again, ok?" my mother stroke my curly hair backwards and let me face her up-front.

I feel my ears heat up as I control my self not to talk back from my mother. I hate this feeling, everyone thinks I'm just a kid; well definitely yah! I'm a kid! so what?! I can somewhat put my laundry clothes in the bin. I can eat my food without spilling it. I can take out the trash and clean my room! a rare thing for a 5 year old girl like me to do.

As time passes I can totally feel the heat from my ears to spread out across my whole face. I hate them, I hate all of them. They just won't listen to me. I can't hold my self any longer, I'll surely explode.

"What's so great about being a soldier, you can just stay here with us and help dad with his farming stuff." my eyebrows met to show my brother that I'm mad of his decision to leave.

"Being a farmer is not enough...I- "

"What do you want to prove?! That your smart ass is the one who will lift us up to this crazy little roleplay with the higher tires?!" I bawl. They are all surprised of what I say, my mother who is at my back hug me and cry silently. I know she also don't want my brother to go.

"Then if I don't do this, who will?!..YOU?!" my brother's voice filled the whole house and let us be silent for a short while like a stagnant water in a lake that makes it even more awkward.

"I'm doing this for our sake! for you and for dad and mom!" His voice is in rage but his face shows nothing but anxiousness, his eyes are sad as if it's telling me to continue stopping him from leaving. I'm confused I don't understand, why?

"WHY DO YOU NEED TO GO!" I shouted, my eyes suddenly becomes blurred and tears begone to fall one by one.

"Because I need to- " I don't let him finished what he want to say.

"But I don't want you to leave! If you want I'll eat every strawberry puddings you'll make just don't go away!" I yelled, my brother freezed like a statue; his speechless.

"I'll gonna be a good girl, I'll not gonna be a picky eater, I'll even stop using sarcasm to our neighbors because of their stupid jokes, smelly armpit, and deadly bad breaths, I'll do everything you want ok so please don't go!" I bit my lips as it tremble while I speak.

My brother smack his head with his palm, I know he also don't want to leave. His my only brother. He grab me near him and hug me tight with his big long arms. I can feel the gradual movement of his shoulder; indicates that his also crying.

"I'm sorry, but big brother needs to do this or else -" he suddenly paused, he quit hugging me and turn around. I can see the terror in his face, as I look up to him I can confidently say that his afraid.

"Big bro?..." my tears gradually stop to fall as a hold his hand.

Big bro face me and hug me once more. " I'm sorry bibi, don't worry I'll be back so be a good girl while I'm away ok?" he grab his suit case and wear his favorite checkered vintage hat.

"I DON'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE!, AND HOW MANY TIMES DID I TELL YOU QUIT CALLING ME BIBI!" he ignore my complaints and walk towards the door.

I want to stop him but mom is already holding may arms as I hopelessly begging for my brother to come back.

He turned back on me and smile gracefully, "When I came back I'll promise to make the most delicious strawberry pudding that you'll love, and by that time will you let me call you bibi?" His smiling but the only thing that I can see is his eyes saying goodbyes.

A saw him with dad, dad open the door and let big brother leave.

And from that, that is the last time I saw my big brother's face as his masculine back vanished from the light that covers the whole place.

Thank you for supporting my story (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ hope to see you at my next chapter ❤️

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