
The Counterattack of True Gold

Shocking Reveal! The fake daughter of the Qiao family for 18 years was unexpectedly visited by her biological parents overnight! The true daughter is unparalleled in beauty, but the fake daughter has become the target of public criticism. Everyone was waiting to see her joke, but who could have imagined that there was a shocking secret hidden behind her background! Qiao Nian, a girl who has lived in the Qiao family for 18 years, has always been regarded as a useless and uneducated person. However, when her biological parents appeared, everything underwent a revolutionary change. I thought I would return to a poor and destitute life, but I didn't expect my biological brother to come and pick her up in a luxury car. Surprisingly, my biological father is a professor at Tsinghua University! This made those who had been looking down on her instantly dumbfounded. The mystery of Qiao Nian's background shook the wealthy families around the city, making her the focus of attention. She broke free from her past difficulties and began to demonstrate her true strength. The top scorer in the college entrance examination, live streaming tycoon, inheritor of intangible cultural heritage... one after another, her reputation has been exposed, and the hot search around the city continues, causing those who used to mock her to face each other. The scumbag parents turned green when they saw her achievements. However, Qiao Nian's path of counterattack did not stop. The arrogant and mysterious man, who is rumored by the powerful officials in Beijing, will one day lose control over a woman. He blocked her in the corner of the wall, muttering with crimson eyes, "Baby, when will you give me a place?" This girl, who was once mocked by everyone as a rural person, has now become his most precious treasure. Qiao Nian's path of counterattack was full of obstacles and challenges, but she always adhered to her beliefs and ultimately achieved success. She not only proved her strength and value, but also gained sincere love and family affection. Those who once looked down on her now look at her with new eyes, and her story has become a popular tale among the wealthy families around the city.

DaoistgLACn9 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 7 Reading at Ring No.1 Middle School

As he asked, Mr. Jiang suddenly paused and hesitated to speak, "Nian Nian, I heard you took a year off from school. Are you about to enter the third year of high school? Have you decided which high school to attend? Is there a school you like?"

High school, school.

Qiao Nian was originally buried in the soup for a while, but when she heard this, she lowered her eyelashes and narrowed her gaze.

The old man didn't mention it, she never thought about going to school.

For her, high school and college are just diplomas, and she no longer needed them.

But at this moment, Qiao Nian pondered for a moment, lifted his eyes and shook his head, "I haven't figured it out yet."

Jiang Xianrou mistook her previous hesitation for poor grades and sneered in her heart, saying that if she couldn't get into high school, she wouldn't be able to, and she hadn't figured it out yet. Grandpa is really good, and he even asked her which school she likes!

Can you like it and go on?

Ye Wangchuan glanced at the obedient girl who was eating, stretched out her body and leaned back in the chair, speaking casually, "It's good to go around the city."

"One Middle School Around the City?" Mr. Jiang originally intended to take Qiao Nian back to Beijing to study. Upon hearing this, he was taken aback and immediately realized that Qiao Nian still had a certain identity - Ye Wangchuan's fianc é e! There are many people in Beijing with mixed eyes, and Nian Nian returned to Beijing with such a big thorn in her face. He may not be able to protect her, but after a moment of thought, he agreed, "The first middle school around the city is good, and the teaching quality is also good. Nian Nian, what do you think?"

Ring No.1 Middle School?

Qiao Nian pursed her lips and didn't really want to stay around the city again.

But looking up at the old man's expectant gaze, she somehow nodded and said, "Whatever, I don't care."

"Then let's go around the city for the first time."

He is recuperating in Beijing, and Zong Jin is also working in Beijing. If Qiao Nian wants to stay around the city, he can only let the people in the second room take care of him.

He turned his gaze around Jiang Xianrou and the others, frowned, and said, "Your second brother has a house around the city. In the last year of high school, besides the school, you can temporarily live on his side."

As soon as these words were spoken, except for Jiang Li, the other three members of the two bedroom family didn't look very attractive.

Jiang Li has a separate house outside, but what does the old man mean by arranging people outside so openly? Prevent them?

Jiang Xianrou, who was still young, immediately pouted and expressed her dissatisfaction.

Jiang Zongnan is okay, but a bit awkward. Tang Wanru, who sat elegantly on the side, wiped her mouth as if she didn't care to participate in such a thing.

Ye Wangchuan calmly said with ease and ease; "I will also stay around the city for a period of time to help take care of her."

Qiao Nian suddenly looked up at him and happened to collide with someone's gaze.

This gaze

She almost choked on the soup in her throat and averted her gaze.

Inside the outer compartment.

Qiao Chen and Qiao Weimin were absent-minded after a meal, constantly pondering about what happened to Qiao Nian before. Several times, they lost their focus while talking.

Fortunately, He Yujuan and Tang Wei had a close relationship, and in the end, it was confirmed that she could enter the People's Art Theatre after completing the college entrance examination.

Qiao Chen finally felt a little better with a heart full of agony.

After a meal, the guests were overjoyed.

He Yujuan, Qiao Weimin, and Mrs. Fu are going to see off Tang Wei's mother and daughter, and Qiao Chen is also following behind.

After leaving the Water Pavilion, Fu Ge saw her pale and absent-minded appearance and walked beside her, whispering, "What's wrong?"

Qiao Chen saw his resolute eyebrows and eyes, bit his lips, shook his head, and coquettishly replied, "It's nothing, my head is a bit uncomfortable."