
The Counterattack of True Gold

Shocking Reveal! The fake daughter of the Qiao family for 18 years was unexpectedly visited by her biological parents overnight! The true daughter is unparalleled in beauty, but the fake daughter has become the target of public criticism. Everyone was waiting to see her joke, but who could have imagined that there was a shocking secret hidden behind her background! Qiao Nian, a girl who has lived in the Qiao family for 18 years, has always been regarded as a useless and uneducated person. However, when her biological parents appeared, everything underwent a revolutionary change. I thought I would return to a poor and destitute life, but I didn't expect my biological brother to come and pick her up in a luxury car. Surprisingly, my biological father is a professor at Tsinghua University! This made those who had been looking down on her instantly dumbfounded. The mystery of Qiao Nian's background shook the wealthy families around the city, making her the focus of attention. She broke free from her past difficulties and began to demonstrate her true strength. The top scorer in the college entrance examination, live streaming tycoon, inheritor of intangible cultural heritage... one after another, her reputation has been exposed, and the hot search around the city continues, causing those who used to mock her to face each other. The scumbag parents turned green when they saw her achievements. However, Qiao Nian's path of counterattack did not stop. The arrogant and mysterious man, who is rumored by the powerful officials in Beijing, will one day lose control over a woman. He blocked her in the corner of the wall, muttering with crimson eyes, "Baby, when will you give me a place?" This girl, who was once mocked by everyone as a rural person, has now become his most precious treasure. Qiao Nian's path of counterattack was full of obstacles and challenges, but she always adhered to her beliefs and ultimately achieved success. She not only proved her strength and value, but also gained sincere love and family affection. Those who once looked down on her now look at her with new eyes, and her story has become a popular tale among the wealthy families around the city.

DaoistgLACn9 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 5 That's a truly top tier powerhouse

Qiao Nian lifted her eyelids, thought for a moment, and slowly lifted her legs to follow. 

The Shuixie Pavilion is very large, but the person seems to be very familiar with it. She is tall and has long legs, and she seems to walk fast, but she is only half a step away from her.

She furrowed her brows slightly and pinched the strap of her backpack, feeling a bit headache.

She was originally looking for her biological parents just to figure out who she was, but now it seems like she has fallen into trouble

"Qiao Nian?"

She followed her heels forward and suddenly, a familiar voice came from her side, calling out her name in surprise.

As soon as she looked up, she saw a group of people standing in the dark not far away.

Qiao Weimin, Qiao's mother, Qiao's old lady, and Qiao Chen, who had just separated from her for a short time, were prominently among them.

In addition to Qiao Weimin and his companions, Fu Ge and Mrs. Fu were also present. In addition, there were two women dressed in Tang costumes. The young one supported the hand of the elderly man, whose hair was snow-white and coiled up. There was a string of emerald necklaces hanging around her neck, which were all emerald green. Wearing the rose red Tang costume on her, she exuded an elegant and composed demeanor that had been accumulated over time, and she looked towards her from afar. She was talking sideways to the person next to her, as if asking who she was. Xin Bi Qu Ge

Seeing Qiao Nian here, the faces of the Qiao family were all bright and colorful.

"Why are you here?" Qiao Weimin walked over quickly, lowering his voice and a hint of annoyance on his eyebrows.

He gave Qiao Nian money, but Qiao Nian didn't want it. He thought Qiao Nian had backbone, but he didn't expect to chase her here!

Qiao Chen is going to apprentice later, and the members of the Fu family are also here. He doesn't want to make everyone know about his family's disgrace, so he suppressed his anger and said, "Nian Nian, your mother, and your grandmother haven't driven you away. It's you who posted a message online to find your biological parents. They have already been found. If you don't follow your parents back, why are you causing trouble?"

He thought Qiao Nian had heard them talking downstairs and deliberately chased after them.

Without looking at Ye Wangchuan beside Qiao Nian, he took out his wallet and said, "Do you understand? Do you still want to take that ten thousand yuan?"

He took out the bank card from his wallet and wanted to read it to Joe.

Qiao Nian looked at his furious expression, lifted her eyelids, and was just about to speak,

Suddenly, a hand slanted in and pushed Qiao Weimin's bank card back into his wallet. He grabbed her hand with his back and lowered his eyes in a bloodthirsty tone, saying to Qiao, "Let's go, Grandpa Jiang is waiting for you."

Qiao Nian's eyebrows were almost pulled together, and those who knew her knew that she was extremely averse to being touched. The last person who wanted to touch her was beaten into the hospital and lay there for three months before being discharged.

At this moment, her left hand was firmly held by someone, and the hot and dry palm completely wrapped around her hand. Qiao Nian's palm was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and she looked up at the man who naturally held her hand.

He doesn't need to hold hands if he wants to help her out!

Qiao Nian wanted to shake off, but then saw a group of people from the Qiao family standing there looking at them from a distance. She swallowed the words she was about to say.

I didn't even glance at Qiao Weimin, let alone entangle with him.

With a "hmm" sound, he followed behind him and walked into the "water" shaped private room under the gaze of the Qiao family.

The people of the Qiao family, including Qiao Weimin, were stunned.

Shuixie Pavilion is different from other places. The business here is very good, and they have made some connections by booking here tonight. They still booked ordinary compartments, but Qiao Nian just followed the young man into a private room.

There seems to be only a difference of two words, representing an identity gap, but there is a gap between them!