
The Counterattack of True Gold

Shocking Reveal! The fake daughter of the Qiao family for 18 years was unexpectedly visited by her biological parents overnight! The true daughter is unparalleled in beauty, but the fake daughter has become the target of public criticism. Everyone was waiting to see her joke, but who could have imagined that there was a shocking secret hidden behind her background! Qiao Nian, a girl who has lived in the Qiao family for 18 years, has always been regarded as a useless and uneducated person. However, when her biological parents appeared, everything underwent a revolutionary change. I thought I would return to a poor and destitute life, but I didn't expect my biological brother to come and pick her up in a luxury car. Surprisingly, my biological father is a professor at Tsinghua University! This made those who had been looking down on her instantly dumbfounded. The mystery of Qiao Nian's background shook the wealthy families around the city, making her the focus of attention. She broke free from her past difficulties and began to demonstrate her true strength. The top scorer in the college entrance examination, live streaming tycoon, inheritor of intangible cultural heritage... one after another, her reputation has been exposed, and the hot search around the city continues, causing those who used to mock her to face each other. The scumbag parents turned green when they saw her achievements. However, Qiao Nian's path of counterattack did not stop. The arrogant and mysterious man, who is rumored by the powerful officials in Beijing, will one day lose control over a woman. He blocked her in the corner of the wall, muttering with crimson eyes, "Baby, when will you give me a place?" This girl, who was once mocked by everyone as a rural person, has now become his most precious treasure. Qiao Nian's path of counterattack was full of obstacles and challenges, but she always adhered to her beliefs and ultimately achieved success. She not only proved her strength and value, but also gained sincere love and family affection. Those who once looked down on her now look at her with new eyes, and her story has become a popular tale among the wealthy families around the city.

DaoistgLACn9 · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 21 Meet on on a narrow path

Jiang Li's mouth was so wide that he could swallow an egg and said, "You say... chant?!"

Do you think she can swim? Why doesn't he know? 

Ye Wangchuan took off his coat and read it to Qiao. He was only wearing a black low necked sweater inside, with a snow-white skin exposed at the collar. His collarbone was sexy, and his eyes were deep, making him stand in the crowd with enough eye contact. 

"Qiao Nian's neck was scratched by Chen Chen, and I plan to take her to the hospital." 

Jiang Li looked at the pain on Qiao Nian's neck and felt heartbroken, but couldn't help but say, "I'll go with you! I'll go drive later!" 

Qiao Nian, who originally didn't want to go to the hospital, said, "..." 

So no one asked for her opinion? 

The city hospital is always overcrowded, and people registering at the emergency department quickly lined up from inside the hospital to the corridor outside. Ye Wangchuan seemed to know people from the city hospital and didn't go to the outpatient department. He directly led Qiao Nian to Nanyuan. 

Nanyuan belongs to VIP district. Previously, Qiao Chen often came to Nanyuan for medical treatment. The cost here is higher than outpatient, so it's okay not to make an appointment with a doctor. 

We have reached the first floor. 

Jiang Li went out to make a phone call. 

A person from the hospital rushed over and said something to Ye Wangchuan. Ye Wangchuan turned around and said to her, "Wait for me here first, I'll be back soon." 

Qiao Nian didn't care, nodded, found a corner with few people, and casually picked up a promotional booklet on popular medical knowledge from the shelf to pass the time. 

I didn't notice that Fu Ge, Qiao Chen, and Zhao Jingwei came down the stairs. 

Zhao Jingwei had sharp eyes and saw Qiao Nian standing in the corner of the hall from afar. She pointed at someone and exclaimed in surprise, "Anger, isn't that Qiao Nian?" 

Qiao Chen was just taken by Fu Ge to see her usual attending physician, who symbolically prescribed her a pair of concentrated medicine. 

Originally with a rosy complexion, when I saw Qiao Nian, her face didn't look very good anymore. Unconsciously, she grabbed Fu Ge's arm, opened her mouth, and whispered, "Why did Sister come too?" 

Fu Ge also saw the girl hanging her eyes in the corner reading the promotional brochure. The sunlight made even the fine hairs on her face visible. Her wrist holding the brochure was thin white, and her slender neck was slightly lowered. Even from such a distance, she could see her eyelashes hanging down like a small fan 

Qiao Nian is beautiful, bright, and has attacking power! 

It's different from Qiao Chen's weakness that requires protection from others. 

That kind of beauty is too wild to tame! 

He always has a feeling of being unable to control it and being elusive. 

How could Qiao Chen not have met him and noticed Qiao Nian again? He bit his lips and finally blushed, but his face didn't look good anymore. He pinched his finger and worried, "Maybe it was that child who wasn't rescued, right?" 

Zhao Jingwei echoed: "I think most of the children's condition worsened after we left. If I told them, Qiao Nian should not take advantage of it! I have visited your house so many times. What kind of acupuncture and moxibustion can she do? It was a blind cat who met a dead mouse before. The child was about to wake up. She just pricked a needle to make it look like she saved people." 

Qiao Chen felt the same way in her heart, but she was smarter than Zhao Jingwei and maintained Qiao Nian with her mouth: "... maybe it was really sister who saved that child." 


Zhao Jingwei sneered. 

She earnestly advised her, "Anger, don't be too kind, it's easy to suffer losses!" 

"Today was just Qiao Nian pretending to be clever. On the road, so many people saw the child fall into the water, and everyone called 120. Waiting for the police to come, she showed off her abilities and jumped into the water. The river was so fast, and if something happened, would the news praise her for her bravery? Maybe the parents of the child will still rely on her!"