
The Count Of Kolinto

There was once a lazy, good-for-nothing son that lived on a little, wet rock amongst the stars. His name was Aetna Erandeusi, the firstborn son of the noble Erandeusi Household. As the firstborn of a noble house of the interstellar kingdom known as the Solastora Empire, Aetna's birthright inheritance meant that he was to be the successor of the Erandeusi House. It was a privilege that many of Aetna's siblings would have murdered him for, granting him the governorship of the starsector of Kolinto, but there was one tiny problem... "Hey, Dad, can you... disown me? ...Please? No? Please don't make me inherit the title, daddy!!" The son did not want any part in the family business... Not that he had a choice in the matter. Doomed to become the eventual Count of Kolinto, Aetna's slow life of mooching off of his father has come to an end. As all nobles are duty-bound to protect their Domains, their interstellar fiefdoms, he was shipped off to a military academy to become an officer worthy of inheriting... a title he doesn't want. These are the legendary records of a poor, damned soul without a single hope of escape—the memoirs of the infamous Count of Kolinto.

FattyBai · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

World Glossary and Lore (Updated 4/21/2021)

Fighter-class: The smallest type of spacecraft designed for warfare. It is an attackcraft, rather than an actual warship. Typically occupied by a single pilot, though dual-pilot Fighter-class warships do exist. Their role in a battle is to destroy an enemy ship's auto-turrets, energy cannons, and other targets of interest (radar antennas, propulsion thrusters, etc..)

Seeker-class: A prototype class designed to combine the speed and maneuverability of an Interceptor-class warship and the firepower of a Frigate-class warship. They possess superb firepower and agility, but at the cost of a weaker, thinner hull and less powerful shields than its respective parents.

Interceptor-class: Was the smallest warship, that is, until the induction of the new Seeker-class. With its superior speed and maneuverability, it is suited for protecting larger allied warships from Fighter-class warships and exhausting Frigate-class warships with its powerful Heavy Energy Cannons and Heavy Railguns.

Support-class: The logistics arms of any fleet, these ships carry additional ammunition, important spare parts, rations, medical supplies, and antimatter fuel. Though they do not possess much firepower in actual battles, they are an indispensable component of any fleet that wishes to survive in prolonged confrontations without access to a steady supply line.

Frigate-class: The bread and butter of any fleet, it is the Frigate-class warships that act as the backbone of all battles. It is from these warships that Interceptor-class and Fighter-class warships are deployed out into battle. They also serve as protectors of Cruiser-class warships and formation breakers that fight at the forefront of battles, depending on their respective roles.

Cruiser-class: Heavy warships that are designed for the singular purpose of frontline warfare. These warships, along with Frigate-class warships, are responsible for the main brunt of the work in any battle. Outfitted with Heavy Mass Drivers and Plasma Cannons, these warships can melt or punch a hole in a fully-shielded Frigate-class warship with a single well-aimed shot.

Destroyer-class: Originally were special Cruiser-class warships, but were given their own distinct class designation after being re-evaluated. These are Cruiser-class warships that have been modified with an oversized antimatter generator to allow them to use their signature Ultra-Heavy Mass Drivers and Heavy Plasma Cannons.

These warships are capable of destroying normal Cruiser-class warships in a matter of a few minutes. The cost of this obscene firepower is that they overheat extremely easily, even with state-of-the-art cooling systems installed. Every shot fired counts because of its understandably slow firing rate.

Flagship-class: The jewel of every fleet, these are the cutting-edge warships that Imperial Admirals use to command their fleets. Usually armed to the teeth with prototype weaponry, propulsion systems, and heavy plasma shields, these warships are designed to fit any combat role that is required of them.