
The Count's Inamorata

It was unnatural for the Count to find his mate amongst werewolves. This wasn't in the favor of the Count especially with Austin hovering around for the least chance. She wasn't left out nor forgotten or unloved. Simply cherished and fitted in to the clique. Even her father's death didn't weaken her until the whole ordeal sweeps her off her feet. She didn't think she was not blessed by the Mother Luna. she just said it's not her time. She finds her mate somewhere else, totally uncalled for but still didn't hold any grudge against Mother Luna. Until the whole ordeal sweeps her off her feet, I repeat. He wasn't to her expectation and she wasn't to his . They refuse their bond battling against themselves who could resist the most. But every time they are away it feels like a part of them is missing. The common enemy of both parties use this to their advantage. The mateless Alpha thinks he has his way around with the mate of the Count of the Vampires. The source of descendants to the extension of the royal family. But the Count wouldn't have it. Maybe her tears might fall from all these hooliganism. But mind you, Latiffah Howell never, ever cries! ~`~`~`~`~`~` "Do you mind?" Latiffah growls at the sinisterly handsome fellow before her. "I'm running late." He ignores her and holds her chin towards him. "Absalom had to give me a spitfire for a mate, didn't he?" He chuckles softly. Other Alphas and onlookers watched fascinated. This was meant to come to a truce with the vampires not to help the Count find his mate. "What are you?" His devilish smirk turned to a frown. Though her fragrance was enticing, she did not smell Vampire. It was the same smell from four, five years ago. The Alphas began looking at themselves signalling each other as they thought of the same thing. Knowing the Count's mate belonged to their kind, they could use her to fend off the Vampires. Their malicious gears began turning. This is written in 1st and 3rd person point of view.

Daoist_Showers · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Heart Wants

She slipped a simple pearl necklace about her neck. It went well with her purple spaghetti strap dress. It was halter neck, flair and knee-length. She grabbed her purse from the dressing table together with her keys. She made sure the twins were alright and ready for bed when curfew was up.

The Audi R8 Spyder purred to life at the turn of the ignition. She reversed out of the courtyard then sped off to violet creek.

Reece was waiting, growing anxious every passing minute to her arrival. He feared. He thought she would not come. He had arrived earlier as suggested by his beta. The poor beta already had problems of his own but was here playing Cupid. Reece straightened his crease less blazer for the umpteenth time. His palms were sweating. At the same time , he wished to snap the neck of his beta who kept giving unsolicited advices through the minute gadget in his ear. His heartbeat quickened when his heightened senses picked the smooth him of an engine. She was here. Soon he could smell her presence. Reece couldn't take his eyes off her beautiful figure. They burned with lust as she approached him.

"Alpha." Latiffah greets. He hands her a bouquet of pink roses.

"It's Reece tonight." She smiles softly allowing him to escort her to her seat. It was a well laid table opened to mother nature.

The view was eccentric. It was the perfect place for an outdoor picnic or a cliff date. The passing breeze were like tender piano notes floating in the atmosphere. Two covered plates lain opposite sides of the table. He fills their glasses with something red and expensive. The duo dig in after a little sip. They were surrounded by a comfortable silence. To Latiffah, it was a business dinner but to Reece it was a night of turning point. Their cutlery and occasional tree movements were the only noises between them. They were engulfed in their own thoughts.

Once done, Reece takes her on a stroll. They were a few meters away from the end of the cliff. It overlooked a seemingly endless space of green and white from the lush mountains and the dense fog. The moon too was in full phase. It began with small talks evolved into diplomatic affairs then the main agenda. Latiffah had noticed his timidity and hesitation after a few steps closer to the end of the cliff.

"Something seems to be bothering this big buffoon." Nerina growls into her consciousness.

"Latiffah," His voice was filled with emotions she couldn't decipher. Hearing her first name brought an uncanny feeling to her spine. It was not good. She had strictly warned him about using her first name. "We might not be close like we use to before and those times seem to exist but I would like you to know that you were always in my thoughts –"

Nerina rolled her eyes. "I just hope we were not acting out a porno in there." Latiffah suppressed her disgust.

"—I remember we use to hang out at the pack house whenever our parents were away. " That was way before her father's death. She remembered how Oleg would include him in their play acts. At times he would spend weeks more than necessary at Oleg's house, their hangout. "No one knows that hanging out with you guys brought me a sense of peace and belonging. Though I've been a douche bag to you in the past, I really yearned for your presence. You may not have noticed since you are dense as fuck that I've always liked you. I even flirted with girls just to gain your attention yet you always brush my actions off."

"Wow, what a creep." Nerina sneers.

"I thought…well not just I, my father, the Alpha thinks it's best if I choose my mate since it's been too long and he must have retired by now. It's not a bad idea to be honest. As I was thinking, your name popped up in my head as the perfect candidate. It is even more flawless since you are also mateless."

"What.the.fuck? Is this America's next top model?"

"What perfect match than this?" Unconsciously, he was fidgeting under her blank stare. She looked unbothered. Deep within, Nerina was prowling about in her chamber baring her canines in anger. She was wanting to come out to put out the horrid thoughts of this wannabe Alpha but Latiffah's resolve stiffened even more keeping her at bay. Nerina and Latiffah had their moments. Both were calm and calculative but Nerina was most impulsive between the two and witty while Latiffah loved to prank and be challenged beyond her limits. So far no one has been able to take her that far. Latiffah thought she had an Idea of where this was going. However she didn't get why people were hell-bent on getting her a mate. True, being mateless for this long somewhere deep ,deep in her heart pained her but she's got her job to cater for her. Big dreams come with big prices. She never knew celibacy was one exciting trip and was riding the train all the way to the end.

She allowed him to continue for the benefit of the doubt. She would just have to put him off politely. But if things get out of hands...

She made no promises.

"So," He got down on one knee and produced a dark ring box. It opened to an immaculate teardrop cut diamond ring. "Will you do me … do is , Teau Wolf pack the honour of becoming my wife, my mate and their Luna?" she shifted her gaze from him to the horizon. Her frown deepened. As much as she hated to admit, she believed her mate was out there in frantic search for her. She couldn't betray him just yet. Better still, she was enjoying being single and independent. She couldn't risk it. Latiffah decides to at least give him a respectable rejection. Her family would be disappointed. Who cares? Only the pseudo twins mattered to her.

She pulled him up to his feet, took the ring case in her hand to admire the piece of jewel. It was a beautiful thing. She couldn't stand the heartbreak and disappointment in his eyes but it had to be done.

She raises her head and clears her throat. "Reece, you're a great man and the ideal guy of every girl's dream but not mine. I believe you don't need me or anyone else but your rightful mate. She's out there. Believe me when I tell you. You just have to look further and harder. The moon goddess would never be mistaken. We cannot be mates if we are not destined to be. You need a little more patience. If I'm being honest with you, she's searching for you now . I can't be a replacement. Heck, I even lost my wolf. What pack would accept a wolfless mate.? More so, who's gonna respect a Luna without a wolf? Not I in fact. I'm sorry but I can't . " She tried to act remorseful. Reece was breaking. What she said made sense. "Besides, you need to feel the sparks and bond. You may feel that but your wolf does not. Our joint would make you suffer especially your wolf. I don't want to be tagged as the drag of the mighty Alpha of the Teau Wolf Pack."

"phew! That was one long exhausting piece of crap." Nerina mock applauds.

" I know this Latiffah but I'm ready to risk it just to be with you. And it would be a great honour for me if you were my drag." He said convincingly. "I believe you don't need your wolf to be a Luna. How long are you going to wait? Don't you think for once the goddess didn't give us mates or maybe they just could be dead. I simply want us to embrace reality at its earli—"

"Did his dead grandpa piss in his cereals?" Nerina pretends to be okay with the possibility of her mate being dead.

"Think about it. I feel I have been too rush about this and not seen your perspective. I'll give you time. I just hope that you will realize soon enough for the good of both of us and our pack.

"listen Alph- Reece , I get it. But—"

"Save it Agent. Just know that I'll there when you need me. But not for long, I can assure you." He didn't wait for her reply. He composed himself and left the scene with a bleeding heart. Though it hurt, he was going to give her the space she needed.

"What a douche!" Nerina broke the silence that evaded Latiffah's mind.

"Did you really have to say that out loud?" Latiffah rolled her eyes. " He sounded so sincere. I almost fell for it. But since he knows his way downtown a woman's undergarments, I'll pass."

"Even if he didn't , I still wouldn't let you grace his proposal."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope. His sly father is also to blame. The idiot can wait all his life." Nerina huffed. " I don't give two flying fucks."

"Me Neither. C'mon girl, let's go hunting."

"Yeah!" Nerina cheered. " That's more I like it. "

"I've had too much drama with me as the main character."

Nerina guffawed. " You suck in acting." Latiffah rolled her eyes at her comment. She striped at the spot. Nerina was going to go for a run.


"You did WHAT!" Mom screamed. She had come to inform them of the latest news. Her mother was tending to her new garden sprouts when they arrived. She had watched the woman quizzically wondering how she could move on so easily like that. Latiffah was pretty grateful the said 'husband' wasn't around when they arrived. Though the ring on her finger didn't fail to sparkle.

"You heard what I said mom. I rejected the Alpha." She spoke from somewhere in the kitchen. Her mom couldn't believe her ears. She knew their relationship was strained but she felt disappointed Latiffah hadn't asked for her opinion first. Mom was infuriated. She couldn't fathom why despite knowing her situation, Latiffah could muster the courage to let an opportunity as such slip away. The harm was already done anyway. She moved to the sink to wash the dirt off her hands. Nicola phoned to say she wouldn't be home till the next evening.

Latiffah looked at the time. It was a quarter to five. She rounded up the twins at the lounge. They were playing with their nephews and nieces, Nicola and Calvin's children.

"Mom, we're leaving. It's getting late." She announced to her mother who was in the laundry room.

"So soon?" She was dry-cleaning a pile of clothes.

"our drive is long therefore we have to set off early. Besides they have school tomorrow."

Mom looked glum. She understood Latiffah didn't want to talk about her remarriage and wanted to stay far away from her. " I understand but make sure you visit often."

"no promises. Oh, have you seen Calvin?"

"mmhmm. he's gone to visit a friend outta town." She pushes a ton of clothes into the dryer. "He will be back in a day or two. Some friends reunion thingy. "

"ok." Latiffah looked hard and unforgiving. She thought Calvin had taken the lead of leaving them alone. She turned to leave.

"Eden honey," Latiffah flinched. Mom draws closer to take the sides of her head in her hands. Latiffah had to bend a bit. " I know you don't want to talk about my marriage, you don't want to associate with any of your older siblings but my dear," She kissed her forehead . "A mother can never cease to care. Stay safe dearie." She let her go. Latiffah's glare intensified. She didn't like the glint in her mother's eyes: pity. She walked out feeling clueless. She angry, angry for being clueless.