
As It Was

"He's in the Menima Estate."

As if on cue with Chris' words, Wendy's world crashed around her, walls of brick crumbling as the feeling of dread washed over her. It was as if the realisation just dawned on her, the fact that Liam was not only alive but he was as close as he's ever been for decades. Everything was about to change, just when things had finally settled for Wendy, a huge storm was about to take everything and make it into ruin. And the worst part was, there was no escaping it this time.

She wanted so badly to not believe he was alive, but the all too familiar yet forgotten pull brushed away any doubt she so dearly wanted to get a grasp of. That same pull she once thought she would never get tired of and yet there she was clutching her chest wishing she could just disappear.

And maybe she could do that. Disappear. But where to? It seemed wherever she would go her past would be following.

"Wendy...?" Chris called worrying for his wife who kept silent, still not getting hold of the situation completely.

With her eyes still glazed over, she reached with her hand to stop Chris from saying any more, indicating that she wasn't ready to hear anything, breaking her husband's heart in the process. He knew that with Liam's sudden appearance, nothing was ever going to be the same. He knew that with her fated partner in her perimeters, he could potentially lose his wife for good. She wasn't initially his and with the situation at hand, he could never even enjoy his life with someone he so selfishly stole.

He thought maybe if he tried he could help her and himself, go somewhere no one would ever find them and live their life. He had thought about it multiple times even before this. But he knew that it would shake Wendy apart and make her feel unsettled. Here was her home, she clung to the village in her vulnerable times claiming it as her safe space when she thought she might never find a similar place after she had run away. He knew that this was somehow where she belonged and he couldn't find it in him to take that away from her. But now, her home was destroyed by the unforgiving storm, tearing everything she had built apart and detaching it from its roots. Liam was back. And it'll never be as it was.

He wanted to talk to her but from the look on her face he knew she needed to sleep on it, and even if it was still too early in the evening for sleep, he proceeded in taking her hand in his and guide them both to their shared bedroom. She followed her husband blindly, not having the energy to fight him from taking her anywhere if she wanted and at the same time slightly eager to know what was his thought about recent events. She knew he felt uncomfortable, uncertain about how things were going to unfold. Insecure about Liam's sudden reappearance. Whether she was going to leave him or keep him close. Even Wendy didn't know. But maybe that was for the best, if she had spontaneously thought and drawn a conclusion it would've been disturbing somehow, especially in her current state of mind. The fact that she would even think of letting go of Chris so easily was extremely disturbing and she refused to let her subconscious make such a decision in her current situation.

Once in their bedroom, Christopher helped Wendy change from her damp clothes and properly dry her hair, before carefully tucking her under the covers. Placing a stray strand of her hair behind her ear, he smiled down at her softly, as if she were a child.

"Rest now, and we'll talk about everything later. I'll be in the living room if you need anything." He said, voice so low it could've been mistaken for the whistle of the wind.

Turning around to leave the room, his smile quickly dropped and a gloomy cloud floated above his head, dreading the future that was once insecurities running in his mind. Only now it became reality.

Before leaving completely he faced Wendy once more, mustering the most genuine smile he could. "Just know that whatever you decide, I'll be with you."

Long did she stare at where her husband once stood at the door frame after he left her to her thoughts. Only there weren't any. It was as if her mind refused to work and help her find the right path out of the humongous maze she was lost in. Her body was so tired from all the pain- her soulmate being closer than ever had a huge impact on her, both physically and mentally, which made thinking all the harder.

She lay there for what seemed like an eternity, her soul suffocating her with that unsupportable pull, continuously telling her to go and find her soulmate. But how could she...? After all those years of suffering alone. After finding a chance at love again. She couldn't just leave everything behind to go and see someone who willingly abandoned her. Someone who was supposed to stay with her for the rest of her life.

Not bearing to stay in bed anymore, she reluctantly slipped from under the covers, having the urge to use the bathroom. Just as she was opening the door to their ensuite bathroom, a sudden pain shot from her back and to the nape of her neck making her release a deafening scream as she crumbled to the ground.

Christopher came running to their bedroom as soon as he heard Wendy's shrilling scream, his heart in his throat as he walked with fast steps to the bathroom. The sight before him made his stomach churn, as his wife lay on the floor shaking uncontrollably. He tried to approach her only to be stopped by another painful cry, the burning in Wendy's back was too much she didn't think she could handle more.

"Just stay- with me ...'' Wendy had managed to say between the waves of pain. And so Christopher sat on the floor with her hating himself for not knowing how to help his wife. But knowing better than to increase her pain by not giving her space.

This wasn't the first time she experienced such a thing. The feeling of burning alive was all too familiar to her. It started about 13 years ago when her Menima mark disappeared from her back. She didn't know why or how it happened but its sudden disappearance came with consequences she didn't have a cause to. Every once in a while the spot where her mark once took place would start to burn and it would inhibit her from breathing properly, leaving her clutching at the edge of her life.

After what seemed like an hour Wendy's shaking had stopped and she was able to breathe easily. The pain was still there but she handled it. Chris helped Wendy sit back on the bed and quickly went to fetch her a cold glass of water to help her cool down.

He sat next to her, keeping a reasonable distance still settling for giving her all the space she needed, which Wendy appreciated immensely.

Her hands sat on the duvet covers, clenching and unclenching every time the pain got a tad bit unbearable, her knuckles turning white in the process. Christopher stayed silent not wanting to be the one to point the monster in the room. And when Wendy finally assembled the energy to talk, his shoulders tensed. The long hours of pain seemed to sober her up a bit and she thought it was best to discuss things. The sooner the better.

"I uh... I'm sorry. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now." Wendy said, her breathing still erratic, making her thoughts a little bit all over the place.

Chris scoffed. "What are you talking about... you were just withering in excruciating pain and he's not even that close to you yet." He spat, his tone coming out harsher than intended.

He rubbed his face in his hands, feeling an unwelcome headache building at the back of his eyes. "Listen I-... I understand if this is the end for us. I certainly wasn't expecting this to end so fast. But he's your soulmate and I will never stand in your way to be with who you're truly meant for. Just know that I'll always care for you."

Wendy's heart clenched at his words. She stared at his side profile, feeling guilty for making him feel so unloved. Was that it? Did he think he was just a side piece for her? Or did he not love her enough that he was so willingly handing her back to her true mate? Either way, she wouldn't accept him giving up so easily, because she wasn't. She refused to hand over the life she went through so much to build. Not now, not ever.

Wendy carefully reached for his hand, having her hand engulfed by his larger one, softly caressing his knuckles with her thumb.

"Things are going to change, but that doesn't mean I don't want to go through it with you. You're my husband Christopher. You chose me with all the trauma and drama surrounding me. You helped me get through it, helped me heal. I built a new life with you, and I'm not planning on cutting it off so easily." She stopped to catch her breath, locking eyes with her husband in the process, getting lost in the labyrinth of his brown orbs.

"I know it might sound a little selfish on my part but... I need to face this past of mine or else it will never let me go...''

He nodded, reluctantly letting go of her hand that had remained in his hold all this while. He felt that she would want to go back to Liam. It's evident.

As he got up from the bed he placed his hands on his hips, tilting his head backwards and staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.

Turning around after a few minutes, he crouched down in front of his wife, holding her hands in his and squeezing them tightly. When he looked up at her, his eyes were full of such sincerity and ferocity they left Wendy breathless.

"I will follow you to the moon and back. I'll be damned if I ever even think about not being with you in your tough times. When I chose to love you I did it knowing this day will eventually come. But Wendy, you'll have to be honest with me. Are you sure you want this marriage between us to continue? I know that once you'll see him, your opinion might change. I want you to be a hundred per cent certain that you want me no matter what. And I'll promise that I will be yours...'' He said, throwing his heart at her, sincerity flowing with his words like honey, having Wendy melt at his feet engulfing him in a hug.

"I love you, Christopher. I love you for being patient with me, caring, and kind. I love you for loving me. And that's exactly why I will not be seeing Liam." She finished, threading her fingers through his soft hair.

Hearing her words, Christopher pulled away from the hug, only enough to see her face but not too far to not have her in his arms.

He raised a questioning eyebrow and with a sheepish smile Wendy said, "It's time you meet my family."


Chris wasn't fully convinced of Wendy's plan. Not only was he nervous to meet her family but it didn't seem right to him that Wendy chose to escape a problem by facing another. He was aware of her history with her family, as she has recounted to him that she hasn't seen them for more than a decade. He wasn't sure that her showing up at their doorstep and with a husband was going to be the happiest meeting. But he didn't have the heart to tell her so, she chose him after all. And that mattered to him more than anything.

So that same night, he found himself packing for an undefined place and time. They were going to board the first train to the city and that was at 11 pm.

"Hey, are you finished?" Asked Wendy with her toiletry bag in hand.

Christopher smiled at her in confirmation. Unlike her, he didn't have to pack much. So he was finished in a matter of a few minutes.

"I left a note for Sam and Ian," Chris informed. Every once and a while their two friends would come down to the village to help Wendy and Christopher with Menima matters. Wendy worked at the Menima estate, volunteering as a nurse whenever there was an attack. Every time but this one. She couldn't help but feel guilty for not helping the survivors of the last attack, which Liam was part of. But she wasn't courageous enough to see him. He ruined her life once and she wasn't going to let him do it again. She preferred facing her family instead.

Wendy nodded and left to quickly get changed before they were off to go.

When she got out of their bedroom, she found her husband waiting for her in the living room with their bags. Once he noticed her presence in the room he stood up from the couch and walked to her. He surprised her with a chaste kiss. His large hands cupped her round face, making her melt under his soft touch and lean into him, bringing him closer with a simple pull of his shirt.

"Thank you." Chris simply said, after reluctantly pulling away from her lips to catch his breath.

"For what?" Wendy asked, perplexed. The kiss had left her under some sort of spell, and she stared hungrily at his lips waiting for his answer.

"For choosing me." She pecked him on the mouth, twice. Wishing she could have more but knowing they had a train to catch.

And just like that they were out of the house, and just as they were about to cross the fence around the village, bidding their farewell to the night guards, a voice stopped them in their tracks.


Frozen in her place, a chill ran down her spine and her markless back started burning under the thick fabric of her clothes.

She dared to turn around, and there he stood. He hadn't changed much, maybe gotten a little taller. His hair was longer as well, darker than she remembered. But otherwise, he looked the same.

"It's you... I knew you were here. I felt it." Liam said, his voice deep yet comforting to the ear.

"What do you want?" Wendy's tone came out shaky, betraying the harshness she meant to portray.

"I'm here for you...'' he said as if it were obvious. "Why don't we go somewhere and talk... privately." He added, noticing Christopher who was standing rigidly behind his wife, his glare piercing through him.

"I have nothing to tell you. And I certainly don't want to hear what you have to say. Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere to go." This time, her voice was as cold as the night, a sudden rage building up inside her from just the sight of him.

As she turned around, she grabbed Chris by the elbow and began to lead him away. Only to be stopped again.

"Wait!" He shouted and reached his hand to grab her wrist, igniting a string of electricity to run all over their arms. "You're going to your mother aren't you?" He asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

Wendy whipped her head and looked at him in disbelief. "And what's it to you? Can't I visit my parents?" She asked sarcastically, although the anger was still bubbling up in her heart.

"You're playing her game, Wendy, you're falling into her trap. Trust me you don't want to go back now...'' Liam said, taking one step forward for the first time, only for Wendy to step back and Chris to hold out a protective arm in front of her, stopping him from getting any closer, and dropping Wendy's wrist in the process.

"I don't trust you." Were her last words, before disappearing into the darkness of the night, beyond the confines of the fence.

Liam stood still, staring off at where the couple disappeared to. Poking his inner cheek with his tongue, he got out his phone from his back pocket. Opening the messaging app, he sent a quick text to the first correspondent on his list.

"She's coming."


It was all too familiar. Yet completely different. There she was standing in front of the huge metal gate as all sorts of déjà vu flashed before her eyes. Past and present combined, making a huge tangle of thoughts run through Wendy's mind. Christopher sneaked his hand and interlaced it with hers, giving it a gentle squeeze, enough to make her assemble the courage to ring the bell.

After a few seconds of waiting, a voice of a young woman sounded through the speaker, her voice too chirp for the early morning.

"Welcome to the Seo Estate, how can I help you?"

"Um yes hello, uh I'm here to see Mrs and Mr Seo..." Wendy's tone came out softer than intended, she feared the woman on the speaker might not have heard her.

"You mean only Mrs Seo... Uh, can I ask who's this?" The voice inquired, her tone suddenly nervous.

Confusion was written all over Wendy's face and when Christopher looked at her expectantly, she decided to answer the maid. "This is Wendy Seo, daughter of... Mrs Seo." After that, a quiet gasp was heard from the maid and then nothing. The gate opened automatically, and when the line fell to silence the married couple advanced hand in hand with their bags walking the long path to the entrance of Wendy's childhood home.

Before they were even close to the doorstep, the huge wooden doors opened and out came running a middle-aged woman.

Before Wendy could even process what was happening, her bag was dropped to the floor and she was engulfed in a warm hug.


Long did her mother cry in her embrace, and when they got inside, Wendy couldn't help but ask about her father. The maid had left her brain steering since a few minutes ago at the gate.

That's when her mother had gathered herself, knowing she owed you an explanation as much as you did her. She invited both her and Chris to sit and began explaining her father's tragic death.

It was all going too fast. It's crazy how much can happen in the blink of an eye. If you had told Wendy that she was going to go back to her childhood home, in the personal family graveyard at the back of the house, mourning her father's death a week ago, she would have laughed.

Her father wasn't the best, his high position in society didn't help either. He had been killed by a Menima, the year after Wendy had run away. Christopher had sneaked an arm around her waist at the mention of the detailed massacre that had happened during her time away. In the back of her mind, she thought he deserved to be killed at the hands of a Menima, it was somehow payback for all the cruel laws he had established against them. But he was still her father, his death hurt the slightest bit. With Christopher standing behind her and her mother watching from afar, she clenched her fists tightly on her lap. She knew this was just the beginning of a bigger storm but she was tired. She already regretted coming here, but there was nowhere else she would have run to. Besides, she missed her mother, and couldn't wait to see her brother and her best friend, Judy.

A hand landing softly on her shoulder made her look up from the tomb of her resting father, locking eyes with her loving husband. She thanked God he was by her side. The ride on the train to the city wasn't pleasant at all. Meeting Liam moments before leaving left her heart beating erratically. Christopher didn't say anything to her, they had already talked about him and he didn't want to bring back the topic. But a side of him kept thinking if staying away from him was still the right decision. He was her soulmate after all. And Christopher would forever be aware of that fact.

Not wanting to stay longer in the cold, the three of them got back inside, finding that the maid had prepared a generous breakfast for all of them. They sat down and talked as they ate. Wendy's mother asked about how she met her husband. They talked about how Mrs Seo was elected to be the next president and that she needed to leave later for the office. Wendy could feel that her mother wanted to ask her about her disappearance but she opted to leave the topic for a future time, which Wendy was extremely grateful for.

Just as they finished eating, a new person made its presence known, but not in a so gentle way.

"What the fuck is she doing here?"