
The Cosmos's Strongest

The world was all normal for a 15 year old boy living in London until he saw the horrifying scene of his foster mother. Then he was abducted by something called a dark Walker. And then he woke up in the body of an 8 year old kid, which was then followed by many extraordinary events. It seemed that the boy was transmigrated to another world. which to the boy's delight was a world where Mana and many other fantasical things existed. His main objective was to become The Cosmos's Strongest. Join him on this journey filled with mysteries and dangers of the universe. Author:- This novel has magic and all the stuff that's definitely sci fi but I try to make it a bit relateble to science.

Nile_Clad · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Waking Up In The Body Of A Kid

"Because I want you to be a threat to the higher ups. I am tired of being controlled by someone, so I want you to change the current way of the universe."

"Elaborate please." The boy said in frustration as he wasnt clearly understanding what Gainis was saying.

"You see, I am considered as a grade 3 dark walker and being a grade 3 dark walker isnt good at all. Its only better than grade 1 and 2 dark walkers.

The higher ups treat the dark walkers which are below the grade 4 mark like dogs, we dont get enough respect.

And not only that, but also its that, we the dark walkers are forced to do this. We arent even doing it willingly." Gainis explained.

"Yeah I kind of get what you are talking about. But why me, can't you do that yourself. I can't even control Mana" He said innocently but something else was going on his head.

"Thats because dark walkers, light walkers and any other species that are aware of the knowledge of Mana and the energies are severely restricted by the descendants of the main species, Primeta.

And as for your inability to control Mana, I am sending you to a different planet. The planet will have knowledge about Mana so you should be able to control it." Gainis said

"So I am getting reincarnated, right?" The boy asked with enthusiasm.

"Well kind of, but anyways my point to you is that when you reach the planet you should start gaining knowledge on Mana and start cultivating. You will have to become the strongest on that planet then that is the time when your real journey starts.

For now I can tell you only this much but as you get stronger I will give you more information regarding the universe.

I am sending you to a planet with less technology and with less intelligent humans.

Anyways goodbye." He said as he waved the boy goodbye

"Wait, I want to ask you someth...." the boy couldnt finish his question as the black smoke enveloped him and he was again in darkness.

This darkness was different as he couldnt hear, feel or see anything. His senses were totally absent.

It was like he didnt exist.

After about a minute or two he started to feel something. He could feel his hands and legs were numb and his stomach along with his had a stinging pain.

He opened his eyes to see what was happening.

It was very bright so it took him a second before he could see properly.

Some muffled voices were ringing in his ears.

He looked around to see what was going on.

A crowd of people had gathered around him and in front of him was young kid who was probably around 7 or 8 years old.

".....haha, you scared me. I almost thought you were dead." He heard the young boy talk, it was unclear but he understood what the boy saying.

He held his forehead and got up from the ground on which he was lying down.

He was very dizzy so he wobbled around when he got up.

He looked at his arms which were numb from pain. His skin was much rougher and much fairer than before.

Currently his arms were blood red and had some swelling on them. They were first numb but now it had started to get a burning sensation. To him pain was nothing.

But he was also feeling a stinging pain on his stomach, which when he inspected it properly, he saw a bleeding cut. The back of his head was also bleeding from a wound.

For now, he ignored the wounds on his body and focused on the things surrounding him.

He looked at the boy. The boy had dirty blonde hairs and blue eyes. The boy was wearing a blue coat and white pants.

He quickly understood that the kid was from a rich family.

'It seems that he sent me to this world in the body of a dying kid.'

He had figured out a lot of things just from the few words he had heard from the rich kid.

'This body must be around the same age as the kid, because that kid and me are around the same height and also because why I am so short compared to the people in the crowd.

And from the way he said those words along with the pain that I am feeling right now it probably means that we were fighting or he was bullying me.

The clothes he is wearing were worn in the medieval period so the technology should also be of the same period or even lower since this world has people who can control Mana.

And since people can control Mana, there will also be people who cant control Mana so the gap between powerful and weak will be astronomical hence the state I am in.' He had grasped the situation of the world with just a single sentence and a few seconds of observation. Because who wouldn't be prepared when they would watch isekai shows everyday.

The rich kid walked up to him and pulled the boy' hairs backward while saying "She is mine so dont even think of getting her."

The rich boy said it in his ears but the crowd around them could hear it.

The rich kid then started walking towards the crowd, in the direction where a beautiful and cute girl who had long blonde hairs tied in a pony tail and deep dark brown eyes could be seen standing. She seemed to be around the same age as the rich kid.

The rich kid knelt down on one knee in front of the girl and said "I, the fifth son of the Vergleis family, Cannet Vergleis, Ask your hand in marriage."

He was looking at the girl straight into her dark brown eyes as he raised his right hand in her direction.

The girl didnt even take a second more before she spoke "I Karina Hassel, accept your hand in marriage." She reached for the rich kids hand and held it.

When everybody saw their hands touching, the crowd burst into cheers and applauds, some were even crying.

-"Prince Cannet deserves a beautiful wife just like her."

-"Such a jolly news, the fifth prince is getting married and especially on such an auspicious day."

-"They will be a good match."

-"Karina is so fortunate to have a husband like him."

These were just a few of the conversations that were going on in the crowd but none of them had the topic of the kid who was bleeding.

It was like they forgot he was still there.

I know, I know, this chapter was a bit confusing since I still haven't revealed the MC's name, but don't worry in the next or the chapter after that will definitely have the revelation of MC's name.

If it's getting too confusing, comment it, I will edit it.

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