
The Cosmos's Strongest

The world was all normal for a 15 year old boy living in London until he saw the horrifying scene of his foster mother. Then he was abducted by something called a dark Walker. And then he woke up in the body of an 8 year old kid, which was then followed by many extraordinary events. It seemed that the boy was transmigrated to another world. which to the boy's delight was a world where Mana and many other fantasical things existed. His main objective was to become The Cosmos's Strongest. Join him on this journey filled with mysteries and dangers of the universe. Author:- This novel has magic and all the stuff that's definitely sci fi but I try to make it a bit relateble to science.

Nile_Clad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Still Stuck In The Darkness

Back at the place where the boy was stuck in the darkness.

'Its been like... like... I even lost the track of time. Where is that asshole!!!' He cursed inside his mind.

It has been around four hours since the man had gone and left the boy in this vast and endless darkness.

The whole time he had wandered aimlessly around the darkness and the only thing he could find different was that the floor's colour would be a bit faded, for every 30 feet he travelled further.

Two hours later....

'I swear I feel like I am going to go insane if he doesn't come back.' The boy said as he really was on the verge of insanity.

After taking out his anger, he calmed down and started thinking again on how to get out of the place but none of his ideas would work.

One day later.....

'I don't know how long it has been but I am feeling really, really thirsty and hungry too.' he said exhaustedly

One more day later.....

'I have sat here and thought about ways to get out of this place for hours now. But why isn't anything working, and also where is he.' the boy thought in melancholy

Three days later.....

The boy was lying on the floor with his arms and legs curled up like a baby. His face had no expression and his lips looked very dry.

It had been around five days since he last ate or drank. From the past five days he was in solitude, without anyone to talk to or to do anything he was slowly going crazy.

Sometimes he would be angry, sometimes he would be crying, sometimes he would be laying there with lifeless eyes, sometimes he was laughing. It was evident that anybody would go crazy in this situation.

He thought he was going to die of hunger while being stuck in this darkness so he had stopped thinking of ways to escape, instead he thought of his life, both sad and happy moments.

His thoughts drifted to the scene that had indirectly bought him to this situation. The scene of his foster mother, Esther.

Tears started to flow from his eyes and down to his cheeks as he was thinking.

'I have been through so much fucking trauma and when I thought it had finally stopped, but it didn't. I am not asking for an extraordinary life with thrill or to be in a family of millionaires, I am just asking for a normal and simple life with a simple middle class family?' He thought while cursing his destiny.

When he was a kid his parents used to abuse him endlessly. Sometimes it got so serious that he would be bedridden for days.

His mom was a struggling actor who became a drug addict and his dad was a hitman who killed people for a living.

His mom would buy drugs by selling various things in his house which were very necessary for living. She would tell her son to steal money from others for her, which he at first denied to do but after she broke one of his arms by slamming a door on it, he agreed.

But that wasn't the only abuse he got from his mom. She used to use a hot fork to press it on the young boy's skin, which till now he has those scars on his back and she also used to slam a chair on his young body.

His dad was no different, an alcoholic. He would beat his son on a daily basis, after he loses a gamble or a bet or if he is having a bad day. There were various reasons for why he would beat his son up, those were only some of them.

He also made his son do some dirty works, like he taught his son to be bait for him to kill his targets perfectly and swiftly without evidences because who would think a kid is involved a murder.

These were just some of the tortures that his parents would give him.

He was bullied at school too which further added to his trauma.

Now he had truly fallen off the cliff of sanity....

But suddenly a memory started to replay in his brain.

His mom died and his father was caught by the police. Then he was sent to a rehabilitation camp where he stayed for two years and then he went to a foster home and ended up being fostered by Esther. His life became normal for a few years.

All this time during his childhood trauma, despite being only a kid he handled all that and got back up on his feet like it never happened.

The memory was showered by many more memories having the same picture, of him getting up no matter what happens.

A series of emotions, rage, love, courage, hate started flowing into him along with a rush of adrenaline.

He used those emotions and adrenaline to fuel him up with energy and stamina.

He got up from the ground with new and impenetrable vigour to get out of this place.

He started punching the ground, the only thing that he could touch.

A few days ago he had thought of the idea of continuously punching the ground until he dug a hole and got out. But he removed that idea after punching the floor for only a few times, because It was extremely painful and the floor seemed to have been made of a very hard and tough material, so he gave up.

But now it was a different person, someone who would never give up even if it means that he starving, bleeding, hurting himself, he would do anything until he reached that goal.

He started punching the floor with a great amount of force, at least with how much energy he had left with him.

One hour later, and he was still rearing to go.

Two hours later, and he was still on it.

Five hours later, he seemed very tired but still kept on going.

Two days later, blood was dripping from his knuckles who had been punching the ground non-stop.

Two weeks later, a boy who looked really malnourished could be seen punching a blood stained pit.

He hadn't eaten or drunk anything for around a month and also while he was punching the ground non-stop for three weeks along with blood loss, it was a miracle he still hadn't passed out.

His punches had become really weak and almost insignificant.

The hole he was trying to dig was only three inches deep and five inches wide.

He had made progress but it wouldn't be enough for him to get out.

One week later,


He finally fell on the ground after one month of stubbornness. It was a miracle he was still alive at this point.

But it was going to change as the adrenaline that was in his body for the past month had completely faded away.

He lay on the floor which was dyed red with his blood and smiled as he thought 'I at least didn't go without a fight.' and his eyes shut.

He lay motionless on the ground ah his heart rate started declining second by second as his still thumping heart and heaving the chest which came in to an end.

He died.