
The Cosmos's Strongest

The world was all normal for a 15 year old boy living in London until he saw the horrifying scene of his foster mother. Then he was abducted by something called a dark Walker. And then he woke up in the body of an 8 year old kid, which was then followed by many extraordinary events. It seemed that the boy was transmigrated to another world. which to the boy's delight was a world where Mana and many other fantasical things existed. His main objective was to become The Cosmos's Strongest. Join him on this journey filled with mysteries and dangers of the universe. Author:- This novel has magic and all the stuff that's definitely sci fi but I try to make it a bit relateble to science.

Nile_Clad · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Ballard VS 3rd Grade Dark Walker I

After sweeping the whole area for about an hour, Ballard was going to go back the mansion of the family he was currently serving, but stopped when he sensed something.

He sensed energy..... not his but someone else's.

The energy signal was massive and it was coming from the hospital that he had just bombed, about fifteen kilometres away from his current position.

He was roaming around the city to find if anymore residual energy had escaped his senses.

It didnt even take him a second and he was already there, at the sight where fire was raging and people were trying their best to stop it. The building had collapsed ten minutes after the explosion and there was fire everywhere. The buildings around the hospital were also affected.

And amongst all that Ballard saw only person, the person looked like a black dot.

The person was none another than the man who abducted the kid. He had sensed Ballard as soon as he came to the planet.

He looked up to see a figure with all black attire and a golden white mask floating in the sky. He was able to identify the physical characteristics of the person even though they were very far away from each other.

In a blink he was facing the floating man. Ballard wasnt surprised to see the man suddenly appear in front of him.

"So you were the one who caused all this ruckus?" The man asked

"I can explain, just give me a chance." Ballard replied as if he was scared

"Well, go ahead then, explain." The man spoke back.

"Lord vernio sent me here for a mission....." he told everything to the man as if he didnt want to offend him.

He listened quietly and when Ballard was done explaining he spoke "You have no rights to interfere in planets out of your jurisdiction. Instead of informing the authority of this incident your lord chose to deal with it on his own and on top of that on my planet without even informing me! It seems that your lord has underestimated me." He said while becoming furious.

"Calm down, we can sort things out." Ballard replied with a stiff tone, completely different from how he talked earlier to the man.

"You dont know the gravity of the situation. I can inform the authorities about your acts and your lord will have hell to pay." The man said with a heavier tone

"I think you misunderstood me, I was trying to say that lord will definitely compensate and reward you if you let this incident slide." Ballard spoke again but his tone stayed the same.

"You think any amount of money will make me forget this?" The man asked to Ballard while aiming his hand on the disaster that had happened beneath.

"There must be something that will make you forget about this incident." Ballard added nonchalantly

Seeing Ballard's reaction the man was even more infuriated.

He calmed his anger and spoke nonchalantly "Do you think invading my territory, killing hundreds of my people, causing millions of damage and acting like its not big deal is going to make me accept a bribe. You hurt my pride, the only thing that I will take from you is your life." The last sentence he said was with dreadful eyes.

Ballard instantly raised his guard up because he didnt expect the man to start a battle with him.

Ballard didn't hide his current level of strength, his strength was on par of a 4rth grade dark walker and yet the man knowing this fact still challenged him.

He has fought against many 3rd grade dark walkers and none of them willingly challenged him and especially not in the way the man was challenging him. It was like the dark walker was sure he would be able to defeat Ballard.

"But before that lets introduce ourselves, I am Gainis and you?" Said the man with a cheerful attitude, completely changing his attitude from earlier.

Surprised by the sudden change in Gainis's attitude, he furrowed his eyes in confusion "I am Ballard" he said.

"Well okay then lets get started."

As soon as he was done saying, a hand appeared on Ballard's chest.


Ballard was sent flying in the air.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Ballard's body was travelling faster than the speed of sound, which caused the explosive noise, sonic booms.

Ballard was taken by surprise so he couldnt block the attack but he had never expected Gainis to be this powerful afterall he was just a 3rd grade dark walker.

But the strength that Gainis just displayed now was on the par of a 5th grade dark walker. His mind had only one thought 'How is he so powerful'

After seeing his strength Ballard knew where the confidence came from.

Gainis on the other hand was shocked on seeing how weak his opponent was "Why the hell are you so weak?"

Ballard couldnt hear what he said because he was around three kilometres away from him.

Ballard regained his body back from the momentum and he was just thinking of a way to escape immediately. He knew that he was no opponent to Gainis so he only thought of running.

But he found the situation very difficult as he had a caved in chest and blood dripping from the side of his mouth. He also had many internal injuries due to flying in hypersonic speed.

Even if he did manage to escape from Gainis in this state and go back to the castle whilst still alive, lord Vernio would definitely kill him for failing such an important mission.

He had two choice. First, to die by the hands of a dark walker or second, to die by the hands of his lord.

He was stuck in a dilemma but came to a conclusion 'Fuck it, if I go back I have some chances to live and if I stay here then its all over for me.'

Gainis was still pretty far away from him so he figured that Gainis is more of a power type instead of speed. Luckily he was more of a speed type so getting some distance between them should be relatively easy unless Gainis starts teleporting.

Ballard could also teleport back to mansion and he would have already teleported but he didnt do that because it would allow the opponent to also know the location to where he was going.

Many families resided in places where people would find it really difficult to navigate or some families liked to be hidden as the it warded away any unwanted trouble. So they would build their mansions in unreachable areas which cannot be entered unless you are to be teleported.

Since Ballard is working for a hidden family he was to take an oath to never reveal the location of their mansion.

For him to safely teleport without the dark walker finding out would be to atleast be one kilometre away and to fully focus on hiding the space tunnel.

The first condition had been met but he needed atleast a minute before he could conceal the space tunnels.

To conceal the space tunnels he had to be fully concentrated meaning he couldnt run or fight while he was trying to conceal the tunnels.

By the time he figured out the plan, Gainis was already pretty close to him.

Ballard had no choice but to fight a losing battle.

Next chapter has packed action.

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