
Asking To Be Reincarnated

The silent space was filled with the ticking of the pointer as the wheel was finally coming to a stop.

The boy's heart was pounding so much that you would be able to hear it if it werent for the wheel and the pointer.

The boy hadnt checked any of the destinies on the wheel before spinning it but as the wheel was slowing down he could see the destinies written, albeit only a little but he could make out the meaning of the destinies.

On one of the destinies that he was able to see was written 'to be guillotined'. He started to have double thoughts on spinning the wheel but when he remembered he didnt have a choice he became a bit calm, with his thoughts being 'Whats the worse that could happen, I would die, thats it.'

He said those words in his mind to encourage himself and feel a bit better but the fear of death was still present in his heart.

The wheel was coming to a stop.

And it finally stopped.

The boy had his fingers crossed and was slowly opening his eyes as he couldnt hear the whirring of the wheel anymore, he was currently prepared for anything that could happen. Even if he was going to die, he would accept his destiny.

Upon opening his eyes he saw the destiny that the pointer had stopped on. There were only two words written and they were...


"Huh?" The boy exclaimed as he was really shocked. He didnt know that such an option even existed on the wheel and yet he got it.

He didnt know what to do, did he have to spin it again or what?

He looked at the man but the man didnt utter a single word so he shifted his gaze back to the wheel and stood there thinking until he was interrupted by the man's voice again "Come on, hurry up and spin the wheel again, I don't have time."

After hearing the man's voice he was suddenly shaken up, but he regained his composure and spinned the wheel again but this time he didnt spin it rather he controlled the wheel like it was a steer and lifted his hands off the wheel when he had kept the option he wanted in the direction of the pointer.

It would probably be called cheating but since the man only told to spin it, he didnt clarify it properly.

Since he turned the wheel, he technically had spinned the wheel.

'Its very idiotic and foolish but whats the worst that could happen, I will die and after checking all those destinies death is probably a better choice.' The boy thought in his mind

The destiny that the pointer landed on.... I mean the destiny in which the pointer was kept on had the words...


This was the most perfect and the best option which was on the wheel other than the 'LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY' option, which he didn't like very much, since the man didnt specify to whom would the boy be losing his virginity to so it could even mean losing your virginity to a man and since how strange the man was, he didnt know what the man would do to him, so the boy didnt pick this option.

And also because his foster mother had just died and he didnt feel that it was appropriate.

The man didnt look back at the boy but he asked "What do you wish your destiny to be."

'Hmph, I outsmarted this sun of a...' the boy said in his mind. 'Anyway what should I choose my destiny to be, I thought he would tell me that its not allowed but to my surprise he actually allowed it.'

"I want to be reincarnated." the boy told after a few seconds of thinking

The man smiled when heard this. He thought the boy would ask to send him back home but instead he asked to be reincarnated.

'Hahaha, Its my first time seeing a kid like this in one of the larin world. I will just go along the kid's plan and see where he goe... wait no, if I go along his plans he will trust people too much. I will bend his plans.'

The man turned his face towards the boy and gave a devilish grin.

When the boy saw the grin his hairs stood, he knew something was about to happen and his suspicions were turned into reality when the man spoke"Only if you get out of here alive."

He disappeared with the dark smoke replacing his place, until a second later, even the smoke disappeared.

This surprised the boy, he didnt know what to do nor did he know what the man was going to do.

He was mindlessly looking around in the darkness in all directions, he was preparing for if the man appeared again and tried to kill him. But after a few minutes nothing happened until...

"Huh" he said as he thought something was strange. Well, everything was strange but he realised that something was missing and it didnt take him long before he found out what it was "The monitors and the chair, where did they go?"

The monitors were the only things that were visible yet he did not see them and the worst of all how was his vision unaffected even after they werent there anymore.

He walked past the wheel which was supposedly blocking his view of the monitors and stood at the place where they were previously placed before and searched around but he didnt find anything other than dust.

He turned back to look at where the wheel was previously present and what he saw was darkness.

Now all he could see was endless darkness. The wheel which had been somewhat radiating a bit of light was also out of sight.

'What in the hell is happening? First the man disappears then the monitors and now the wheel!' He cursed in his mind. 'Whats next, the floor....' He instantly went quiet after saying that as if he thought that it might really happen but it didnt.

'Whew, almost jinxed myself.' He said in his mind while wiping off the sweat on his forehead.

After a few minutes of trying to figure out what was going on, his head starting thinking seriously 'Its strange, the way the monitors disappeared without even letting me notice the change of luminosity in this place and also the wheel, it was as if it also radiated light. If I look at the floor now, its as if my vision covers a certain area despite the light.' He came to a conclusion while also looking at the floor to make sure his hypothesis was right.

'But my field of vision spans almost for like 10 metres so how wasnt I able to see the wheel and the monitors disappear.' his mind went into another spiral of thoughts and it wasnt long before he again came to a conclusion 'Wait! If either light or the darkness cant affect my certain field of vision then it is possible that the man teleported them when I wasnt looking and it is pretty believable since I actually didnt see them disappear.'

'But what will figuring out all these things help for me to get out of this place. It has been around ten minute but the man still hasnt shown himself after telling me "only if get out of here alive." How the hell am I supposed get out of here alive. He must be like some crazy wizard who likes to kill people mercilessly and abduct kids then starve them to their deaths in his lair. Even of I manage to get lucky and find a door then what possibility is there that he wont kill me.' He thought in his mind.

It was just what the man had wanted was happening, the boy was losing trust in people.

His thoughts wandered to the scene of his foster mother, making his mood sullen. He started to think of the memories he shared with her. Even if it was only for five years, those five years were his best.

He lay back on the floor and started to cry, with rivers flowing down his cheeks.

In the endless darkness, he sat on the ground crying.

Pls comment for any spelling mistakes. I check the chapters twice for mistakes but some still get away right down from my nose so let me know and I will fix the chapter.

Nile_Cladcreators' thoughts
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