
The cosmic Sojourne: Tales of a young wanderer from Another World

it's about a young boy who reincarnated and found out to be some ancient being and in order to find out more about his trueself he venture the new world full of wonders and magices different creatures and more

Jezzn_Lue · Urban
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3 Chs

Beauty of a sleeping Man

In the heart of the desolate countryside stood an mansion, it's timeworn walls bearing witness to years of neglect and solitude. Surrounded by overgrown weeds and tangled vaines, the mansion seemed frozen in time,it's once-grandeur faded into a haunting silhouette against the backdrop of barren landscape , it's weather-beaten walls bore witness to the passage of time ,each crack and crevice holding secrets wishpered by the wind. Inside amidst the creaking floorboards and the musty scent of antiquity lay a room frozen in time .

The room was bathed in a soft, golden light filtering through the dusty curtains, casting long shadows across the worn wooden floor. At its centre sat a ancient bed ,it's frame adorned with intricate carvings that had long since lost their luster.

In the dimly lit room, shrouded in an aura of tranquility, lies a young man whose presence exudes a sense of ethereal beauty and timeless grace. As he reclines upon the bed ,his form seems almost sculpted by the hands of a divine artist, each contour and curve meticulously crafted to perfection.

At first glance, it is his striking features that captures one's attention- the chiseled jawline, perfectly symmetrical and framed by a hint of stubble that lends an air of rugged masculinity to his otherwise angelic countenance . His lips, full and inviting, are cought in a perpetual state of tranquility as if forever frozen in a serene smile that hints at the depths of his inner peace .

Just then the young man who seems like asleep for years, his eyes brows twitch seemingly trying to open his eyes ,his hands moves then suddenly the young man who was laying on the old bed woke up, his eyes was wide open mouth slightly gasping for more air he looked troubled and shoked gasping loudly.

After laying a while the young man clamed his breathing and tried to lift his body with both his shakey hands as he utter out the words in confusion.

"where am I?...where is this place ?"

"Im sure, I was on my way to home...then suddenly s..someone pushed me and I feel into the lake, from there I don't know what happened "...Says Lucien as he looked around .

'This can't be the hospital, this place looks old yet somewhat fancy ....'

'First thing first, I don't know where am I? Nor do I have any idea where this place is and who brought me here so let's get up from this bed and look around ,see if I find any clue to where this place is or who brought me here' ,..Lucien thought to himself as he tryed to get out from the bed but suddenly the old bed broke in half creating the dust that was on the bed to flow on the air making Lucien cough bitterly.

*cough...cough* "jesus Christ, what the hell is even happening with me!"

Lucien somehow got out from the mess that was created from the broken bed, he got up and tried to dust away the dirt that was on his hand, only then did Lucien notice that the cloths he was wearing was all white and looked very fancy decorated in gold ....

"looks cool, is this a real gold?". Lucien mutter to himself after looking at the cloths he was wearing then he notice a mirror on the conor of the room the mirror was covered by dust on its surface so it was kinda hard to see so Lucien removed the dust from the mirror using his hands then only did he saw clearly the person standing in front of the mirror was not him but a beautiful man unfamiliar to him.

"w..what!? This is not me ! Who is he ,what happened to me ?". Lucien was confused and quite shoked as to see the person in front of him totally unfimiliar ,the person in front of the mirror was a beautiful man.

His long hair cascades like a river of snow, flowing with ethereal grace , each stand gleaming in the light ,his lips ,a delicate hue of rose petals, bekon with a whisper of allure, inviting you into their enchanting embrace . But it is his eyes that truly mesmerize, pools of endless depth that seem to hold the secrets of the univers within their azure depths, they are the colour of ocean on a clear summer day , with flecks of gold scattered like stars across their surface, each one a testament to the myriad emotions that sweril within his soul. They are windows to a world unseen, drawing the observer into their depths with an irresistible magnetism .

His skin, smooth and flawless as polished marble, bears the faintest hint of a golden tan, as if kissed by the sun itself, it glows with a radiant luminescene , casting a soft halo of light around his form and accentrating the elegant lines of his physique . Every inch of him seems to radiate a palpable warmth ,as if he is imbued with an inner light that cannot be extinguished

'I can't describe more accurately then this. So, did I... possessed this beautiful man's body?'...lucien thoughts as he looks at himself in the mirror well more likely the body he possessed

'I have no clue of what this place is or what this person was doing before I came, let's look around first '...Lucien thought as he got out from the room after walking for few steps he met the stairs and he got down the stairs where he found himself in front of big hall.

"wow this is quite big "....after saying that he proceeds towards the big door that leds outside, the door was jamed due to being old and rusty so Lucien had quite hard time, as he opened the door, a blinding light flooded into the room forcing him to shut his eyes tightly. After a few minutes, he cautiously open them again allowing them to adjust to the brightness.

As Lucien cautiously opend his eyes ,he was met with a sight that left him speechless .

The barren landscape was shrouded in gloomy weather, a melancholic scene painted in shades casting a pall over the desolate terrain below. The air was thick with moisture, a dampness that clung to everything it touched. Yet, despite the dreary atmosphere, there was a strange brightness to the scene . Every so often, a break in the clouds would allow a ray of sunlight to filter through, casting fleeting beams of golden light upon the barren land. These brief moment of illumination seemed almost out of place amidst the somber surroundings ,like glimmers of hope amidst despair .

The landscape itself was a sturdy in contrasts . Barren stretches of rockey ground were interspersed with patches of vibrant moss and lichen, their brilliant hue standing out against the muted backdrop . Skeletal trees, stripped bore of leaves, reached upwards as if pleading for mercy from the oppressive sky.

In the distance, the silhouette of mountains loomed like silent sentinels ,their peaks obscured by mist, yet even they seemed touched by a strange kind of beauty, their rugged slopes etched with shadows and light.