
The Cosmic (Rewrite)

A boy gets cursed with ice and uses his powers for good

CallingHooper · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Fall Of The Corrupted's

Xander The Corrupted's leader took his Army to go find his daughter Crystal. The Corrupted's reach a cliff when a giant crack formed underneath them causing the cliff to break.

As the Corrupted's fall down the cliff the Golden Dragon flies around them shooting golden beams killing some of them. After the fall half the Corrupted's survived Xander surveys his surroundings and noticed there in a giant clearing with grass everywhere and a pond.

After Xander surveyed the area he ordered his men to move as they were passing the pond a giant blue shark jumped out the water and killed all of the Corrupted's leaving only Xander.

Anthony and the rest of Team Wolf start walking towards Xander when Xander throws his double bladed purple spear hitting Anthony in the stomach The rest of Team Wolf charges Xander.

Xander grabs Metal by the neck and slams him into the ground Cosmo jumps into the air and slams his sledgehammer down but Xander grabs it and starts spinning and lets go throwing Cosmo.

Ash throws his axe and it flies right next to Xander's head Ash teleports to his axe Xander grabs Ash and throws him into a boulder Neutralizer flies over to Xander and swings his sword and cuts Xander's face leaving a small cut "All you can do is make a small cut" said Xander as he grabs his sword off his back and stabs Neutralizer.

Vinder summons a regular sized red bull and commands it to charge Xander as the bull charges to him Xander grabs to bull by the horns and throws it at Vinder hitting him and knocking him to the ground. Crystal throws her katana but Xander stops it in mid air using his powers and throws at back at Crystal impaling her in the stomach as she falls to the ground Xander stands infront of her "look what you've done daughter now i have to kill you" said Xander just then a spear flies into Xanders heart killing him.

"Is it over" said Cosmo "yes lets go home" said Anthony