
The corruption within’

Takemichi thought he had left the dangerous world of gangs and his former friend Mikey behind. But when Mikey shows up at his workplace, Takemichi realizes that he can't escape his past. Mikey is now a ruthless and psychotic criminal, and Takemichi is scared for his life. But something in Mikey's eyes makes Takemichi believe that the old Mikey is still in there somewhere. With a heavy heart, Takemichi decides to try and save his friend. But in doing so, he must confront the moral ambiguity of his actions. How far is he willing to go to bring back the old Mikey? And can he do it without getting caught up in the dangerous world of crime and violence once again? As Takemichi tries to navigate these treacherous waters, he finds himself caught between his loyalty to his friend and his own survival.

Alice_Soleil · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Takemichi sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling in exhaustion. Another long day at the hospital had left him drained of energy. He had always believed that by his late twenties, he would have achieved some level of success. But instead, he found himself working long hours as a nurse with little time for anything else. The encounter he had earlier that day with one of his old bullies from school had only added insult to injury, forcing him to take a hard look at his life and confront the fact that he needed to make a change.

As he lay there, Takemichi couldn't help but think about his past. He had spent his teenage years as a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang, a notorious group of delinquents who ruled the streets with an iron fist. It had been a chaotic time, but there had also been moments of joy and friendship.

Takemichi's mind drifted to his closest friend in the gang, Mikey. Even as a teenager, Mikey had been a force to be reckoned with. He was strong, charismatic, and always had a mischievous glint in his eye. But Mikey also had a dark side, a violent and cruel streak that Takemichi had seen firsthand. As the years went by, Takemichi had grown increasingly uncomfortable with Mikey's actions, until finally he had had enough and had run away from the gang.

With a sigh, Takemichi allowed himself to drift back in time to when he first met Mikey. He had been a timid and insecure boy, constantly targeted by bullies. One day, as he was being beaten up, Mikey had appeared out of nowhere and chased the bullies away. From that moment on, Takemichi had felt a connection to Mikey, a sense that he belonged somewhere.

Mikey had taken Takemichi under his wing, teaching him how to fight and defend himself. He had introduced him to the other members of the gang, and before long, Takemichi had become a part of their tight-knit group. They had spent their days wreaking havoc on the streets, causing chaos and laughing in the face of authority.

But as the gang's activities grew darker and more violent, Takemichi had begun to question whether he truly belonged there. He had seen Mikey and the others commit heinous acts, hurting innocent people and causing destruction for no reason other than their own enjoyment. He had grown disgusted with their behavior, feeling like he was losing himself in the process.

One day, Takemichi had had enough. He had packed his bags and left without telling anyone, not even Mikey. He had hoped that leaving the gang would help him find himself again, but instead, he had found himself adrift, lost in a world that seemed to have no place for him.

Takemichi knew that he was a long way from achieving his dreams of success and fulfillment, but he also knew that he couldn't give up. As he lay there, scrolling through social media, he saw photos of his old classmates succeeding in life, traveling the world, and achieving their dreams. While part of him felt jealous and regretful, he quickly suppressed those feelings.

For the first time in a long time, Takemichi felt lost and unsure of what to do next. He thought about Mikey again, wondering what had become of him, whether he had changed, become a better person. As much as he was drawn to the thought of reconnecting with his old friend, Takemichi suppressed those feelings as well.

He knew that he couldn't risk getting involved with the gang again, especially with the dangers that came along with it.

With a heavy heart, Takemichi forced himself to think about something else and

put his phone down. He knew that he needed to focus on his present life and work towards a better future.

He thought about the patients he had helped at the hospital that day, the difference he had made in their lives, and the satisfaction he had felt from it. He knew that he needed to continue working hard and striving towards his goals, even if they seemed far away.

As he drifted off to sleep, Takemichi couldn't help but feel both a sense of longing for his past and an apprehension for what could be waiting for him in his future.