
The Corrupted

Jade is just an ordinary girl trying to survive life. What will happen when she meets a demon? Will she let this demon take control of her, or will she fight? Jade wants nothing more, than to pull her tragic life together. Will she be able to, or will her life become even more tragic and darker?

Lyds_ · Teen
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7 Chs

Always There

♡~JANE'S P.O.V.~♡

A few days ago, Oscar gave me an update on Alexis. Her stay at the mental hospital will have to be longer. The staff said they heard her yelling. What happened to her? What happened to the sweet girl that I babysat? Something isn't right. This isn't her, but I don't know what it could be. I know her better than anyone else. She isn't herself. She'd never act like this.

Mrs. Aarons, she says it could just be Alexis getting older. That doesn't make sense though. I mean, I know how teenagers are. I had a lot of problems as well, but this just doesn't make sense. "Honey? Are you ok?" I just stared down at my lap. "Baby? Jane?" I suddenly came back to reality, upon hearing Oscar say my name. "Huh? What is it honey?" I looked at him, questioning. I know this whole situation is taking its toll on him as well. He had bags under his blue eyes, he had restless nights, and his black, curly hair was disheveled. "You zoned out. I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Yet, despite everything that's happening, he still continues to care more about Jade and I than his own mental health.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. Having a newborn isn't easy, haha. I see that you understand that, as well." I walked over to him and pecked his lips. He then kissed the top of my head "Yeah, it's definitely hard. It's worth it. I'd give up anything for our little princess." I would as well. She means everything to me. My father hated the idea of me having a baby at a young age. He even tried to convince me to have an abortion. I told him no though. I said I would never give her up. After that, he kicked me out of the house. Though, Oscar and his family let me move in with them. I was upset about for a while, but soon, I realized that being with my alcoholic father wasn't right. Especially, when pregnant.

After an hour of just sitting on the couch, watching a movie, Jade began to cry. I started to get up, even though my back was in so much pain. "Hey, don't worry, I got her." He pressed a quick kiss on to my forehead. A few minutes later, he came back into the living room. Our sweet child, in his arms. "I think she might be hungry." I let out a groan of exhaustion. When is she not hungry? "Alright, hand her over." I seriously wish she wasn't breastfed. It hurts so damn much, but a baby has to eat. I looked over, to see Oscar looking at my chest, with wide eyes. "Oh honey, you're staring again." I said to him, not even trying to hide the smirk on my face. "How could I not stare? You're fucking gorgeous. All of you is." He said, looking into my eyes. I tried hiding my face because I'm pretty sure my face is red now. He quickly moved my free hand away, then kissed me. He began to deepen the kiss and licked my bottom lip. I slightly opened my mouth. Oscar and I made out, but then he began to trail kisses down my neck.

~~~~~~~~SLIGHT SMUT~~~~~~~~

"If she's done, I'm gonna put her back in her crib. So, hopefully, we can finish what we started." He said, with a wink. What am I going to do with him. I handed Jade over to him. "Don't take to long." I returned the wink and bit my lip. He definitely didn't take long. I believe that's the fastest I've ever seen him walk. As soon as he came back, he laid me down on the couch and crawled on top of me. He began kissing and sucking on my neck. I'll definitely have to cover those up, if I go out somewhere. He then, pulled my shirt off, and took his off as well. Oscar brought his face back down to mine and started making out with me again.

"Oh my fucking god. You're too perfect baby. Do you wanna take this to the bed?" Oscar said, as he palmed himself through his pants. "I thought you'd never ask, baby." He then carried me off to the bedroom.

~~~OK, YA'LL GOOD (for now😏)~~

"Holy shit. Fuck, that felt amazing." I said, still trying to catch my breath. "Agreed. God damn, no wonder you're fucking model." I couldn't help but laugh at his statement. It's fun being a model, but it can be quite hard. Not only am I a young model, but I'm also a nursing student. "Is that the only good thing about me?" I tried to act offended, but failed, not being able to hold back the laughter. "You know that isn't true, baby. There's too many amazing things about you. So many, I couldn't even name them all." I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Oscar, to be cheesy as fuck. "Suuuuure. Hey, I'm gonna take a shower really quick. I'll be out in about 20 minutes." I pecked him on the cheek, before going into the bathroom.

The hot water felt amazing. It's great getting to relax. I haven't been able to, due to having Jade and worrying over Alexis. I feel bad for Oscar though. He hasn't been able to relax either. He seems the most stressed out of all of us. As I ejoyed my hot shower, I suddenly heard Oscar yell. "Jade! Jane! I think I heard something in Jade's room!" As soon as I heard him scream Jade's name, I felt panic shoot through my whole body. I shut off the shower, wrapped a towel around myself, and quickly ran to Jade's room.

"Oscar! What happened?" I ran to him and checked to see if Jade was ok. She had a big knot on the side of her head. "I- I don't know. I just heard a noise. Then, I ran down here and she was on the floor screaming. What the hell! I put the gate up so she didn't get out." What the actual fuck. How the fuck did she just end up on the floor? "Hey, hey, hey. Look, it's all ok. She can sleep with us in our bed tonight. Ok? Everything is going to be ok." He simply nodded and wiped his tears away with his free hand. "I just don't see how this happened." Oscar cradled the small girl in his arms. It was as is if he was afraid to let go of her. I don't blame him though.

It was about bedtime now. Oscar had just gotten changed and laid Jade on the bed beside me. "Hey, baby. Is your head feeling better? Are you feeling OK now?" She just gave me a sweet smile. That smile that looked just like her father's. She reminded me so much of him. I loved it. I wouldn't trade moments like these for anything. "Jane, I love you so damn much. I'm so lucky to have you." Oscar laid down on the bed, facing me, as he said this. "I'm lucky to have you too baby. I know times are tough right now. I'll always be there for you.

Until death do us part."

I wonder what happened to Jade? Did she fall out? Did Oscar actually forget to put the gate up? Or was she pushed out?

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