
The Corrupted Summon

A kingdom is in ruins. At their most desperate hour, they attempt to summon a hero, but things don’t go as planned. The survivors set their sights on hunting it down and making this escaped summon their weapon. However, as shadows stir and demons rise, the being they have unleashed upon this world is learning. Learning of this world, and being exposed to it. The corrupted summon is growing stronger. It’s time for ruination.

Abyssal_Aurora · Fantasy
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7 Chs

What a World I

[Status Info]

[Name: None]

[Race: Kitsune (Demi-Human)]

[Age: 10]

[Class: None]

[Level: 6] [XP until Level-Up: 538]

[Status: Confused, Nervous]

[Affliction Status: Weakened, Feeble, Fatigued]

[Titles: Summon, Forged Soul, Child of Shadow]

[Affinities: Darkness]


[Passive: Night Vision]

[Active: Self-Analysis, Simple Body Modification]


[HP: 2239/3125]

[STA: 98/750 (-150 MAX) [600 MAX]]

[MP: 400/400]

[SP: 220]

[ATK: 1250 (-125) [1125]]

[DEF: 625]


[Status Effects: +20% STA USE]

[Equipment Effects: None]

[Level Effects]

[+375 HP, +75 STA, +40 MP, +4 SP per level]

[ATK=40%HP, DEF=20%HP]

[Class Effects: None]

[Phys Stats=Hx2.5]

[Mag Stats=Hx4]

Psarea put his hand to his face as if thinking. "This is…worrying, my child." He seemed to glance around warily. I looked up at him in confusion.

Around us, the beings that had come over to see my status were getting agitated.

"That thing has the Darkness affinity?!"

"It's bad enough that it's…eugh…a demi-human…but it has THAT, too?"

"Anyone with the Darkness affinity is bad news! Why is such a filthy creature in our town, let alone with the Reverend?!"

Reverend Psarea looked both worried and confused now. "They only care about the affinity? Do they not see her titles?" he pondered under his breath, pulling me a little closer to him.

Something on the status window was odd, however. There was an entry under [Passive Skills] that was…fading in and out?


[Passive: Night Vision, Status Masking]

[Active: Self-Analysis, Simple Body Modification]


[Passive: Night Vision]

[Active: Self-Analysis, Simple Body Modification]


[Passive: Night Vision, Status Masking]

[Active: Self-Analysis, Simple Body Modification]


[Passive: Night Vision]

[Active: Self-Analysis, Simple Body Modification]

There one second and gone the next, yet coming back every time, was something called [Status Masking].

"Interesting," Psarea muttered. He then looked back at the beings around us that had since starting forming a crowd. They all seemed angry.

The situation was getting worse.

"Kill that thing!"

"Execute the wicked demi-human!"

"We cannot allow such a thing to exist in our peaceful village!"

The Reverend took my hand firmly. He whispered, "My child, I have some very important questions to ask, but we must get away from here first. These people are about to form a mob. They may riot and try to harm you soon."

I looked up at him, my eyes begging the question, "Why?" Why would these "people" be so angry about my apparent affinity?

"I know you do not understand. However, this is not the time, nor the place, for questions. We must leave this area quickly!" Still gripping my hand, he started off towards one of the branching paths.

"Hey! They're leaving!"

"The Reverend is leaving with that monster!"

"It'll corrupt the Reverend! We can't let that happen, can we?!"

At this, he moved faster. I didn't have any trouble keeping up, but this situation was starting to scare me. I was starting to feel like I did back in that large stone room, when I awoke to find myself surrounded by those people in weird robes and armor.

The people that I lashed out at, that wounded me.

I felt threatened.

My guide gave me an odd look. "Are you…growling?"

I realized he was right; I hadn't even noticed. My ears had pressed against my head again, and I was indeed making a quiet growling noise. Nervous, I reached for his hand with my free one, not wanting to be separated from him. I didn't care if he held my left hand already. I wanted to stay close to him, and far away from these others. These beings that had formed into an angry crowd and started following us.

My clear desire to stay close and the growing mob seemed to further cement something in his mind. We broke into a run.

"Once we reach the chapel, it should be safe. They would not dare step inside with the intent to cause harm…I believe." He looked worried.

Over a chorus of angry shouts, he announced that he could see our destination. It was a somewhat small building, though larger than most around here. It had colorful see-through parts in some of the stone walls and a steepled roof. There was another large cross above the door.

Just then, something hit me in the back of the head. My startled cry of pain alerted the Reverend and he looked behind us.

"Stones? Have they truly resorted to throwing stones at this poor child? It is not her fault that she is a demi-human, nor that she has that affinity!" he said to himself under his breath as we ran into the chapel.

Once the doors were closed, our pursuers stopped. At last, they relented. Luckily, Reverend Psarea had been right. They wouldn't dare infiltrate the chapel in pursuit of violence.

If any of these descriptions seem odd, it’s because she doesn’t know what those things are. She has no concept of “people” or “humans,” or even “demi-humans.” After all, how much basic knowledge could you possibly have if you just recently came into existence?

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