

In a world were woman dominates over man, it was due to one invention of a so called “ATHENA” a mechanical special suit that embodies the person, giving the person a superhuman strength and abilities. But the suit is mostly used by women due to its unknown compatibility. Men around the world started to experiment called CODEX over the ATHENA suit. But the cost was high, men who was experimented to wear the suit was being left as no more than corpses thus resulting to crisis. Were men had been reduced by half of the world population. Turmoil begun to shrink the world into crisis of men, resulting the CODEX being destroyed and all of their laboratories by the ATHENA organization. But some still continue the experiment underground. Five years had passed after the incident happened, humanity is starting to slowly recover from the crisis. There a mysterious lad name Arishok who holds an unknow technology that is far beyond the understanding of the ATHENA organization, even the CODEX and the ORDER itself don’t know what it is. Being sent to the main school of ATHENA. Where chosen female students and few men are being educated to use the ATHENA suit. Only 12 men around the world can only use the ATHENA, tho some of them was the people that were experimented. But still women had the upper hand for they are far more compatible and versatile to the mechanical suit. In the Academy, Arishok was being hated, despise, loath, detest by what destructive power he holds, due to his power that hurt one of their comrades even the boys abominate him for nearly killing their love ones. But Arishok didn’t care even when they are seeing him as a dangerous person. For there is even more far superior that holds the so called Core an unknown technology that harbors the enemy of the galactic apocalypse of the universal cosmos. ------------------------------------------------------------- the cover is not mine but i got this from the game HALO "PROMETHEUS" GALLERY

Carsomyr · Sci-fi
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25 Chs

“An Inch of a Punch”

"Bruehh…., gahhhh….,bruehhhh" I stand there vomiting within the sewer, "gahhhh… does it had to be this way". Walking through the sewer, "detecting energy" showing some energy string, I can say that something went through this direction. After a while of following the strings of energy to discover a drilled wall, carelessly not knowing who used it to enter the underground base of the Athena. Checking the hole, I notice that it was drilled streching at a distance of 50 meters until I arrive at a hallway covered in steel concrete.

"Engaging tactical mode, x-ray vison enables" sighting the surroundings the walls were x-rayed by my vision, "detecting enemy movement" says the aliened robotic voice. Out of sudden I detect one mechanical robot is flying towards one room. Sighting the robot who seems to be coming towards my direction I waited to see if this is the enemy who barge this base.

It took me a couple of minutes to come face to face with a mechanical robot, it's size was twice bigger than me. "Huh… what do we have here" said April watching me standing waiting for its movement, "is this guy stupid" with a dreadfull smile "well, time to die".

Pointing its gun and firing within point blank range, but the core automatically reacts to the engaging enemy, "maximum armor" my skin gradually changes creating a polygonal pattern all over my body, "boom…!!!" a loud noise was heard. As the smoke clears there I was still standing without an injury to be seen. April was in shock very shock to see what had happened, controlling again the robot shifting to melee attack bringing out a sword. The robot hammers its sword to my shoulder but still cannot penetrate nor scratch my body, "just who the hell is this guy!?".

With a smile I readied myself, "maximum overpower" my eyes change in color blue, stepping my right feet with a powerful force the ground shook cracking the wall and the ground. "maximum armor" armoring myself and my hand to do more intense damage, I then draw my hand to the body of the robot with a distance of 1 inch. Inhaling and exhaling, "grrahhhhhhhh…..!!!!" punching the robot, "BOOMMMM….!!!" A very loud and intense noise followed by a cataclysm can be heard and feel all around the building and the basement but not just that, the walls behind the robot was desolated reaching as far as 100 meters or more. All that's left for the robot was nothing more than disintegrated scrap, April was in shock by what happen, "just what happen?".

Creating an earthquake attracting people within the basement. Finishing the robot in one move I get out from that area returning back to the sewer luckily there were no surveillance camera recording what I did so I resume walking home since I stink like shit. Everywhere I walk people around me cover their nose and distance them self from me, "what a bothersome".

At the basement of Athena where I desolated the robot, Hina, Lara, Kristof with his companions together with some people came to the source of disruption. Shock by what they see picking the disintegrated parts of the AA460, "Just what happen here exactly" said Hina searching the scrap metals, turning around to see if there is a surveillance camera but none could be seen.

*Sigh* Hina commands the people, "I want you all to clean up this mess, fixed this place, I got something to do", "yes madam!". Patting Lara's shoulder good job everyone she then walks away.

To where the hidden base of the CODEX, April was baffled by what happen, holding her chin thinking and thinking on, "what could that person be" she smiled "it might be good to know this man or maybe bring him to our side, right program 11". A blond woman with an age of 24 standing still like a robot looking at the screen.

Authors note: I need a fucking Inspiration

Rumors begun to spread around the campus, gossips are everywhere. At the hospital Rey, Yamato and Gil rush towards their injured friend Kristof. Telling them what happen, "well, it's good that you are alright" said Rey. Doing their manly talking not knowing that the enemy was targeting Rey data suit.

Bathing myself in Kevins house while his daughter Nira preparing food. Removing every rotten smell that I harbors from the sewer. Done bathing I was surprise that Nira had already prepared clothes for me, I smile, "isn't this a rare sight to see". "Big brother food is ready", "ahhhh… what did Kevin put to this girls mind". Phone rings at the corner of the room, so I get up and answer the call, "who's this" I answer, "ahh… Arishok is it you who did the damage at the basement of Athena". "Ahhh… don't know if it's me but I did donate some", "listen someone is tracking me and…". "I got it I keep an eye on her". Without saying another word I put down the phone.

"Who was that big brother", looking at her who look like her mother, "its nothing just some random guy" I said.

While they are repairing the damage, Hina was searching every surveillance camera, with luck she was able to find one at the other side of the wall where I punch the AA460 robot. She can see that the wall was blown off tremendously like it was just nothing, smoke can be seen blocking the view of the camera, but somehow a blue light can be seen shining, since the dust particles are engulfing the room. But the camera was able to pick up a blurred man running out of the desolated area.

It was still midnight that I was awake guarding the house while Nira sleeps. Sitting at the sofa I then remember again the past. After triggering the alarm of the craft, awakening the pilot and attracting the people that are chasing after us. With blurry vision a group of people are now into me, I can still remember their look wearing a suit like armor that of the Athena. But out of sudden they were met with a humanoid man wearing a more advance and powerful equipments. Guns and missile barrage the unknown injured Alien like human, but still it was useless as the humanoid easily disposed them one by one until none of them are left leaving me and him.

With my vison begins to return I see the humanoid, his left arm was cut off and he seems to be in his last breath.