
Chapter 8

Claudia pulled up her hoodie then put on her face mask. Any minute now Beodulf was going to show up and the annual Royal speech be heard by all of New Miami. The Imperial Square was already packed, filled with people talking and chatting amongst themselves. The streets and nearby stores had been closed for the occasion. Camera crews were stationed in almost every corner, though it wasn't really that necessary since everyone present will record the whole thing with their phones anyway. Claudia herself stood by the front of crowd, feets away from the Podium. 

"I don't see that many golden bracelets." Claudia heard Jake say through her ear-piece. Each member taking place in today's' operation wore one with a mic attached to it. "I'm sure if everyone just openly rebelled all at once, the Royals won't be able to stop them." Jake was keeping watch of everything through his computer monitors back at base by hacking every camera in the Square with his ability. He was Spectre's eyes for the operation.

"And how many will get hurt or die in the process Jake?" Claudia asked Jake, pressing the small button that allowed her mic to work. She kept her voice a whisper, worried those around her would overhear. "That's what Spectre aims to do today. What the regular folk can't. Take the risks so that they won't have to." 

"Good luck out there guys." This time is was Maya who spoke. Without an ability, she was better off staying back with Jake.

"I'm sure luck will not be necessary Miss Maya." Klaus said. "There's an angel watching over us today."

"Angel?" Arlong said. "What angel?"

Claudia had a good guess who Klaus was referring to. The Royal, Lady. If Klaus knew about Spectre was about to do today, then so did she, and the fact that she'd done nothing to alert the Royals meant she was one Spectre's side. That was good to know. To have a true ally on the inside.

"Enough talking." Hendrick's voice cut in. "Stay focused. Beodulf's here."

Claudia looked up in time to see the Mayor of New Miami emerged from Imperium, dressed in typical Royal fashion. A black tuxedo. He was followed by two Royal Guards which Claudia assumed had to be Elites, as was customary during a Royal speech. 

One of the guard said something to Beodulf before the Mayor started his walk toward the Podium. He addressed the crowd before him as king addressed their subjects.

Beodulf Herdandez was a supercilious man, though in his case he could very well be. He certainly looked intimidating enough. Respected by the Royals and feared by the the rest. Still, when he rose his hand, like a conductor ending a performance, the crowd went silent.

Claudia could feel the anticipation in the air, though she assume this was mostly because in a few moments Spectre was going to launch a open attack on the Royals. Something that, though had been done in the past, would always result in failure. 

Not this time. 


From the rooftop of the building he was currently standing on, Johnathan had a good view of Imperial Square though he had to use Aura to enhance his sight. He saw Beodulf standing on the Podium, arms raised, the crowd quiet. 

Beodulf started his speech with the usual praise to the Lord Ruler and His Royal Hierarchy system. This was followed by a report of all the good the Royals had done for the city, and much like every year, that this one was going to bring about lasting change to New Miami. To bring about a better life for everyone. Royals and Commoners.

Johnathan full attention wasn't on the Mayor. Something else had grabbed his attention. Three people in particular, among the crowd who stood out from the rest. They all wore the same exact clothing; a white hoodie with a white mask to cover their face. And upon closer examination, Jonathan also noticed the words written on in the front of their hoodies in large bold letter, almost as if they wanted everyone to know who they were. He had heard Wren mentioned something about them yesterday.

"Spectre..." He thought out loud. "They're here." He looked over at Wren, who stood beside him on the rooftop watching the event below. Elek was there too, having fully recovered from the beating he took from that copycat guy he fought the other night. "Why do you suppose they're here for? And why make it so obvious?"

"John," Wren turned to him, like one would when about to tell a friend something serious. "Beodulf's speech is going to be interrupted any moment now. I'm going to need you to do me a favor and do not intervene. Just observe."

"What?!" Did Johnathan just heard right? "Wren, what are you talking about? Do you know what they're planning?"

"Jill," Wren turned to the blonde woman who had joined them a few minutes ago, ignoring Johnathan's question. She was the same Commoner that Wren talked to a week back at Imperium. "Be ready to spot him once he uses his ability." He told her.

"You think he'll show?" The woman, Jill, said. She had been searching the crowd for something or someone, and without the natural enhancements provided by Aura, she needed to use binoculars.

Wren nodded to her. "He will show."

Johnathan's confusion was plain, and with good reason. He turned to his friend. "What's going on Wren? What's about to happen?" First; Wren had introduced this woman, a Commoner, as a friend. That alone was suspicious enough. Then, Wren had just implied he was planning something with Spectre. 

And why was he allowing Johnathan to hear all of this? 

If Jonathan's questions were accurate, then Wren's actions were undoubtedly considered betrayal. Punishment for such treachery was removal of abilities by the decree of the Lord Ruler himself.

Wren turned back to Jonathan, noticing worry forming in his face. He sighed. "Things are moving too fast and you're being too slow, John. Lady wanted to wait until you're one of us before telling you everything, but your stubbornness is becoming a hindrance. Today you will have to make a choice. Become Lady's Royal Knight, or report me- us" He motioned toward Elek. "to the High Royals."

Jonathan didn't know what to say. His usual response to that request didn't feel appropriate here, so he said nothing. He simply turned his gaze towards the Square. What was Spectre planning?


Beodulf continued his speech... 

"...The Lord Ruler wants everyone to have an ability. To be a Royal. And to this end he has started building a new District outside the dome. Eden. A temporary home for the families who wish to raise a child with the opportunity of awakening. They will be granted a house for fourteen years, rent free. Schools, playgrounds, and parks amongst other recreational buildings will be constructed to create a safe and healthy environment. We're aware that upon leaving the dome abilities will be lost, but we are working on a solution that could work for the benefit of all..."

How admirable, Claudia thought. He's making it sound like the Lord Ruler actually cares about his people. Like he actually wants equality. Bullshit.

Beodulf continued. "Construction of the District has already started two months ago and once it is fully completed we will be accepting request from families who wish for their children a bright future amongst the Royals..."

Claudia scoffed. So that's what it's about. It didn't matter how one tries, making everyone a Royal is impossible unless the Hierarchy System itself is removed. Claudia doubted the Royals would get rid of a system that benefit them the most.

"Everyone ready?" Hendrick voice rang in Claudia's ear-piece. "We all know what we need to do. We all have our roles. On my signal..."

Claudia braced herself.

Hendrick gave the signal and a flare was fired from the middle of the crowd, like a tiny comet rising into the sky. 

This was immediately followed by a laser beam fired directly at Beodulf. The lazer was Mario's ability, aimed to incapacitate the target before the fighting begins. It had missed. One of Beodulf's Royal Guards reacted with perfect reflexes, pulling the Mayor away from the blast right before it reached him.

Chaos ensued. Screams and motion filled Imperial Square. Everyone ran in every direction, some stumbling, others barraling against another. Even the Royals who wanted no part of what they knew what was about to happen, ran away. 

Claudia looked up at Imperium, staying in place as the chaos around her continued. The Lord Ruler was no doubt watching everything from up there. Good. Let him see what Spectre's capable of. Today they were going to show him that he wasn't unreachable. That Spectre was a threat to be reckoned with. 

She brought her attention down on Beodulf. The Mayor stood calmly on the Podium, smiling. Was he expecting this? Or did he hoped for it? It didn't matter. Claudia just wanted that smug removed from the man's ugly face.


Jonathan stood speechless, watching the chaos spread below. People ran from the Square to either find a safe spot to hide, or to get as far away as possible. Johnathan was glad for INC's luck in having found a spot safe enough in case an all out fight broke out, yet close enough to the Square to record it all. 

No, he realized a second after. It wasn't luck. It was Wren who had recommended that spot. 

Minutes later, after everyone who did not want to be part of a fight between Spectre and the Royals were hidden or far enough to avoid danger. Only about twenty people remained in the Square now, defiantly facing Beodulf and his two Royal Guards. They all wore the same Spectre hoodie Johnathan had seen earlier. The perfect method to hide not only their identities, but confuse their enemies. They stood motionless waiting or making sure that no bystanders remained.

"He has to be hiding?" Jill said, scanning the area with her binoculars. "Wren, you said he hasn't made contact with Spectre since that night right?"

"Just keep your eyes peeled." Wren told her. "Elek and I will do the same." 

Jonathan wanted to ask who they were referring to, but whoever it was, was probably going to be making a dramatic entrance later. The only people currently out in the Square were Spectre members, Beodulf and his Royal Guards, with three more coming out of Imperium.


"Seems we still have the numbers advantage." Narika said, her voice coming from Claudia's earpiece. "Lucky us."

"They're all Elites." Jake warned. "Don't underestimate them."

"Spectre," Beodulf's voice resonated across the Square from the two large speakers on the Podium. It sounded much louder now that the Square was empty. "You finally decided to come out of the shadows and play with fire ." He raised both hands into the sky, his smile deepening. "Are you all ready to get burn!"

As he said that, a massive fireball the size of a house formed above the Square. 

So this is the power of a Royal Knight, Claudia thought, the hairs in the back of her neck lifting. The heat emitting from that fire was like a scorching sun. How are we suppose to deal with that? It was too close to run away from and too big to stop it with sheer force.

"Sera can you deal with that?" Hendrick said. Sera's ability was Water Manipulation. It could work.

"I- I don't know if I can..." Her voice was shaking. Reasonably so. Even though they all knew Beodulf was amongst the strongest Royal, actually seeing the man in action was a whole different story. That and his ability was terrifying. Sera added; "My level of Aura won't be enough to quell it."

"Guy, what do we do?" Arlong said. "Any more ideas?"

Too late. Beodulf brought his hands down and the massive fireball descended. It was possible to survive it, but the amount of Aura required to do do was surely to leave Claudia and the rest depleted and exhausted. They won't be able to fight back afterwards. This is ridiculous. If this was the power of a Royal Knight, what was the Lord Ruler's ability like?

Claudia heard Hendrick curse, then felt her body suddenly yanked backwards by an invisible force, away from the center of the hit radius. "NO! Wait-"



The explosion was unlike anything Johnathan has seen, and he's seen Wren fight many times. Wren's ability never came close to producing an explosion of this size. Large enough to level a house. There's no way Spectre would be able to survive that, and even if they did, their Auras would be depleted. Whatever they intended to do, they failed-

"And our hero arrives." Wren said.

After the smoke settled, all members of Spectre remained unscathed, protected by an large golden barrier. Johnathan recognized that ability. The Guardian of High Tier's.

"Spotted him." Jill pointed towards a alley. There was a man with black hair hiding behind some vehicles.

Wren turned to Elek and nodded to the man. "Take her down." 

Elek nodded then grabbed Jill by her waist. "Lead the way blondie." He waited until Jill said "Let's go." before stepping off the edge.

Jonathan had so many questions, but put them all aside for the time being. Things were about to get interesting.

Down on the Square, though the Guardian's barrier had managed to withstand Beodulf attack, it had cracked like glass. It wont whistand another.


Claudia could guess why Hendrick had tried to safe her, and no doubt Arlong too, but she was glad that it had been an unnecessary gesture. She also wasn't expecting the Guardian to show, but was also very glad he did.

"This your angel Klaus?" Narika said, sighing in relief like everyone else.

"No, but boy am I glad for this Guardian angel." 

Hendrick wasted no time in giving the command. "Claudia go! Before he conjures another." 

Claudia nodded then dashed for the Podium. Beodulf looked just as surprised as the rest of them, though it didn't last long. His composure returned. She heard his laugh's through the speaker. "You must be the leader. Come on then, luck doesn't work twice." He raised his hands into the air again, attempting to conjure another fireball, but Claudia reacted faster. She used her own ability to trap him in a time stasis, like one would pause a character in a film. She immediately felt her Aura drain. Keeping a normal person in a time stasos already required a good amount of Aura. But Beodulf was not normal, so she was forced to use more than she'd like to maintain the effect. "How long can you hold him for?" She heard Hendrick say through her ear-piece.

"Five minutes, maybe." Claudia felt the strength of Beodulf's Aura push against hers, attempting to break free. "Arlong, hurry!"

"On it." Arlong was the only one able to get close enough to the Mayor undetected and inject him with the dampening sirum.

When realizing what Claudia had done to their Mayor, the Royal Guards rushed her. All except for one, who remained behind, calmly watching.

Hendrick's next command was loud and clear. "Protect Claudia!"

The members of Spectre all rushed to stand in front of her and intercept the Royal Guards. Claudia couldn't tell who was a Gavin clone and who wasn't. I suppose it doesn't matter, she thought. So long as they keep the Royal Guards away from me. It was now up to Arlong to do his job.

The fight between the Royal Guards and Spectre started in full. The Guards trying to attack Claudia, while Spectre tried to defend her. Sara used her ability to burst the street water pump commanding large amounts of water. With the potency of a water cleaner, she shoot a Guard with a turrent of water. The Royal Guard used his ability to raise a pillar from the earth and shield himself.

To Claudia's right, several independent fights took place. Spectre and Royal Guards locked in hand to hand combat, punching and kicking each other with trained martial arts. One Royal Guard in particular, transformed into a hulking rock golem, fought two Spectre members, smashing and breaking the ground beneath him.

To her left, Hendrick, and she knew it was Hendrick because of the ability being used, fought fiercely against a Royal Guard who matched his skills in arms combat. Hendrick used his ability to tether two cars from opposite positions. The vehicles, pulled together like two magnets, flew directly toward the Royal Guard.


The Royal Guard was squashed between them. 

Claudia trusted in her friends and focused on maintaining her time stasis on Beodulf. Hold on. Why has the Royal Guard next to him not joined the fight yet? Why hasn't he at least attempted to attack her? With Spectre busy with their fights, he would probably succeed in forcing her to release Beodulf. 

"Arlong, how close?" Claudia said. Arlong's ability was true invisibility, and as far as she was aware, the only person able to detect him was her brother William.

"I, ugh. I'm actually standing next to him." Arlong said.

Claudia couldn't tell. No one could. "Then what are you waiting for? Inject him!" She noticed the Royal Guard suddenly reach out with one hand, grabbing the air. No. Not the air. 

Arlong's ability deactivated and he reappeared, arm held firmly by the Royal Guard. How? The Guard had been looking at Claudia the whole time. He shouldn't have seen Arlong. No no no no. Claudia released Beodulf, redirecting her power unto herself. By doing so, she had increased her own time, much like fastforwarding herself through time. It had the same effect as slowing down time for everyone else but herself. This meant she was now moving faster than a bullet. 

She dashed toward the Podium with the intent to force the Royal Guard to release Arlong.

The Royal Guard reacted immediately, as if seeing the attack coming, and released Arlong. He took a casual step back right before Claudia's punch reached him. Claudia wasn't about to wonder how he had managed that dodge and continued her assault. She turned and threw another punch, to which the Royal Guard dodged with ease, a smile forming in his face. "You must be the Time Witch." He said, dodging yet another quick punch. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Shut up!" Claudia increased her speed further by using more of her Aura to move faster in time. She was now as fast, if not faster, than sound itself. Her movement no doubt a blur to anyone watching her. She kicked Beodulf first, sending the man flying backwards and hoping Arlong would take the hint and go after him. She followed the the kick with three lightning quick punches. Again, the Royal Guard reacted perfectly, dodging with incredible ease. 

Something was off. His speed hadn't increase. It was as if he moved way before Claudia's fist made for a hit.

"You can be faster than light itself girl and you still wont be able to lay a finger on me." He reached for Claudia's neck immediately after side-stepped another of her punches. She was still in shock and wasn't able react fast enough before his hand grabbed. "Now, lets talk a little. I want to know what you intended to do today." 

Claudia had fought many Royal Elites as Time Witch and none had been able to fully avoid her combos in their entirety while enhanced by her ability to this extent. Who was this man? She struggle to free herself from his grasp, but his strength was insane. "W- who are you?"

"Your worst enemy."

She tried to kick and punch him in a desperate attempt to try something, anything. But as expected, he blocked every blow. She had to- She reached a shaking hand toward her ear-piece. "Jake... help m-"

"Everyone!" Jake yelled back. "Claudia's in trouble! Heimdal has her."


The Royal Repair Company was going to have their work cut out for them. The Imperial Square, once a beautiful place to hangout at, was now filled with cracks and holes. And the damage to it continued to accumulate as the fighting dragged on.

The longer Johnathan watched to more he started to recognize some of Spectre members as the superheroes he'd seen on videos sent to him by the people. He recognized the abilities they used. X-Laser, who was currently firing Aura beams repeatedly at a Royal Guard. There was also Mermaid, using her water ability as a high pressure water cannon to shoot at her enemies. 

And finally, Army Of One. Or at least his clones, which explained why some of Spectres' members disappeared in a puff of smoke after being defeated. A clever trick.

Johnathan looked over at the Podium just in time to see a Spectre member charge Beodulf, moving fast enough to make it impossible for any Commoner to track, and very difficult for Aura enhanced sight to keep up with their movements. Based on the fact that a few minutes ago Beodulf had been standing motionless like a statue, Johnathan guess it was Time Witch. She had kicked the Mayor, and now fought the Royal Guard who so far had just been standing beside the Podium, watching. Jonathan could've swore he'd seen that Guard somewhere. His face looked familiar...

"That Royal Guard is Heimdal." Wren said, as if reading Johnathan's mind. Wren had also been keeping an eye on the fights and was now looking towards the Podium.

Heimdal? Johnathan had only seen the man once or twice before, but mostly it had been through pictures and videos. If that Royal Guard was really THE Heimdal, then whatever Spectre's goal was for this public attack on the Royals, was doomed for failure. Heimdal was the strongest. Being one of four Royal Knight under the direct command of the Lord Ruler, along with Beodulf, Heimdal was undefeated in battle and never once was seen using his ability to claim his victory. In fact, Heimdal's ability wasn't even recorded in the Imperial Records. Johnathan wondered if today was the day of its debut.


Heimdal? Claudia thought, after having heard Jake mention the Guard's name. The undefeated Royal. That explained why he was able to keep up with her speed. Still, what was he doing here? Never has a Royal Knight been present during any of Beodulf's speech in the past. Why today?

Heimdal wasn't even looking when he snatched a small dagger inches from sinking into his skull. 

How was he doing that? Claudia still couldn't believe it. He wasn't even looking towards the dagger when he caught it. His reflexes weren't just good, they were too good. Too perfect. Heimdal kept his gaze on Claudia, smiling, as he deflected two more daggers with the one he held. "Watch closely." He said, then let go of Claudia just in time to block Hendrick's punch, spin, and caunter with a kick. All in on smooth motion.

It was as if Heimdal could see attacks coming beforehand. Like he could somehow predict them. Then Claudia realized it. "He can predict future." She said that into her mic so everyone could hear. "Heimdal is somehow able to see our attacks coming." She stood up, watching Henrick and another Spectre member team up against Heimdal, two on one. Not a single blow came even close to touching the Royal Knight. If she wanted confirmation of her hypothesis, she was getting it by by watching Heimdal dodge and block blows that came from every direction, even from behind where he couldn't possible see it coming. It was no wonder he was untouchable.

But will he be able to see my ability coming? Claudia waited until she was sure Heimdal was fully distracted, then used her time stasis power. Heimdal froze in place, looking confused. Holy shit, it worked.

Then came the struggle. If holding Beodulf in her time stasis felt like lifting a house, holding Heimdal felt like lifting a building. The potency of his Aura was insane. Still is had worked, we-

The temperature suddenly dropped. Claudia felt the its heat. Oh no. She looked up at the sky to see a large fireball forming above them. Beodulf smiled from where he landed, after being kicked. What the hell is Arlong doing? Damn it all.

 Claudia watched helplessly as the fireball grew even bigger than the last. It wouldn't surprise her one bit if Beodulf intended to burn his own Royal Guards just to eliminate Spectre. The man was a psychopath.


"This is ridiculous!" Johnathan said, watching Beodulf's fireball form. "He intends to hit Royals too! The man's insane."

"And I doubt that the Guardian's barrier will work a second time." Wren said, though he his tone remained calm. 

"Why are you so calm?" Johnathan asked him.

Wren smiled. "Watch closely John, for you are about to see the manifestation of Lady's influence."

"She's here?"


We lost. Claudia's Aura was nearly exhausted. She had tried to create another time stasis and trap Beodulf, but she wasn't strong enough. In mere second it would become impossible to hold Heimdal, the man will be free and unstoppable. Everyone has already used most of their Aura during the fighting so once Beodulf's fireball drops they might not even survive the explosion. People were going to die. This is madness.

The fireball dropped.

Then Claudia felt it. A sudden, massive surge of power. Her Aura swelled, like a cup being filled with water by a waterfall. Her strength returned tenfold, the limits of her abilities increased. Maintaining Heimdal's stasis active suddenly became as easy as lifting a grain of sand. She also felt renewed, like one would feel after waking up from a comfortable nap.

Without thinking about it, she shot one hand out towards the fireball and to her surprise, she was able to stop its descend by freezing it in time, even though it was big enough to engulf the entire Square on fire.

Whatever was happening to Claudia, wasn't just happening to her.

A large amount of water, enough to fill up a pool or two, erupted from beneath the sewers under the streets around the Square. It seems Sara's ability had also been amplified. The water rose, engulfing the fireball completely, like pouring water to extinguishing a candle's flame. The fireball puffed into mist, which then turned to something akin to a rain cloud. 

 Everyone froze, ceasing the fighting, and looked around in confusion and puzzlement while rain fell around them. Then Klaus' voice rang in Claudia's ear-piece. "There's the angel I meant. We best take advantage and finish what we started boss lady. Arlong, you should be able to cloak everyone with your invisibility now, right?"

"I... Yes."

"Then do it, quickly." Claudia ordered. "But first, inject Beodulf. Hendrick, Mario, and Narika, you will help take him to base. Everyone else run and make sure no one follows." After giving her orders, she looked towards the Mayor, who looked just as - if not more - confused than Claudia about what had just happened. She caught him in a time stasis with almost no resistance. Holding both Beodulf and Heimdal in place felt like a breeze, so she tested her new limits by also traping the rest of the Royal Guards. Though she did began to finally feel the strain on her Aura then, it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. 

Was this Lady's ability?


What... what just happened? Johnathan barely started to comprehend when suddenly Spectre members started vanishing into thin air. One by one, they began to disappear as if popping out of existence, the Royal Guards unable to act. Whatever had happened, it had somehow made Time Witch's ability stronger. Much stronger. Able to freeze all the Royals with her time stasis.

She was also the last one to vanish.

It took Johnathan a moment to notice that Beodulf was nowhere to be found. So that was Spectre's aim, he realized, to kidnap the Mayor. A bold move indeed, and with its success, Spectre had done the impossible by taking hostage one of the most powerful Royals in New Miami right from under the Lord Ruler's nose.


William had been at the edge of his seat, watching the news on his T.V. live from his apartment. Like he had expected, the Mayor's annual speech had been interrupted by a sudden attack by a group known as Spectre. The aim was the capturing of Beodulf Hernandez. There had been a couple of moments where William considered helping his sister, but it seems he really wasn't needed. By the end she had done it. They had done it. Spectre had succeeded.

Phase One of Operation Overthrow was a success.