
Chapter 6

With Operation Overthrow only days away, Spectre needed one more preparation to make. Call upon all the known superheroes working for the organization and request their aid. Capturing Beodulf was going to require fighting Royal Elites and for that Spectre needed every Ability-User they could gather.

For this purpose, Claudia divided her team into three groups covering every district in New Miami. Claudia herself teamed up with Klaus and was currently driving toward Garden. Klaus was currently on the driver seat reading over the files containing information on the superhero they were about to meet. Gavin Drea, known as Army Of One, with an ability to conjure clones of himself.

"You know," Klaus said, without looking up from the pages. "I know why you chose me to come with you."

"Good. Saves us both a little time." Claudia had avoided having conversation with him until now and up until now the silence had been tense. She made a turn in the highway, passing a sign that read: Welcome to Garden District. The districts' name fit perfectly with its forest themed environment. Trees grew almost everywhere here. Near houses, streets, roads, and parks. Rows upon rows of trees lined the road they drove on giving it a sense of tranquility. Rumors were that someone with a nature-type ability grew most of those trees.

Garden also happened to be the place tourists in New Miami visited most, followed closely by High District.

Klaus turned to look at Claudia. "But if you already talked with Lady, then you already know what I'm going to say. Still, I suppose I do owe you an apology as well as an explanation." He put the folder he'd been holding, down. "So... Where do I start?"

Claudia let it all out, all the frustration that's been building since she learned of Klaus true identity. "I don't know Klaus, how about you start with how you've been a spy this whole time. How you've fooled us all and broke our trust. How you've lied about having an ability that could've been useful on past missions. How you've got Zale captured on purpose and nearly got me and my brother killed afterwards."

"Hey now, that last one was not true. At least not the nearly getting you killed part. Wren and Elek's were ordered not to use force unless absolutely necessary. I personally told them not to harm either of you." Klaus paused for a moment. "Did not expect your brother to wipe the floor with Elek though, and if not for your intervention, Wren would've been hospitalized too."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better about your betrayal?"

"I did not betray you, Claudia. I am on Lady's side and she's on yours. We all want the same thing." 

Claudia looked him over. He sounded genuine enough. "If you say so. Tell me. Lady... Who is she? What's her real name?"

"You know I can't tell you that. Besides, you'll know everything about her soon enough once you meet. I know she'll answer every question she's able to."

"Able to? What does that mean?"

"Like I said-"

Claudia interrupted. "She'll answer all my questions once we meet. I got it."

They continued in silence for a while longer after that, and though Claudia still had her doubts about Klaus, she at least had to accept the fact that he was needed for the operation. At least he wont be playing a major role in Phase One. 

As she drove, Claudia couldn't help but admire her surroundings, like she does every time she passes through the district. Garden wasn't the biggest district - that was High Tier - nor was is the smallest - that was Lowtown - but is was the most beautiful in terms of scenery. Pink petals fell from trees aligning on the streets, giving the roads a surreal charm. Garden's residents enjoyed their free days handing outside under their shade. Kids played with their pets and parents watched, conversing amongst themselves. On occasion the common scene of a Royal being an asshole and hitting someone would stain the beautiful scenery, but such scenes wasn't as prevalent as in the other districts. 

Claudia's hand tighten on the steering wheel after noticing a particular Royal using his ability to bully a group of teens playing basketball. One of the teens was crying while the Royal laughed.

"To end that." Klaus said, as they drove past. "That's what Lady want. What I- what we all want. We're all on the same side boss lady. We'll bring an end to the Lord Ruler's reign and dismantle Royal authority."

Claudia couldn't deny it. Aside from the recent revelation, Klaus was still the same man she had hired five months ago. This made her believe that perhaps Lady could be trusted if one of her top underlings had such ambitions.


They arrived at Gavin's home in the afternoon. 

"Nice house." Klaus said. 

Claudia nodded. Gavin's home was indeed nice. Located in a neighborhood where the houses all had their own front and back yards, most of which contained large trees which provided ample shade. Gavin's house could easily be mistaken for a Royal's and with a wife working for the Royals, that wasn't far off.

Claudia and Klaus approached the front door and knocked twice. They made sure their clothing looked casual so as to not raise gossip among the neighbors. In a city where snitching can you get rewarded by the Royals, discreteness was neccessary. The narrative they went with was simple. They were just friends visiting another friend. 

"Oh, hello." Gavin greeted them, recognizing Claudia immediatly and understanding the purpose of the visit. He looked outside for any onlooker before waving them inside. "Come in, come in." He led them to his living room, which was almost as big as William's appartment. "Make yourselves comfortable. I'll join you in a moment. Going to tell the wife to watch the kid."

Claudia and Klaus did as told, sitting on a sofa facing a flat screen TV on the opposite wall. While they waited, Claudia looked around the room. Expensive looking vases and portaits decorated the place neatly. The table in the middle was even made of glass, and much like the rest of the room, it looked like it was cleaned daily.

"Didn't you mention him having a son with an ability?" Klaus said, reading over the man's files again. He had the folder opened between his hands.

"I did. He does."

"How's he keeping that secret from his wife?" Klaus said.

Claudia shrugged. "Don't know. Perhaps she knows. It's really not our business, Klaus."

Gavin returned a few minutes later hold three cups of coffee. "Sorry about that." He handed a cup to each, which they thanked him for. Gavin took a seat on the recliner chair opposite them and exchanged pleasantries while they enjoyed their drinks.  Gavin was an older fellow with graying hair and an air of experience. And unlike the other Superheroes Claudia had met, Gavin was the only family man with a lot to lose, which had her question why he chose to oppose the Royals in the first place. The answer he had given then had also earned Claudia's respect. 

"So, I take it I'm needed." Gavin said, after finishing his drink and setting the cup down.

Claudia took the folder from Klaus and placed it on Gavin's hands. "It contains all the details of Operation Overthrow and your role in it." She explained. "Phase One of the operation starts in three days." 

"The Mayor's annual speech day?" Gavin skimmed over the the pages. "Ah, so Spectre means to kidnap the man. Bold move."

"And your ability will be key to our successs." Claudia said. "It will serve as both a  disguise and a distraction."

"I don't see how my ability will make a difference based on what I've read here so far. You mean to fool the Royals about our numbers, but I can only clone myself."

"Can you clone yourself wearing any clothes?" Klaus said.

Gavin nodded.

"Then that's what you'll do." Claudia instructed him to flip to a certain page containing a picture of a white hoodie with Spectre's name in front and white mask for the face. "Everyone in Spectre will be wearing that and should look the same." 

"I see see..." Gavin rubbed his chin. "I suppose that could work. Yes."

"We'll be meeting at Spectre's base in High Tier."Claudia told him. "Hendric will send you the address."

Gavin nodded again, understanding, then asked; "Will I be fighting?"

"No." Claudia knew that abilities were automatically turned off the moment the user loses consciousness. "But you can have your clones do so if you wish, as long as you dont make it too obvious. We need you to maintain them for as long as possible until we have Beodulf in our grasp."

Gavin looked at her, eyes serious. "You do realize that wether you succeed or fail, Spectre will become public enemy number one? There'll be no going back to the shadows after this."

"We are aware of the consequences Mr. Drea. Can we count on you to play your part?" Claudia said, though she knew what Gavin was trying to say. Operation Overthrow was an all or nothing plan. Failing meant the end of Spectre, meanwhile the success of Phase One meant that the organization will become top news for weeks to come, making it an open target for High Tiers Royals.

Gavin smiled and nodded. "Of course you can, Ms. Luz. You'll have my ability. I'll be at High Tier the day before the speech, you have my word."

Claudia thanked the older man and after sharing another drink, she and Klaus left the house.

"Where to now, boss lady?" 

"We're going back to base and wait." Claudia looked toward Imperium, the towering building was visible even this far from High Tier. "Its time for Spectre to make its move against the Royals."