
Gobe Country's Secret Advisors Part 2

The king wore a red robe that had dragons and other patterns woven into it with golden thread and it seemed to be made of beast skin, along with the rest of his clothes. They also seemed to be inscribed with runes that would protect him and had other functions as he left the royal courtroom and headed towards his private courters.

The existence of the advisors was secret and they were the most knowledgeable and powerful group that run the country from behind the scenes, using the king as a puppet to hold the throne and take the role of king.

The royal palace was enormous and had many different routes and areas, which included a secret underground area that was only known and accessible by the king and the advisors.

After reaching the royal quarters, there was a massive bedroom that belonged to him and his wife, who became the queen after he became the king. However, just because she was his wife, it didn't mean that he was faithful to her.