
No Such Fetish (10)

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Young Master?

Had Shi Che returned home?

Ling Chuxia opened her eyes slightly, they could not conceal her amazement. She could not help peer at the doorway.

Since they moved out of the family home after their wedding three years ago, Shi Che would rarely visit the family home, except on special occasions. His infrequent visits were the triggered Mrs. Shi's displeasure and grumbles.

What had brought him to return today? Ling Chuxia was bewildered and puzzled by his unexpected visit.

Ling Chuxia raised her eyes and stared into Shi Che's eyes directly. The tall and stout man, standing at the door, donned a fitted and tailored suit. He was an extremely handsome man, with his attractive long legs.

However, his pair of dark brown eyes roamed around plainly. One could feel the intense tension piercing through those eyes. Ling Chuxia could not help but recollect how infuriated he had looked when he left in a huff last night. She shuddered uncontrollably as she lowered her eyelids.

Shi Che saw that Ling Chuxia cowered under his stare, she was like a terrified rabbit and moved her eyes away. He took it as her unwillingness to look at him at all. His eyes dimmed at such a thought, as his body emanated the coldness he had felt.

When Mrs. Shi saw her son, she was transformed. She discarded her reservations and stood up to move towards Shi Che.

"Che, you're back."

"Yes, mother. I'm home."

Shi Che stepped forward and offered his arms, he gave Mrs. Shi a bear hug as he spoke warmly and gently.

In front of everyone, Mrs. Shi had always presented her majestic and stern image as the head lady-in-charge. However, in front of her own son, she was a loving and doting mother.

After the embrace, Shi Che directed Mrs. Shi to walk towards the sofa. Mrs. Shi held onto Shi Che's hand as she sat down. Coincidentally, Shi Che sat directly opposite Ling Chuxia. Reluctantly, she raised her head and glimpsed at Shi Che, before she greeted him, "Young Master."

Shi Che nodded at her without any expression.

Mrs. Shi had not seen her son for almost half a year. Now she naturally wished to take a good look at him. She scrutinized him thoroughly and lamented, "Che, you've lost weight. Are you exhausted lately?"

Ling Chuxia was able to sense the pressure contained in Mrs. Shi's light words. She felt like she had been sitting on thorns and meekly offered, "Sorry Mrs. Shi, it's my fault for not taking good care of the Young Master."

Mrs. Shi looked at her coldly, which made Ling Chuxia lower her head. Her hands twisted together involuntarily.

Mrs. Shi paused and rebuked, "Che, I've highlighted that living outside is incomparable to living at home. Yet you'd insisted on moving out. How about you and Xia move back home. I can see you daily and take better care of you."

Shi Che was expressionless as he sat quietly. The sun's rays were penetrating from the windows and were hitting on one side of his face. There was an air of aloofness in him.